article 3 months old

FNArena Is Back In Action

FYI | Jan 15 2018

Welcome to 2018.

The team here at FNArena has enjoyed a wonderful break. We hope you did the same. Now it's time to get back to why you are here: reporting on what the major brokers and other respected experts are telling their clients about what should be in store for the year ahead; which strategies should perform best; and which stocks are most likely to outperform.

Service at FNArena will gradually ramp up back to "normal" over the two weeks ahead. By then it is time to zoom in on the February reporting season. Before then, we will launch a major new initiative which we hope will excite our subscribers and readers as much as it does internally. Stay tuned!

As a matter of fact, we have a number of new initiatives and additions to the website in store for the year ahead. But first, let's zoom in on the short term. This morning, before the local share market starts trading, we shall publish the first Australian Broker Call Report in the new calendar year. By the end of the day, all broker reviews and updates released since Christmas will have been updated (not that there are many).

Our calendar will start updating too. First off the block are upcoming ex-dividend dates.

Also, we put together a Special Report "Stories From 2017 To Re-Read In 2018", which can be downloaded (6 & 12 month subs only) from the Special Reports section. The easiest route leads via the drop down menu that starts from Analysis & Data on the black horizontal bar on the website.

The FNArena Daily email resumes tomorrow (Tuesday). Twitter, Facebook, Weekly Insights,… they are all about to be re-activated.

Wishing you all a positive and prosperous year ahead. We intend to provide you with an even better service.

(Yes, we missed you too)

Let's do this!

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" – Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

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