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Investors are paying too much attention to Fed rate cuts while company fundamentals should be their focus, argues Robert Almeida, Portfolio Manager and Global Investment Strategist, MFS Investment Management

Jul 26 2024

Overnight price action in the US will most likely prove no more than a blip, rather than a sign the tide may be turning out of the bulls’ favour, opines Pepperstone’s Michael Brown

Jul 18 2024

Share markets are having a jolly great time, but investors should not let their guard down, warns Carley Garner

Jul 15 2024

Apple Intelligence has arrived and with it a whole new narrative around the extraordinary growth in market capitalisation and earnings being driven by generative Ai; what did Apple actually reveal to the market?

Jun 14 2024

Previous Stories

Opportunities In China’s New Economy Cycle

Jun 11 2024

T Rowe Price says breaking away from reliance on traditional approaches and exploring new growth drivers can help investors to capture some of the many new investment opportunities emerging in Chinese stocks

Amazing Nvidia Has Fans & Critics In Awe

May 27 2024

Nvidia didn’t save the markets, but it did silence the naysayers, for now. What may possibly lay ahead?

What Factors Are Driving US Exceptionalism?

May 21 2024

The USA stands out from the pack. T. Rowe Price’s Chief US Economist, Blerina Uruci, explains why and the future consequences

The Power Of New Weight-Loss Drugs

Apr 03 2024

GLP-1s offer far more across the healthcare sector than just weight-loss, with far-reaching societal implications, explains T. Rowe Price’s Nabil Hanano

The Geopolitical Future That Has Already Happened

Mar 13 2024

Investors are advised to prepare for a new geopolitical future, with short term and further out ramifications

US Small Caps: ‘Cheap’ For Good Reason?

Feb 13 2024

US small caps are not the asset class they once were, explains T Rowe Price, but investors might still get excited about an opportunity looming, quality exposures in particular

US Small Cap Valuation Historically Low

Dec 05 2023

T. Rowe Price notes US small caps have only seen a PE as low as it is now twice this century

The Bond Market Stabilises Or The World Ends

Oct 30 2023

What is causing the current selloff in US and Australian bond markets, and whether it can maintain its current trajectory or if we are heading for disaster

Why EM Central Banks Could Diverge From Fed?

Oct 12 2023

Central bank policies are already changing in Emerging Market economies, highlights T Rowe Price, though developed countries might not necessarily be poised to follow soon

Equity Strategy: Coming In For A Landing

Jul 26 2023

Will the global economy suffer a hard or soft landing, or none at all, in regards a recession, and how are investors setting for the outcome?

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle