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FNArena Book Review: Confusion De Confusiones

Jun 14 2019

Confusion de Confusiones, first published in 1688, shows how little has changed in shares trading and human nature since.

FNArena Book Review: Uncommon Sense

May 27 2019

Michael Kemp’s ‘Uncommon Sense’ concludes nothing is perfect when it comes to investing, and ‘value’ certainly isn’t everything.

FNArena Book Review: Political Economy Of Tomorrow

Oct 16 2017

Marc Chandler’s “Political Economy of Tomorrow” offers an alternative view on capitalism that both refreshes and enlightens.

FNArena Book Review: Investing Through The Looking Glass

Jul 10 2017

Tim Price’s ‘Investing Through The Looking Glass’ is a timeless reminder not everything is as sounds and healthy as it may seem in the global economy post-GFC.

FNArena Book Review: Debt, Defaults, Disinflation & Demographics

Jun 16 2016

Hedge fund manager Craig Ferguson’s outlook for financial markets is not for the faint hearted.

FNArena Book Review: The Little Book of Behavioral Investing

May 16 2016

James Montier’s little treasure can make a better investor out of all of us.

FNArena Book Review: A Banquet Of Consequences

May 03 2016

Satyajit Das’ A Banquet of Consequences is not for optimists or the faint hearted.

FNArena Book Review: The Future of (almost) Everything

Apr 22 2016

The Future of (almost) Everything by Patrick Dixon aims high, just like its title suggests.

FNArena Book Review: Retire Wealthy

Oct 08 2014

FNArena reviews Retire Wealthy by US certified financial planner Eric D Brotman.

Book Review: Flash Boys, By Michael Lewis

Apr 14 2014

Michael Lewis has created a furore in the US with the release of his latest financial market expose, in which he deems the US stock market to be “rigged”. High frequency trading is ripping off the genuine investor. Is he right? And what exactly is HFT?

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