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FNArena Book Review: The Little Book of Behavioral Investing

May 16 2016

James Montier’s little treasure can make a better investor out of all of us.

FNArena Book Review: A Banquet Of Consequences

May 03 2016

Satyajit Das’ A Banquet of Consequences is not for optimists or the faint hearted.

FNArena Book Review: The Future of (almost) Everything

Apr 22 2016

The Future of (almost) Everything by Patrick Dixon aims high, just like its title suggests.

FNArena Book Review: Retire Wealthy

Oct 08 2014

FNArena reviews Retire Wealthy by US certified financial planner Eric D Brotman.

Book Review: Flash Boys, By Michael Lewis

Apr 14 2014

Michael Lewis has created a furore in the US with the release of his latest financial market expose, in which he deems the US stock market to be “rigged”. High frequency trading is ripping off the genuine investor. Is he right? And what exactly is HFT?

FNArena Book Review: The Wealth Code 2.0

Aug 08 2013

This book has been labeled a financial survival guide for the 21st century. Highly recommended for investors not afraid to part with the ordinary and make bold changes to their belief-system.

Rudi’s View: Books I Read In 2012

Feb 03 2013

Ten books that might inspire in 2013.

FNArena Book Review: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Mar 30 2012

A review of one remarkable publication that shines many lights on what makes human brains think, and how, including its many flaws and delusions.

FNArena Book Review: Unholy Grails by Nick Radge

Mar 01 2012

A review of the freshly published Unholy Grails by Nick “The Chartist” Radge.

FNArena Book Review: Boomerang, By Michael Lewis

Feb 01 2012

The author of the celebrated Liar’s Poker and The Big Short is back with further bewildering and entertaining observations, this time on how the eurozone came to be under threat of collapse.

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