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Brazil Gets Real

Oct 21 2009

Brazil has acted to stem the rise of its currency, as European finance ministers meet to discuss equivalent problems with the euro. A bounce in the US dollar would have a material effect on stock prices.

Doubts About The US Dollar

Oct 16 2009

FX analysts from Danske Markets have some serious reservations about the recovery of the US dollar.

Aussie Dollar Pushing Against Technical Resistance

Oct 09 2009

The RBA rate hike and better labour market figures have driven the Australian dollar higher this week and National Bank suggests there remains scope for further gains.

Coordinated US Dollar Depreciation A Reality

Sep 23 2009

As world leaders meet tomorrow to discuss ways of rebalancing the global economy to prevent another GFC, thoughts turn to the Plaza Accord of 1985.

The Trend Remains Up For Aussie and Kiwi Dollars

Sep 23 2009

National Australia Bank has lifted its Aussie and New Zealand dollar forecasts against the greenback.

AUD Still Fairly Valued

Sep 22 2009

NAB suggests the Australian dollar is not overvalued, while Macquarie sees the Kiwi dollar posting further gains against the USD.

US Dollar Not The Next Carry Trade Funding Option

Sep 21 2009

CBA believes market speculation the US dollar will become the world’s primary funding currency for the carry trade will prove incorrect.

US Dollar To Fall Further Against Euro

Sep 17 2009

Danske Bank suggests weak underlying fundamentals and a similar technical picture should see the US dollar fall further against the euro in coming months.

Economic Cycle Favours Ongoing US Dollar Weakness

Sep 16 2009

Danske Bank expects further US dollar weakness in coming months as it has typically underperformed in an expansionary cycle, while Westpac sees further depreciation in the AUD/NZD rate.

Outlook For Risk Currencies Solid

Sep 08 2009

Despite a slight dip at the end of August, long positions in pro-cyclical currencies are back on the rise.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle