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ESG Focus: COP26 Hands Transition To Big Capital

Nov 30 2021

COP26 may have appeared a fizzer to many observers but the outcomes point to another reality – big capital has got this one – and it’s a whopper

ESG Focus: Huon Salmon Litmus Test for ESG M&A

Nov 22 2021

The recent acquisition of Huon Aquaculture by Brazilian meatpacker JBS offers a great case study on ESG M&A, and an opportunity for investors to weigh impending global regulation on the world’s oceans

ESG Focus: The Next Big Thing – Part 8

Nov 17 2021

Sustainability-linked loans are transforming the leveraged-loan market as corporations and investors eye ESG-driven M&A and dividend recapitalisations, and seek to mitigate ESG risks in standard transactions

ESG Focus: Linked Finance The Next Big Thing – Part 7

Nov 12 2021

The big end of town is weighing up its options for extracting value from sustainability-linked loans, starting with massive revolving credit facilities

ESG Focus: Markets Eyeing COP26

Oct 30 2021

Global share-markets have been hushed in the lead-up to COP26, as big players prepare for potential capital reallocations

ESG Focus: Linked Finance The Next Big Thing – Part 6

Oct 22 2021

Sustainability-linked loans are about to flood the world in a bid to ensure all those who don’t qualify for other forms of sustainable finance are drawn into the transition

ESG Focus: Diversity Proves More Profitable

Oct 21 2021

While Australia manages to remain middle of the pack on gender representation in the workplace, it is JP Morgan’s view that a commitment to female representation would be financially beneficial to companies

ESG Focus: Emission Schemes, All Hot Air?

Oct 15 2021

A new Carbon Pricing Index is drawing attention to the huge emissions control gap between Australia and climate change leading nations

ESG Focus: Fed Eyes Climate Stress Tests for Banks

Oct 06 2021

The US Federal Reserve Bank of New York is joining the push to stress-test banks for climate risks; a push that will force banks to collectively lay aside trillions in capital; apply further pressure to fossil-fuel producers; and help build insight into the macro and micro economic risks of the transition

ESG Focus: ASX Heavyweights Showcase ESG Credentials

Oct 04 2021

Some of the ASX’s large cap, household companies are demonstrating commitment to environmental, social and governance concerns through strategy integration

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