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ESG Focus: Summit Calm Before The Storm

May 03 2021

The Climate Summit last week proved an anticlimax but with some interesting takeouts: natural gas has been granted a reprieve and indications were given on the timing of fund flows

ESG Focus: Premium Hunters Eye Additionality

Apr 22 2021

Not all green investments are created equal and, as predators line up for the ESG ball, investors seeking a sustainability premium are sticking to the rule of additionality

ESG Focus: Heads Up For Biden’s Climate Summit

Apr 19 2021

Major announcements are expected from Biden’s climate summit on World Earth Day this week; US Climate Envoy John Kerry claiming the day will change the way in which global capital is allocated

ESG Focus: Materiality Matters – Part 3

Mar 30 2021

In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we examined First Sentier’s approach to materiality, focusing on the “S” in ESG, but this article focuses on green materiality – last but definitely not least as the global transition kicks off

ESG Focus: Water Emissions And Copper Mining

Mar 24 2021

The UN publishes its World Water Development Report 2021 titled ‘Valuing Water’ on World Water Day, as Sandfire Resources and the International Copper Association Australia launch a project to deal with water emissions

ESG Focus: Materiality Matters – Part 2

Mar 22 2021

The “S” in ESG is more than a pleasant sentiment – its roots run deep into materiality – hence FNArena flags the social themes that will eventually hit corporations on their operational and strategic front lines – mental health, gender and modern slavery

ESG Focus: Carbon Imposts Barrelling Down On Australia

Mar 17 2021

The European Parliament has just backed a tax on imports that haven’t priced in the cost of carbon in a move soon to be followed by the US and Britain – all this as China prepares to launch its own carbon market and FitchRatings warns of sovereign downgrades for fossil-fuel producing countries

ESG Focus: Materiality Matters – Part 1

Mar 16 2021

The highly coveted “sustainability premium” is the holy grail of ESG investors globally, and determining materiality is the key to attaining this. First Sentier shares some of its preferred metrics

ESG Focus: BHP and Rio Defy “S” in ESG – Part 2

Mar 08 2021

The Apache land transfer to BHP Group and Rio Tinto in Arizona has been rescinded and more heads topple at Rio Tinto as global resolve steels to reinforce ESG narratives

ESG Focus: BHP And Rio Defy “S” In ESG – Part 1

Mar 03 2021

Rio Tinto and BHP Group are again in the indigenous spotlight, making a mockery of the “S” in ESG, after winning a land grab for Apache land in the US to build the world’s largest copper mine – a critical material for the green transition

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