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ESG Focus: BetaShares Launches Green ETF

Feb 25 2021

BetaShares has launched a Climate Change Innovation ETF, recognising the anticipated sharp shift to renewable energy over the next two years, and, as the number of ESG funds proliferate, advisers offer tips to investors to help avoid greenwashing

ESG Focus: The Virus And Shrinking Democracies

Feb 19 2021

2020 has seen the biggest global shrinkage of personal liberties during peacetime, but it’s all about the global pandemic and last year’s trend is not necessarily spelling doom and gloom for the world’s democracies

ESG Focus: Trigger Fingers Out For 2021 But For Which Classes?

Feb 02 2021

ESG funds ballooned in 2020, as investors sought safe havens from covid and the Saudi-Russia oil price war but 2021 is a different story

ESG Focus: Game on for Cleanaway And Bingo

Jan 22 2021

A new era is dawning for the waste industry and Australia’s two major waste-management companies are going to have to shape up if they want to catch the tide. Just sometimes, the devil is in the detail

ESG Focus: Green Bonds Crack US$1trn

Jan 21 2021

Despite taking a back seat to social and sustainable bonds in the first-half of 2020, the green bond market roared to life in the second half, cracking the US$1trn mark. Volumes are expected to jump up to 50% in 2021

ESG Focus: Gender Diversity Pays Dividends

Dec 23 2020

It’s all hands on deck heading into the fourth industrial revolution, China is in the game, and companies will need the best of the best to survive: well informed and well-heeled ESG investors know it; and sovereign nations are legislating

ESG Focus: Climate Change Megatrend 3 – Fossil Fuels Part 2

Dec 18 2020

Part 1 of this series focused on the bigger picture for fossil fuels, and in this article, we drill down to the ESG trends affecting forecasts in the specific coal, gas and oil markets

ESG Focus: Merger Heralds Global Disclosure Regime

Dec 14 2020

The merger of the US Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the International Integrated Reporting Council signals an acceleration towards mandatory, standardised global ESG reporting.

ESG Focus: Higher Risk For ESG Stocks In 2021

Dec 07 2020

Credit Suisse says the overperformance of ESG “quality” stocks in APAC markets throughout 2020 post-covid has created a factor risk for ESG investors heading into 2021

ESG Focus: Climate Change Megatrend 3 – Fossil Fuels Part 1

Dec 02 2020

The International Energy Agency has switched its allegiance from fossil fuels to renewables post-covid painting a bleak picture; battery storage has hit the US$100KWH tipping point and the market can expect a rollout in 2021

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