Daily FNArena News - ESG Focus

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El Nino: Economic And Investment Impacts

Sep 06 2023

How much do ocean circulation patterns impact economic outcomes and sovereign risk? Rick Stathers and Carmen Altenkirch assess El Nino, the climate phenomenon driving atmospheric circulation in the tropics, affecting everything from GDP to inflation and social stability

ESG Focus: The Little Big Things – 29-08-2023 – Miners, Gas Producers, BlueScope, Adbri and Qantas

Sep 01 2023

Macquarie counts the cost of capital for the ASX100; Jarden weighs the prospects for heavy emitters; Macquarie also examines where the downstream and upstream insurance emissions buck might stop; IEEFA spies rising credit-rating risk; and Morgan Stanley forecasts growing water capital expenditure for semiconductor and copper industries

ESG Focus: Will Lithium Meet Its Waterloo?

Aug 10 2023

Battery innovation is going gangbusters, driven by environmental and social imprimaturs, leading experts to conclude that it is not a matter of if but when lithium will be dethroned – prepare for the great reshuffle

ESG Focus: The Little Big Things – 07-08-2023: Xero, Reliance Worldwide, Iluka, Elders

Aug 07 2023

In this edition, we check out the broader sustainability theme: it seems ESG M&A activity is back, according to a new report; Goldman Sachs checks out Australian stocks to sustainability; IAASB hands down an audit proposal; and nations are at loggerheads over seabed mining

ESG Focus: The Little Big Things – 03-08-2023 – Endeavour, Coles, Woolworths, Metcash and AI

Aug 03 2023

FNArena zooms in on the social theme, examining developments affecting food and liquor retailers and wholesalers and miners while checking out big capital’s attitude to social metrics, and the roles AI might play in helping companies manage social issues

ESG Focus: The Little Big Things – 27-07-2023

Jul 27 2023

In today’s edition of The Little Big Things, FNArena examines the Green Capital Expenditure Theme, pent up critical metals and minerals demand, the US Inflation Reduction Act one year on, and the floundering sustainability-linked bond market

ESG Focus: The Little Big Things – 26-07-2023

Jul 26 2023

In FNArena’s inaugural ESG bulletin we discuss capital destinations, green energy deflation, the impact of a fuel emissions standard, and AI regulation

ESG Focus: Waste To Energy Innovators

Jul 18 2023

Waste-to-energy is set to be a major green play over the next two decades as climate and circularity imprimaturs kick in and a swathe of new waste-to-energy technologies is coming to market. Republished to add Remondis clarification on Ipswich

ESG Focus: Waste to Energy Firing Up

Jun 30 2023

Australia has been a global laggard on the waste to energy front but that may all be about to change, as we discover in this deep dive

ESG Focus: Green Steel Innovation On Fire

Jun 22 2023

The iron and steel industry is about to be transformed by a raft of innovations, some here, some on the way, and others on the distant horizon – we check them out in this deep dive

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle