Daily FNArena News - ESG Focus

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ESG Focus: Implications Of Safeguard Mechanism

Mar 29 2023

The Australian government’s renegotiated Safeguard Mechanism as a means to emissions reduction will not impact severely on the country’s oil & gas industry

ESG Focus: Tough Season But Winners Grin

Mar 24 2023

Macro concerns overshadowed ESG developments during the February reporting season, but there was plenty to report: decarbonisation continued apace; green commodities entered rocky water but other revenue-generating projects progressed; and regulators took aim

Green Energy Investment Matches Fossil Fuels For The First Time

Feb 06 2023

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills reports the shift to a world powered by renewable energy and run on electric vehicles may have its critics, but there’s no arguing with the numbers

ESG Focus: Big Trends for 2023

Feb 01 2023

FNArena scans broker research, academic forecasts, and ratings agencies’ views to glean our top ESG trends for 2023 – and we start with the most impactful of them all

ESG Focus: Takeaways From Biodiversity COP15

Dec 22 2022

World leaders met in Egypt to formalise the first steps in progressing the biodiversity agenda, resulting in big subsidy cuts to “harmful” industries and activities, and an imperative for investors to start revising their strategies

ESG Focus: Banks Target Emitters

Dec 19 2022

COP27 has called for a transformation of the financial system, and Australia’s major banks find themselves in the middle of it all

ESG Focus: The Green Hydrogen Prospect (Part 2)

Dec 16 2022

It’s big – really big – so FNArena takes a deep dive into the global markets for green hydrogen, ammonia and fuel cells; checks out the fuel’s role as an energy security play; and outlines the global developments and incentives making it immediately cost competitive

ESG Focus: The Clean Hydrogen Prospect (Part 1)

Dec 08 2022

As green hydrogen hits a tipping point, investors are turning their focus to the broader clean hydrogen prospect, and this article examines the nuts and bolts of the hydrogen market and its related technologies

ESG Focus: Takeaways From COP27

Dec 05 2022

FNArena summarises the key developments at COP27 and Macquarie checks out their implications for Australian stocks

ESG Focus: Eye On Green Energy

Nov 29 2022

Fossil-fuel energy inflation hugged the spotlight in 2022 masking strong green-energy investment – a period in which green hydrogen came of age

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