Daily FNArena News - ESG Focus

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ESG Focus: ASX300, Eye On Energy Revenue

Nov 16 2022

The Ukraine invasion fired a focus on the energy revenue opportunity in the June half, and we examine ESG developments affecting gas and nuclear energy demand for this year and the next decade

ESG Focus: ASX300’s Green Revenue Boom

Oct 28 2022

Green revenue provided one of the few highlights in an otherwise dour, interest-rate hampered August reporting season, and this article checks out the season’s darlings: green commodities and mining services

ESG Focus: ASX300 Rush To Decarbonise

Oct 21 2022

The Ukraine conflict intensified the ASX300s decarbonisation drive in the June half, companies shifting to alternative fuels, fleet upgrades, hedging, technology partnerships and asset sales – a process which only intensified in the September quarter along with capital expenditure bills

ESG Focus: Taxes, COP and Biodiversity Schemes

Oct 13 2022

FNArena’s third and final instalment on biodiversity gives investors a heads up to tax reforms to $1.8trn in harmful global tax subsidies; monetisation schemes; and the upcoming biodiversity COP

ESG Focus: Biodiversity Risks And Losers

Oct 10 2022

Moody’s has estimated US$1.9trn in rated global debt is at risk from biodiversity loss, and it appears those responsible for the losses are expected to foot the bill

AGL Energy Calls It Quits on Coal

Oct 04 2022

Bringing forward its already planned coal exit, AGL Energy has announced the closure of its Loy Yang A project by 2035 as the company focuses on renewable energy.

ESG Focus: Biodiversity Ready To Roll

Sep 30 2022

Biodiversity has been the long-mooted laggard on the ESG front, but the new ESG investment category has come of age

BlueScope Steel Committed To Emissions Targets

Sep 28 2022

BlueScope Steel retains its 2030 and 2050 emissions targets but analysts say a lack of available and affordable new energy technology continues to be the key barrier to decarbonising steel

Fortescue’s Decarbonisation Plan To Impact Dividends

Sep 26 2022

Brokers focus upon the dividend impact from Fortescue Metals decarbonisation strategy and crave more detail

ESG Focus: ASX300 Galloping Into Transition

Sep 23 2022

Companies reporting on transition initiatives surged in the second half of FY22, as management seized on growing green opportunities to showcase in the August reporting season, and many outlined battle plans to deal with volatile energy costs

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