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Origin Exits Gas for Clean Energy

Sep 21 2022

With divestment of its Beetaloo asset stake, Origin Energy continues its transition away from gas exploration. While largely received positively by analysts, some raise concern as to the pathway towards energy transition exposure

ESG Focus: Call To End ESG

Aug 15 2022

Cracks are starting to emerge in the ESG narrative as elite global financial interests battle for supremacy, but what does this mean for markets?

ESG Focus: Interview Matthew England

Aug 02 2022

VIDEO: In a first for FNArena Talks, Danielle Ecuyer interviewed Matthew England, Scientia Professor of Ocean & Climate Dynamics at the University of New South Wales

ESG Focus: Keeping The Bastards Honest

Jul 15 2022

Big capital is shifting from the carrot to the stick as it prepares to wheel out ESG litigation, which is set to become a new investment opportunity – an asset class in its own right 

ESG Focus: Energy Shock Lifts Subsidies & Taxes

Jun 23 2022

A senior US sustainability adviser says the Ukraine War will hasten energy production and this will require metals and materials, despite ESG mandates

ESG Focus: China’s Six-Point Prosperity Plan

Jun 20 2022

In 2021, China published its six-point plan for achieving common prosperity, sending global markets into a tailspin, and we include it here as a reference so that our readers can see what all the fuss was about

ESG Focus: China Must Prosper Or Perish

Jun 15 2022

China President Xi Jinping launched the nation’s six-point “Common Prosperity” plan with a series of strong-arm tactics that alarmed markets, but the plan’s overlap with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is startling

Glacial Melt Accelerating Fresh Water Crisis

Jun 08 2022

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills reports the world is steering towards a genuine fresh water crisis

ESG Focus: China – Thucydidean Trap or ESG bid

Jun 08 2022

Growing geopolitical tension with China has put the cat among the pigeons given Western and Eastern policy responses to the threat of regional conflict align so closely with ESG thematics

Get Ready For Extreme Heat And Its Effects On Crops, Lives

Jun 06 2022

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills warns that between extreme heat and a lack of fresh water, areas of planet Earth may soon become inhabitable, putting an even greater strain on existing finite natural resources, and increasing competition for them

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle