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ESG Focus: ASX200 Off And Running, Part 3

Mar 29 2022

February reporting season proved a watershed for ESG as mining services companies realigned their priorities to ESG revenue streams to support their major clients, and scrap metals companies clicked into gear

ESG Focus: ASX200 Off And Running, Part 2

Mar 21 2022

The recent reporting season proved a watershed for ESG as miners and mining services led the ASX200 in sustainability announcements and this article shines the spotlight on the industry’s leaders

ESG Focus: ASX200 Off And Running, Part 1

Mar 14 2022

The February reporting season revealed a step-change in ESG ambitions over FY21 with clear signs that some companies are breaking from the pack, aiming to establish a lead in what is shaping up as the world’s Great Race

ESG Focus: Europe Snubs Nuclear Post Ukraine

Mar 11 2022

Industry and nation lobbyists won the inclusion of nuclear energy as a sustainable energy under the European taxonomy – but the Russian invasion of Ukraine suggests uranium is losing the battle

ESG Focus: Environmental Cost Of Fast Fashion

Feb 22 2022

FNArena's dedicated ESG Focus news section zooms in on matters Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) that are increasingly guiding investors preferences…

ESG Focus: EU Taxonomy To Accept Uranium, Gas

Jan 11 2022

The European Commission is set to include nuclear energy and gas energy in its taxonomy but only under strict conditions – a move that could attract a capital influx to help the industry to adapt to new standards

ESG Focus: ASX300 Rated On Modern Slavery

Dec 23 2021

As big capital’s focus homes in on modern slavery, Monash University has taken steps to rank the ASX300 on disclosure, applying an A-F performance rating, perhaps providing early insights into ESG winners and losers

ESG Focus: ASX Top100 Accelerate Green Push

Dec 15 2021

Decarbonisation has been in the ASX headlines in the past month, several majors hitting the markets with decarbonisation strategies, including Worley, Rio Tinto, and Woodside Petroleum

ESG Focus: COP26 Unleashes Carbon Markets

Dec 13 2021

Global agreements on carbon markets are set to mobilise trillions of transition funds which will have major implications for Australia’s resources sector

ESG Focus: Carbon Markets To Reduce Chinese Iron Ore Demand

Dec 08 2021

China’s green taxonomy homes in on circularity, which combined with carbon-market developments, suggests a -28% fall in seaborne iron-ore demand within five years – not to mention metallurgical coal

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