The SMSF Association has prepared a detailed analysis about the increase in the General Transfer Balance Cap announced this week, and benefits for non-concessional contributions
Increasing investment in ETFs comes at the expense of managed funds, as investors seek out safer options in a volatile market
Australians can boost their super by around $245,000, on average, between the ages of 35 and 65 simply by moving from a super fund charging investment fees of 0.5% per year instead of 1.5% per year, says the 2022 Fat Cat Funds Report
Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) are one of the major investment options for investors on the ASX that offer exposure to numerous asset classes and investment styles
Africa collectively is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and a growing number of African ETFs is providing opportunity for investors
The financial services landscape in Australia is changing with recent research showing a swing toward not-for-profit funds, while the popularity of managed accounts continues to rise
Super funds may consider new investment alternatives in a bid to outperform an annual performance test
SMSFundamentals is an ongoing feature series dedicated to providing SMSF trustees with valuable news, investment ideas and services, in line…
Many an investment portfolio suffers from a lack of structure and/or a well-thought out strategy. The FNArena Editor shares his own insights via the experience with the All-Weather Model Portfolio
The month of September was the weakest for equities this year, but that did not stop investors piling into ETFs both domestic and international, equity and fixed income.