October saw strong demand for Australian fixed income ETFs, while in the US, investment in passive equity ETFs has outstripped that in active ETFs for the first time.
Superannuation fees charged to members have fallen for the first time in six years, while funds are using their negotiating power and paying less to external asset managers.
With term deposit rates around 1.5%, the ten-year bond rate at 0.9%, inflation at 1.6% and stock market volatility ever present, where can one invest for both safety and income in today’s interest rate environment?
A new report reveals what investors may already know, that “fees make all the difference” to final outcomes for superannuation members’ retirement savings, with many funds struggling to generate returns strong enough to cover the negative impact of high investment fees.
Super members want government to lead on multiple accounts and default funds.
National net wealth in Australia has nearly doubled in 12 years, according to a recent update by Roy Morgan, but inequality has widened considerably at the same time.
Graham Hand, Managing Editor of Cuffelinks, explains why so many fund managers fail in today’s market.
A change of heart from the US SEC may open the door for rapid growth of actively managed ETFs both in the US and Australia.
Exchange traded fund manager BetaShares observes a shift in investor preference towards passive investment strategies and a growing demand for ESG-based alternatives.
Research from Roy Morgan shows Australians’ level of super contribution is dropping, leading to a risk of insufficient retirement funding.