
SMSFundamentals is an ongoing feature series dedicated to providing SMSF trustees with valuable news, investment ideas and services, in line with SMSF requirements and obligations. Apart from specific SMSF-oriented insights and articles that can assist SMSF investment strategy, this section also includes practical tips and insights from registered experts.

Previous Stories

SMSF Fundamentals: An Attractive Alternative To Term Deposits

Feb 22 2012

FIIG suggests new notes issued by CBA wealth manager Colonial offer a good yield for their low-end risk.

Cash Becomes Part Of SMSF Strategies

Feb 15 2012

A survey has shown holding cash as a risk reduction strategy is becoming increasingly popular for SMSF trustees.

New Light On Choice Of Investment Strategy

Jan 19 2012

Academic studies by Dimitri Vayanos and Paul Woolley offer some valuable insights for investors.

Self Managed? Super!

Dec 14 2011

New data from the ATO show that Self Managed Super fund asset growth was double that of the Super industry as a whole.

SMSFundamentals: Hybrid Power

Nov 28 2011

The popularity of recent hybrid listings from Origin Energy and Woolworths are indicative of the benefits of hybrid investment in this uncertain world. What are hybrids?

Making Money Out Of Property In An SMSF

Oct 28 2011

Peter Switzer explains why property inside an SMSF is starting to look better and better.

SMSFundamentals: Returns On Asset Classes, Past And Future

Oct 26 2011

ANZ Research has undertaken a comprehensive study of historical returns on different asset classes, net of relevant costs, and has forecast returns for the future. Stocks, property, fixed interest – where should an SMSF invest?

SMSFundamentals: Learn More About ETFs

Oct 06 2011

FNArena recommends a new multi-faceted educational campaign launched by iShares to help raise investor understanding of exchange-traded funds.

SMSFundamentals: Exchange Traded Funds Part II

Aug 25 2011

Index replicating funds are only one subset among the many ETFs now listed on the Australian stock market, and Australian regulatory bodies are ensuring the integrity of such instruments.

SMSFundamentals: Active, Passive And ETFs

Jul 20 2011

Exchange Traded Funds provide a low-cost opportunity for smurfs to hand over all or part of their investment portfolio to passive index-based products and reduce the effort and anxiety.