
SMSFundamentals is an ongoing feature series dedicated to providing SMSF trustees with valuable news, investment ideas and services, in line with SMSF requirements and obligations. Apart from specific SMSF-oriented insights and articles that can assist SMSF investment strategy, this section also includes practical tips and insights from registered experts.

Previous Stories

SMSFundamentals: Long Term Returns Favour Oz Equities

Jun 29 2011

Australian shares continue to provide best net returns over 20 years according to the latest report from Russell Investments and the Australian Securities Exchange.

SMSFundamentals: Three Rules For Succesful Investing

Jun 15 2011

A Must See presentation for anyone with a longer term perspective in the Australian share market.

SMSFundamentals: End Of Year Tax Tips

Jun 07 2011

The SPAA provides SMSFs with tips on maximising tax opportunities and avoiding penalties.

SMSFundamentals: Portfolio Allocation For Retirees

Jun 02 2011

The recent Cooper Review noted a lack of Australian super products tailored to meet the needs of retirees. Smurfs can overcome these limitations with appropriate portfolios.

Welcome To SMSFundamentals

May 19 2011

Self-managed super funds now represent the greatest proportion by dollar value of all super under management in Australia. FNArena would like to provide SMSFs with a dedicated series of features. There might be some surprises in this introduction.