
SMSFundamentals is an ongoing feature series dedicated to providing SMSF trustees with valuable news, investment ideas and services, in line with SMSF requirements and obligations. Apart from specific SMSF-oriented insights and articles that can assist SMSF investment strategy, this section also includes practical tips and insights from registered experts.

Previous Stories

SMSFundamentals: Yield Or Growth?

Oct 27 2016

Which investment strategy has proven to provide the best risk/reward balance for the income-seeking investor over time? You may be surprised.

SMSFundamentals: The Price Of Financial Advice

Sep 19 2016

Do investors believe financial advice is actually worth the cost? A survey conducted by State Street Global Advisors has produced some interesting results.

SMSFundamentals: Loan vs Gift: The Right Way To Help Out Your Kids

Sep 08 2016

Brian Hor of SUPERCentral outlines the realities of helping out your children in today’s unaffordable property market.

SMSFundamentals: SMSFs More Active Than Retail Traders

Dec 07 2015

CommSec finds SMSF trustees are not the sort of set-and-forget, long term traders one would assume they might be.

SMSFundamentals: SMSFs Increasingly Attracted To SMAs

May 18 2015

Super investors and their client advisers are becoming increasingly drawn towards the benefits of investment in Separately Managed Accounts, offering portfolios tailored by investment professionals.

SMSFundamentals: Ten Best Investment Ideas

Sep 19 2014

Investment advisor Crowe Horwath lists its ten primary themes for investing for the future from 2014.

SMSFundamentals: SMSF Trustees Becoming Younger And Richer And Looking Offshore

Jun 26 2014

Traditional near-retirement investors are falling as a proportion of SMSF trustees as a younger demographic seeks to control its own investment destiny, CoreData has found.

SMSFundamentals: The Alarming Truth Regarding Investment Property

May 05 2014

A Legg Mason survey has found a “reality” gap between the level of return Australian retirement investors expect and what they are achieving, with property investment suggesting the greatest delusion.

SMSFundamentals: Investors Become Conservative After 2013 Rally

Apr 03 2014

Conservative investors have stepped up their share market investments while risk-tolerant investors have backed off into 2014. ETF sponsors have launched more products to suit the conservative approach for ease of portfolio management.

SMSFundamentals: SMSFs Winning Battle Against Retirement Savings Fear

Mar 06 2014

Very few Australians in general believe they will have enough money at retirement. Retired SMSFs by contrast are quite happy with the level of their retirement income. Advice is important.