
SMSFundamentals is an ongoing feature series dedicated to providing SMSF trustees with valuable news, investment ideas and services, in line with SMSF requirements and obligations. Apart from specific SMSF-oriented insights and articles that can assist SMSF investment strategy, this section also includes practical tips and insights from registered experts.

Previous Stories

SMSFundamentals: Australian Investors Turning To Alternative Assets

Jun 20 2012

The latest biennial Global Survey on Alternative Investing from Russell Investments highlights investors are shifting focus away from traditional stocks, bonds and cash and towards other assets in order to find returns.

SMSFs Are Not Protected Against Fraud

Jun 08 2012

Andrew Bloore of the Switzer Super Report points out SMSFs are not entitled to the same protection from theft and fraud as APRA regulated funds.

Invest With A Longer Term Perspective

Jun 06 2012

The returns from Australian shares have been better than any other all asset class over the last 20 years, confirms Russell Investments.

SMSFundamentals: Zero Cost Return Enhancement (Examples)

May 24 2012

This article follows up from out previous SMSF article on using options to enhance retiree returns, providing specific stock examples.

SMSFundamentals: Mutual Bank Issues High Yield Bond

May 18 2012

FIIG Securities is supporting a 7.25% fixed rate bond issue from Australia’s largest customer-owned bank.

SMSFundamentals: How Retirees Can Improve Returns While Reducing Risk

May 16 2012

Self-managed retirees shunning shares run the risk of being overrun by inflation as the years progress, but share market investment need not be as risky as most fear.

SMSFundamentals: Yield On Offer From NAB Note Issue

May 15 2012

FIIG outlines National Australia Bank’s latest fixed interest investment issue, offering an interest rate above that of term deposits.

SMSFundamentals: Finally, Easy Access to Fixed Income Investment

Mar 29 2012

The launch of fixed income ETFs on the ASX finally provides individual investors with easy access to portfolio diversification though fixed income investment as a portfolio component.

SMSFundamentals: An ETF That Taps The Growth In Mining Services

Mar 09 2012

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report notes with the mining boom benefitting a number of industrial companies, investors could consider an ETF that offers some exposure to mining services.

SMSFundamentals: Cash Is King, Survey Finds

Feb 23 2012

The second annual Russell/SPAA survey shows a healthy SMSF industry but an ongoing preference for cash as an investment, and not just as a parking station.