Tag Archives: Agriculture

article 3 months old

Baltic Baloney

By Greg Peel

The theory is simple. Customers placing orders to buy seaborne dry goods, such as iron ore, coal and grains, have to book an ocean-going bulk carrier well in advance. Demand for ships thus leads apparent demand for commodities, and given freight rates are set on a “spot” basis determined by demand/supply of ships, rising freight rates should indicate rising commodity prices to follow, and vice versa. At least they did up until 2010, and traders worshipped the Baltic Dry Index as a commodity price crystal ball. In 2010, the relationship broke down.

As was explained at length in an FNArena article twelve months ago (Has The Baltic Index Gone Dry?), one problem has been commodity price volatility post-GFC. But the real problem has been the supply side – of ships that is – not the demand side. These hulks take years to build and thus there is a big risk of under/oversupply across any cycle. Commodity prices were still booming into 2008 when a lot of new ship orders were placed.

Your standard Panamax and Capesize bulk carriers are enormous. And by 2010 the number of new ships hitting the seas was accelerating. Then along came Brazilian iron ore giant Vale which decided to build its own ships to send ore to China. Originally called the Chinamax but now dubbed the Valemax, the first of these new vessels is now in the water with many more to follow. And they make Panamaxes and Capesizes look like tinnies. You could put the Titanic in the hull of Valemax, notes ANZ, and still have a football field left over.

If the Baltic Dry Index had not already gone awry as a forward indicator as a fleet of new regular carriers set sail, the Valemax about seals its fate. Aside from its size, they are producer-owned, suggesting there is no longer an “open” freight market. This actually works in the favour of Australian iron ore producers because all up, seaborne freight rates will adjust lower. You can't commercially pull a brand new Panamax or Capesize out of service. (Presumably, however, you could hand over to an Italian captain and go for the insurance.)

Indeed the BDI has been trending lower since around mid last year. But as the following chart from ANZ shows, BDI-commodity price correlation began to fall apart in 2009. Here ANZ uses the Aussie dollar as a reasonable commodity price proxy.

Commentators yet to cotton on to the demise of the BDI's predictive powers have been warning lately that the current downward BDI trend is heralding lower commodity prices ahead. Ignore them. That is not to say commodity prices can't go lower, it just means they could also go higher as the BDI slides.

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

Christmas is edging ever so closer but the share market is not displaying its usual tendencies to put a positive twist onto the calendar year's finish, but that doesn't stop the major stockbrokerages in Australia to continue to downgrade more stocks than to issue upgrades. The week past saw the eight brokers in the FNArena database downgrading recommendations on 16 stocks while lifting only four. Total Buy ratings now stand at 56.6%, down from 57.1% last week.

Among the upgrades was ANZ Banking Group ((ANZ)), BA Merrill Lynch upgrading to a Buy rating from Neutral on both valuation grounds and expectations Asia will provide solid growth opportunities for the bank going forward. ANZ is now the broker's top pick in the sector.

A full review of Cochlear's ((COH)) prospects sees Macquarie upgrade to an Outperform rating from Neutral, this despite cuts to earnings estimates and price target to reflect manufacturing issues, supply constraints and product recalls. The upgrade is a valuation call, Macquarie seeing the stock as attractive at current levels given recent share price weakness.

Investa Office ((IOF)) was the only play to receive two upgrades, both JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank lifting ratings to Buy from Hold previously. For JP Morgan the call is valuation inspired after recent relative underperformance, while Deutsche sees reduced execution risk and some growth prospects following offshore asset sales and a share buyback. 

Deutsche has also adjusted its target for Investa slightly higher. The upgrades follow a similar move the previous week by UBS, who also identified improved value in the stock on the back of overseas asset sales.

On the downgrade side, Amcor ((AMC)) saw a cut to a Neutral rating by Citi given the current share price represents a premium on the broker's numbers. Earnings estimates were also adjusted slightly to reflect changes to forex assumptions.

Citi made a similar change with respect to Ansell ((ANN)), again on the basis the current share price is a stretch relative to valuation even allowing for the possibility current earnings guidance might turn out to be conservative. Target has been trimmed slightly.

APA ((APA)) has made an offer for Hastings Diversified ((HDF)) and this has prompted both Citi and BA-ML to downgrade ratings, the former to Neutral and the latter to Underperform. While the associated sale of AllGas is viewed positively, the possibility a higher offer may be needed and some valuation concerns post recent share price gains is enough to see both brokers adopt more conservative views. Citi has also trimmed its price target.

Commonwealth Property Office ((CPA)) has enjoyed some gains of late and this has created some valuation issues for both Credit Suisse and JP Morgan. The former has moved to an Underperform rating and the latter to a Neutral recommendation as both now see better value elsewhere in the sector.

A review by Deutsche Bank left the broker with the view competition is increasing in some of CSL's ((CSL)) markets, a concern that was enough for the broker to downgrade to a Hold rating. The downgrade also reflects recent share price outperformance, while the review generated an increase in price target.

JB Hi-Fi ((JBH)) surprised the market on Thursday by cutting earnings guidance for 1H12, citing ongoing price deflation and tough competition. Brokers have responded by cutting earnings estimates and price targets, with Citi, JP Morgan and UBS all downgrading ratings as well. JP Morgan moves to Underweight, the other two brokers to Neutral recommendations. 

Valuation has been the driver of Credit Suisse's downgrade on Mirvac ((MGR)) to a Neutral rating, the broker similarly cutting its rating on Stockland ((SGP)) to Underperform following recent share price movements.

As brokers continue to adjust numbers for Telecom New Zealand ((TEL)) to account for the recent de-merger, RBS has gone a step further and downgraded to a Sell rating, this reflecting recent relative outperformance post the de-merger. The broker's target comes down to account for the split in the business.

An asset tour saw UBS adjust numbers for Wesfarmers ((WES)), the trimming of forecasts enough for a minor cut in target. Such a reaction was also seen elsewhere in the market, though UBS was the only broker to also downgrade its rating, moving to Neutral on valuation grounds.

A similar review of prospects for Ten network ((TEN)) saw Deutsche downgrade to a Sell rating, the broker now factoring in increased overall risk and volatility for earnings in the shorter-term.

Elsewhere, BA-ML has reviewed prospects for the IT sector and the result is changes to earnings estimates and price target for Oakton ((OKN)), the move following similar cuts to expectations for SMS Management and Technology ((SMX)) made by Macquarie last week.

Changes to sales assumptions for Whitehaven ((WHC)) have seen RBS Australia lower expectations and price target for the coal play, while a capital raising by Qube Logistics ((QUB)) sees brokers adjust earnings per share expectations.

Changes to expectations for Echo Entertainment ((EGP)) resulted in BA-ML lifting earnings estimates and price target for the group, while Citi has lifted earnings forecasts for Australian Worldwide Exploration ((AWE)) post a review of the Sugarloaf project.

A change in analyst at JP Morgan has resulted in some changes to price target and earnings forecasts for Charter Hall ((CHC)), while AMP's ((AMP)) strategic distribution agreement with Mitsubishi UFJ in Japan has caused some estimate and target changes across the market. Citi has further lowered earnings estimates and its price target for Ridley ((RIC)) to reflect poor weather conditions and associated operating delays.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
2 COCHLEAR LIMITED Neutral Buy Macquarie
4 INVESTA OFFICE FUND Neutral Buy Deutsche Bank
5 AMCOR LIMITED Buy Neutral Citi
6 ANSELL LIMITED Buy Neutral Citi
12 CSL LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
13 JB HI-FI LIMITED Buy Neutral Citi
14 JB HI-FI LIMITED Neutral Sell JP Morgan
16 MIRVAC GROUP Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
17 STOCKLAND Neutral Sell Credit Suisse
19 TEN NETWORK HOLDINGS LIMITED Neutral Sell Deutsche Bank


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 IOF 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 6
2 COH - 38.0% - 25.0% 13.0% 8
3 ILU 75.0% 88.0% 13.0% 8
4 EGP 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
5 ANZ 38.0% 50.0% 12.0% 8
6 SGT 57.0% 67.0% 10.0% 6

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 JBH 75.0% 38.0% - 37.0% 8
2 OKN 60.0% 40.0% - 20.0% 5
3 MAH 67.0% 50.0% - 17.0% 4
4 WHC 100.0% 83.0% - 17.0% 6
5 SGP 71.0% 57.0% - 14.0% 7
6 MGR 71.0% 57.0% - 14.0% 7
7 TCL 100.0% 86.0% - 14.0% 7
8 CFX 71.0% 57.0% - 14.0% 7
9 ANN 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
10 CSL 63.0% 50.0% - 13.0% 8

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 ILU 20.219 20.786 2.80% 8
2 CSL 33.600 33.891 0.87% 8
3 IOF 0.678 0.683 0.74% 6
4 EGP 4.440 4.468 0.63% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 OKN 1.970 1.770 - 10.15% 5
2 JBH 17.996 16.925 - 5.95% 8
3 MAH 0.713 0.685 - 3.93% 4
4 WHC 7.090 6.980 - 1.55% 6
5 COH 54.840 54.084 - 1.38% 8
6 QUB 1.593 1.580 - 0.82% 4
7 ANZ 22.869 22.688 - 0.79% 8
8 WES 32.941 32.716 - 0.68% 8
9 TEN 1.036 1.029 - 0.68% 8
10 ANN 14.391 14.357 - 0.24% 7

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 HST 3.237 20.300 527.12% 5
2 QUB 7.800 14.075 80.45% 4
3 BPT 4.140 4.920 18.84% 5
4 AWE 6.871 7.300 6.24% 7
5 QAN 12.988 13.688 5.39% 8
6 CHC 22.800 23.467 2.93% 6
7 AMP 32.103 32.678 1.79% 8
8 HGG 15.964 16.172 1.30% 6
9 STO 59.000 59.538 0.91% 8
10 OSH 14.833 14.959 0.85% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 AZT 17.980 - 3.600 - 120.02% 5
2 WHC 37.600 31.650 - 15.82% 6
3 TEL 14.691 12.553 - 14.55% 8
4 PAN 11.475 9.925 - 13.51% 4
5 RIC 10.033 9.333 - 6.98% 3
6 TAH 47.375 44.438 - 6.20% 8
7 JBH 138.325 130.500 - 5.66% 8
8 OKN 18.620 17.640 - 5.26% 5
9 COH 220.275 210.400 - 4.48% 8
10 SMX 48.420 46.460 - 4.05% 5

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article 3 months old

Negative Global Outlook For Grains

By Jonathan Barratt
The global picture in the grains markets continues to be negative regardless of the positive news coming from the US economy, China and steps being taken to resolve the debt contagion in the Europe. The main problem we are looking at is that the harvested acreage on US crops is expected to exceed that of 2011 by several million acres whilst global production looks robust. Export demand remains weak for US grains due to good weather conditions in other growing areas around the world which has resulted in abundant supplies.
Production in the US continues to see prices retreat from highs. The market looks at China then focuses on the production in the US. So far this year the US are expecting the fourth largest corn crop on record. The yield per acre is expected to be 146.7 bushels with the total US corn production is pegged at 12.3 billion for the current crop year. 

Technically, we continue to see good support coming in at US 570 as this level is close to the October 2011 and December 2010 lows so monitor it closely. If 570 is broken on a daily close then the bear trend resumes. 

Wheat like Corn and Soybeans received a lift from the geopolitical issues around the world, however this was sold into as traders realised that demand was simply not there.
Technically, keep an eye on US 605 as a break here sets the bearish tone with potential for a move back towards 590 and even 560. The move is compromised if 635 goes on the top side.


We continue to be long soybeans however the recent price action suggests a test to the lows again. At the moment keep an eye on US 1120 as a break below here will open the way for a move towards 1102. If already long we are happy to add to positions on a break through 1145 on a daily close. Otherwise, prepare for lower prices.

We continue to look for a low of significance and the break above 1145 that should conclude the low. Keep focused.

Rough Rice 

Rice looks to be consolidating after last week’s drop. We continue to be bearish the commodity and hold out for US 13.70. 14.00 looks to be good support for the commodity and if it breaks can expect lower price action. The target of 13.70 remains intact. 


The cotton markets continues to track sideways although we continue to hear good stories concerning the potential for tightness in the market going forward. Traders are happy to remain short whilst the harvest looks to conclude. Keep an eye on world-ending stocks as China continues to build on purchases. Already the country has booked 53% of the US season's commitments and with 92% of the USDA forecast already reached we would expect to see a reduction in world-ending stocks. In addition to this we note that as a result of the low prices farmers in India are holding back as much as 70% or the crop hoping for higher prices. 

We continue to suspect a low of some magnitude however we are not ready to commit to a trade. US 93.70 is an important area for us as a break here will see it back within the old range. 

The global picture in the grains markets continues to be negative regardless of the positive news coming from the US economy, China and steps being taken to resolve the debt contagion in the Europe. The main problem we are looking at is that the harvested acreage on US crops is expected to exceed that of 2011 by several million areas whilst global production looks robust. Export demand remains weak for US grains due to good weather conditions in other growing areas around the world which has resulted in abundant supplies.
Produced by Jonathan Barratt direct from the trading desks of Commodity Broking Services, Barratt's Bulletin provides expert analysis of commodity markets, global indices and foreign exchange movements. Click here to take a no obligation 21-day trial to Barratt's or to learn more visit www.barrattsbulletin.com. Content included in this article is not by association necessarily the view of FNArena (see our disclaimer).

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article 3 months old

Material Matters: Zinc, Aluminium, Steam Coal And Fertilisers

- Too early to turn bullish on zinc
- Marginal production costs to underpin aluminium prices
- Seasonal factors supportive for steam coal
- Positive outlook for fertiliser markets

By Chris Shaw

Nearby zinc spreads traded on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) have tightened over the past few weeks, to the extent the market has moved into a small backwardation. Barclays Capital notes the spread between the SHFE and the LME has also improved in recent months, raising the question of whether the zinc market is showing signs of turning.

This question becomes relevant given Barclays has been least positive on zinc among the base metals for some time, this due to a persistent market surplus and ample levels of supply. But global inventories have stopped building, suggesting the market is moving closer to balance than surplus.

Barclays attributes this change in the market to something of a supply response to lower prices emerging in China. This response has taken two forms, the first being producers, miners and suppliers have held off selling at lower prices. This response is seen as more of a temporary measure, Barclays noting limited credit will restrict the ability of producers to finance inventory for any period of time. Regardless, it has tightened the market to some extent.

The second response has been the closure of some smaller mines in China's northern provinces, this due to weak market conditions. The effect of these closures has been to reduce spot supply, so further tightening the domestic market.

As spreads tighten Barclays sees scope for unreported inventory to be attracted to SHFE warehouses and for concentrate imports to be supported in coming months. As long as any weakening in demand doesn't outpace the tightening in supply, Barclays expects this will cushion the downside for prices should the global macro environment weaken further.

But, Barclays concludes, this is not reason enough to turn fundamentally bullish on zinc at this point in time.

Still on base metals, Deutsche Bank notes while aluminium prices have fallen by around 13% so far this year, this leaves the metal the best performed of the base metals year-to-date in relative terms. 

Looking ahead, Deutsche's view is downside risks for aluminium should be limited in the near-term, this due to a return of cost concerns in the market and the potential for production cuts in coming months.

Positive US macro data and the re-emergence of geopolitical risks in the Middle East should keep energy prices elevated in Deutsche's view, while increases to power tariffs in China are likely to add to cost pressures in the sector. This rise in marginal production costs is expected to underpin aluminium prices.

On the supply side of the market Deutsche notes producers have shown little discipline to date. Output curbs could gather pace if global deflationary fears were to intensify, as Deutsche estimates the marginal cost of aluminium production this year is US$2,100 per tonne.

This means many producers are operating at a cash loss at current prices, but production cuts are made more difficult by long-term power contracts and the length of time needed to shut and re-start smelters. Even allowing for this, Deutsche suggests if prices trade below the marginal cost of production for a few more months, high cost producers are likely to face increasing pressure on margins and so may lower output.

Positioning-wise, Deutsche sees net shorts at relatively high levels at present. Given industrial metals have priced in a significant amount of bad news at present, an improvement in the global market outlook could see a reduction in net short positions. Liquidity risks may also be a concern leading into the end of the year according to Deutsche.

In the bulk materials market, Barclays suggests the upcoming winter season is likely to act as a sanctuary for steam coal prices, this the result of strong seasonal consumption and adverse weather-related supply issues.

Barclays expects winter weather risks should see steam coal prices stay range bound for the next couple of months, before the market restarts the search for a new, lower price equilibrium. 

At present, Atlantic Basin inventories are at comfortable levels and a delayed start to winter has limited incremental buying. This has the market well positioned to buffer any price effect from a sudden jump in consumption levels. 

In the Pacific Basin the Chinese have been active buyers of limited quantities in recent weeks, Barclays noting this has contributed to a filling up in southern post and end-user stocks. While robust power demand continues in China, coal burn is likely to be capped by current power prices.

Fresh imports into India are only likely to resume once current port stocks are cleared, something Barclays suggests looks more difficult given prices currently being offered to utilities and the impact of the depreciating rupee.

On the supply side Barclays notes the South African market appears in solid shape given ample inventories and improved rail transport, while Australian suppliers also appear well prepared. Russian supply is the most vulnerable in the view of Barclays, this given a combination of rail management and weather issues.

Turning to basic materials, Citi suggests the outlook for fertiliser prices remains positive given still robust demand, this despite the financial issues in Europe. Also positive is application rates are increasing given attractive farmer returns, evidence of some cost push price inflation in the market and traders running tighter inventory levels.

Looking to next year, Citi notes US and Canadian crop acreages are likely to be higher than the high levels seen this year, while strong crop nutrient demand is expected in the final quarter of 2011. Latin American demand is also expected to be solid in this period.

From a farmer perspective returns are still supportive of robust levels of fertiliser use, especially as farm margins are healthy at current grain prices. Citi points out prices are actually high enough at present to provide farmers with the incentive to increase the yield per hectare through increased use of fertilisers.

Citi expects some fertiliser distributors and retailers may delay purchases as late as possible to ensure minimal inventories given current volatility in global markets. Capital is also less available this year than last year, which supports the move to limit inventories. This does increase the risk of traders losing business if demand proves to be stronger than expected, notes Citi's.

With input costs placing upward pressure on fertiliser prices, Citi remains positive on both Orica ((ORI)) and Incitec Pivot ((IPL)). Both stocks are rated as Buy, with Citi setting price targets of $30.00 on Orica and $4.30 on Incitec Pivot.

With respect to how this compares to others in the market, the FNArena database shows Sentiment Indicator readings for Orica of 0.6 and for Incitec Pivot of 0.5. Consensus price targets stand at $28.67 and $3.93 respectively.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

The past week has seen downgrades again outnumber upgrades, as the eight brokers in the FNArena database have cut ratings on 10 stocks while lifting recommendations on just three. Total Buy ratings remain at 57.4%, little changed from last week.

Among those upgraded were Metcash ((MTS)) post the group's interim profit result. While the result was slightly weaker than the market had expected the medium-term earnings outlook is improved by the fact the legal uncertainty of the proposed Franklins acquisition has now mostly passed. 

This was enough for JP Morgan to upgrade to a Neutral rating, while Credit Suisse went one better and upgraded Metcash to Outperform from Neutral to reflect both the Franklins purchase and improved valuation post recent share price weakness. Targets and earnings estimates were adjusted across the market.

Seven West Media ((SWM)) was the other upgrade for the week, Citi lifting its rating to Buy from Neutral. While ad market conditions remain difficult, the broker suggests lead indicators are turning a little more positive. 

The still tough conditions mean stock selection will be important in the sector and here Citi also sees reasons to like Seven West relative to peers. Citi's upgrade was accompanied by changes to earnings estimates and price target. On the same basis Citi has downgraded APN News and Media ((APN)) to Neutral from Buy, while also cutting its price target for the stock. 

An in-line interim result from Campbell Brothers ((CPB)) wasn't enough to stop Deutsche Bank downgrading the stock to Hold from Buy, though the change is a valuation call rather than one indicating any concerns over the growth outlook for the company. Forecasts and price targets for Campbell Brothers across the market rose on the back of the result.

Weak end markets continue to impact on earnings for GUD ((GUD)) and RBS Australia has lowered its estimates and price target accordingly. The changes have caused the broker to downgrade to a Hold rating on the stock.

Recent share price outperformance and the fact the company will be cycling tough comparable numbers in coming months has prompted RBS to downgrade Nufarm ((NUF)) to a Hold rating. There are only minor associated changes in forecasts and price target from brokers covering the stock post a trading update from management.

Primary Health Care ((PRY)) has offered fresh earnings guidance to the market in the past week but the issue for BA Merrill Lynch is the guidance doesn't appear to be conservative. This suggests limited scope for outperformance, which is enough for the broker to downgrade to a Neutral rating. The update from management has seen only minor changes to estimates and targets across the market.

A more disappointing trading update from management at Symex ((SYM)) has seen RBS take the axe to its numbers, the broker more than halving its price target. Given a debt/cost restructuring now looks more critical, the broker has downgraded to a Neutral rating.

RBS has also downgraded TPG Telecom ((TPM)) to a Hold rating, as while the company has lifted its stake in iiNet ((IIN)) the broker sees any deal between the two as difficult given cultural differences. The change in shareholding in iiNet also sees the broker adjust its price target and earnings assumptions.

Disappointing production guidance was enough for both BA-ML and UBS to downgrade ratings for Woodside, the former to Underperform and the latter to Neutral. Brokers across the market have cut earnings forecasts and price targets post the update, with a couple of mentions for Santos (STO)) as a preferred play in the sector at present.

Concerns over the growth profile for Wotif.com ((WTF)) have seen Citi downgrade to a Sell rating, this given concerns over too much leverage to domestic tourism. A cut in price target follows from changes to earnings estimates.

With UBS initiating coverage of Regis Resources ((RRL)) with a price target above others in the market there has been a lift in the consensus target for the stock, while the broker also sees some upside potential in Cardno ((CDD)) and has lifted its target there as well. The consensus target for Bathurst Resources ((BTU)) has also come down slightly on the back of Citi initiating coverage.

In terms of changes to earnings estimates, forecasts for Air New Zealand ((AIZ)) have come down to reflect high fuel costs, while weak guidance from management at Qantas ((QAN)) has also resulted in some cuts to expectations.

The potential for spending cuts in the IT sector have impacted on BA-ML's model for Technology One ((TNE)), while some adjustments to commodity price forecasts saw earnings estimates trimmed for Rio Tinto ((RIO)).

Higher costs have seen minor changes to models for Santos ((STO)), while the potential for Alacer Gold ((AQG)) to lose part of its stake in the Copler project proved enough for UBS to cut its numbers and price target.

On the positive revision side, higher than expected guidance from Miclyn Offshore ((MIO)) saw Macquarie lift its estimates and price target, while the broker also made some changes to its model for Macquarie Atlas ((MQA)).


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
1 Metcash Limited Sell Neutral JP Morgan
2 Metcash Limited Neutral Buy Credit Suisse
5 Campbell Brothers Limited Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
6 G.U.D. HOLDINGS LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
7 NUFARM LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
10 TPG TELECOM LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 MMX - 67.0% - 33.0% 34.0% 3
2 MTS - 13.0% 13.0% 26.0% 8
3 BTU 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 3
4 GNC 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 6
5 SUL 33.0% 50.0% 17.0% 6
6 RFG 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 3
7 SWM 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
8 AQG 40.0% 50.0% 10.0% 6
9 RRL 67.0% 75.0% 8.0% 4
10 CDD 67.0% 75.0% 8.0% 4

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 WPL 63.0% 38.0% - 25.0% 8
2 TPM 100.0% 75.0% - 25.0% 4
3 ORL 100.0% 80.0% - 20.0% 5
4 CHC 100.0% 83.0% - 17.0% 6
5 GUD 67.0% 50.0% - 17.0% 6
6 CPB 29.0% 14.0% - 15.0% 7
7 BSL 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
8 WTF 38.0% 25.0% - 13.0% 8
9 NUF 38.0% 25.0% - 13.0% 8
10 DJS - 25.0% - 38.0% - 13.0% 8

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 MMX 0.203 0.390 92.12% 3
2 RRL 3.257 3.618 11.08% 4
3 CPB 49.327 50.830 3.05% 7
4 SWM 4.045 4.151 2.62% 8
5 CDD 6.213 6.333 1.93% 4
6 CHC 2.482 2.500 0.73% 6
7 NUF 4.843 4.866 0.47% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 BSL 0.851 0.627 - 26.32% 7
2 WPL 44.009 40.099 - 8.88% 8
3 RFG 3.085 2.913 - 5.58% 3
4 APN 1.140 1.081 - 5.18% 8
5 BTU 1.000 0.967 - 3.30% 3
6 WTF 4.348 4.216 - 3.04% 8
7 TPM 1.860 1.820 - 2.15% 4
8 DJS 2.796 2.745 - 1.82% 8
9 GUD 9.048 8.898 - 1.66% 6
10 GNC 8.675 8.533 - 1.64% 6

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 COF 8.733 9.733 11.45% 3
2 RRL 15.867 17.150 8.09% 4
3 RFG 26.150 28.033 7.20% 3
4 CPB 286.857 305.329 6.44% 7
5 CDD 55.220 57.570 4.26% 4
6 GNC 79.377 82.617 4.08% 6
7 MIO 21.365 21.934 2.66% 4
8 MQA 8.267 8.433 2.01% 6
9 SWM 41.313 42.075 1.84% 8
10 SUL 51.117 51.717 1.17% 6

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 AIZ 10.322 7.791 - 24.52% 4
2 QAN 14.863 12.988 - 12.62% 8
3 TNE 7.767 7.200 - 7.30% 3
4 RIO 836.708 787.603 - 5.87% 8
5 STO 62.413 59.000 - 5.47% 8
6 AQG 59.396 56.725 - 4.50% 6
7 MML 67.870 64.922 - 4.34% 3
8 SLM 31.033 29.700 - 4.30% 6
9 IFL 43.900 42.700 - 2.73% 7
10 TEL 15.065 14.695 - 2.46% 8

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

The past week has been a relatively balanced one in terms of changes to ratings on stocks covered by the eight brokers in the FNArena database. A total of seven upgrades and eight ratings downgrades brought total Buy recommendations to 57.4%, down a little from nearly 57.7% last week.

Centro Retail ((CER)) was one to enjoy an upgrade, Deutche Bank moving to a Buy rating from Hold previously in response to revised aggregation terms. For Deutsche, the new terms significantly reduce the risk profile going forward, while offering additional incentives for unitholders to approve the proposal.

Following a review Deutsche also made minor changes to earnings estimates and lifted its price target for the stock. Elsewhere in the property sector, plans for a buyback of shares by Commonwealth Property Office ((CPA)) were enough for JP Morgan to upgrade to Overweight from Underweight. The buyback should act as a catalyst for the share price, while the broker is also attracted to low gearing levels and a conservative balance sheet as this offers scope for expansion opportunities.

In the resources sector, RBS Australia upgraded to Buy from Hold on Discovery Metals ((DML)), reflecting both upside from ongoing exploration success and to reflect improved valuation following recent share price weakness.

RBS also upgraded Kingsgate ((KCN)) to Buy from Hold on the expectation the ending of the wet season in northern Thailand will deliver improved quarterly production results from the Chatree project. The upgrade in rating comes despite a lowering of the broker's price target.

Murchison Metals ((MMX)) was upgraded to Neutral from Underweight by JP Morgan on news the company has entered an agreement to sell its interests in Crosslands and OPR. The funds to be received imply a value of $0.47 per share and improve both the valuation and financial position of Murchison. JP Morgan's price target has been adjusted to reflect the valuation impact.

While Northern Iron ((NFE)) remains on track to meet production targets for the full year, the move by the company to raise a further $9 million from its debt facility to alleviate a tight cash position has also been viewed favourably by Macquarie. This is enough for an upgrade to an Outperform rating from Neutral previously.

Among industrials, Programmed Maintenance ((PRG)) enjoyed an upgrade from RBS Australia, the broker moving to Buy from Hold post a solid interim result. The result increases confidence in the outlook for Programmed and should also help restore some credibility in the market according to RBS.

BlueScope ((BSL)) was downgraded to Hold from Buy this week by RBS, the broker arguing while an equity raising will improve the group's balance sheet there remains a significant amount of earnings uncertainty. This uncertainty means a Buy rating is no longer appropriate in the broker's view. 

Targets and earnings estimates for BlueScope have been adjusted across the market to account for the impact of the equity raising. OneSteel ((OST)) also saw cuts to earnings estimates and price targets post weak outlook commentary at its AGM during the week.

Cuts to iron ore prices by JP Morgan resulted in Gindalbie ((GBG)) being downgraded to Neutral from Overweight, while price target and earnings estimates were also reduced. It was a similar story for Mount Gibson ((MGX)), though in this case it was Citi lowering its numbers and downgrading to a Neutral rating from Buy previously.

In a tough week for IT stocks both Oakton ((OKN)) and SMS Management and Technology ((SMX)) were downgraded by RBS to Hold ratings from Buy. The changes reflect still difficult operating conditions in key markets. In both cases earnings estimates and price targets were also reduced.

Things are no easier for wealth managers as evidenced by weak guidance from IOOF ((IFL)), the update causing brokers to lower earnings forecasts and price targets. UBS also downgraded to a Neutral rating from Buy previously.

In contrast, Kathmandu ((KMD)) delivered a solid trading update but it only triggered minor changes to estimates. RBS has still downgraded to a Hold rating on valuation grounds post recent share price gains.

This week Telecom New Zealand ((TEL)) de-merged its network division and this has prompted brokers across the market to update their earnings models. Price targets have fallen across the board and Credit Suisse has downgraded to an Underperform rating from Neutral previously.

A solid second quarter result from James Hardie ((JHX)) has been enough to prompt some increases to earnings estimates and price targets, while brokers have gone the other way on David Jones ((DJS)) and trimmed forecasts and targets post yet another disappointing quarterly sales update from the department store owner.

NRW Holdings ((NWH)) delivered strong AGM earnings guidance and was being rewarded through increases to earnings estimates across the market, with all three brokers covering the stock also lifting price targets.

Forecasts for Virgin Blue ((VBA)) have also sneaked higher following solid AGM commentary, while a solid full year result from Graincorp ((GNC)) and expectations of another strong year to come have been enough for some minor revisions to estimates and price targets.

Following the acquisition of TransACT brokers have lifted forecasts for iiNet ((IIN)), the result being modest increases to price targets as well. Monadelphous ((MND)) has seen forecasts and price targets increase thanks again to positive outlook commentary at the group's AGM. Monadelphous is facing a different kind of problem than most other stocks in the Australian share market: ongoing popularity among buyers of equities. One recurring theme in stockbroker research on the company is thus, unsurprisingly, whether the shares are getting a bit expensive?

A slightly better than expected interim result has seen minor increases to forecasts for Thorn Group ((TGA)).

Shale gas developer and oil producer Beach ((BPT)) received some good news during the week with the Tantanna to Gidgealpa oil pipeline coming back on stream and this was enough for UBS to lift forecasts, while Credit Suisse revised some volume assumptions for Fortescue ((FMG)) that resulted in lower earnings estimates and a cut in price target. 


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
1 Centro Retail Group Neutral Buy Deutsche Bank
6 NORTHERN IRON LIMITED Neutral Buy Macquarie
12 Mount Gibson Iron Limited Buy Neutral Citi
13 OAKTON LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 MMX - 67.0% - 33.0% 34.0% 3
2 DML 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% 4
3 KCN 20.0% 40.0% 20.0% 5
4 CER 33.0% 50.0% 17.0% 4
5 PRG 86.0% 100.0% 14.0% 7
6 STO 75.0% 88.0% 13.0% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 MGX 75.0% 25.0% - 50.0% 8
2 KMD 80.0% 60.0% - 20.0% 5
3 AZT 80.0% 60.0% - 20.0% 5
4 OKN 80.0% 60.0% - 20.0% 5
5 SMX 100.0% 80.0% - 20.0% 5
6 CHC 100.0% 83.0% - 17.0% 6
7 GBG 100.0% 83.0% - 17.0% 6
8 BSL 57.0% 43.0% - 14.0% 7
9 IFL 71.0% 57.0% - 14.0% 7
10 ORG 88.0% 75.0% - 13.0% 8

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 MMX 0.220 0.390 77.27% 3
2 JHX 6.391 6.706 4.93% 8
3 PRG 2.357 2.437 3.39% 7
4 DML 1.608 1.640 1.99% 4
5 CER 0.350 0.355 1.43% 4
6 ILU 19.938 20.219 1.41% 8
7 KMD 2.083 2.103 0.96% 5
8 CHC 2.482 2.500 0.73% 6
9 ORG 17.455 17.456 0.01% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 BSL 1.356 0.851 - 37.24% 7
2 MGX 1.946 1.659 - 14.75% 8
3 AZT 12.870 11.540 - 10.33% 5
4 OKN 2.152 1.970 - 8.46% 5
5 GBG 1.078 0.995 - 7.70% 6
6 IFL 6.637 6.329 - 4.64% 7
7 SMX 6.790 6.478 - 4.59% 5
8 DJS 2.796 2.745 - 1.82% 8
9 KCN 8.744 8.664 - 0.91% 5

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 NWH 25.133 30.300 20.56% 3
2 VBA 2.871 3.014 4.98% 7
3 GNC 79.377 82.550 4.00% 6
4 JHX 29.699 30.791 3.68% 8
5 IIN 29.067 29.950 3.04% 5
6 PRU 22.517 23.183 2.96% 6
7 MND 119.183 122.583 2.85% 5
8 PRG 25.414 26.086 2.64% 7
9 TGA 19.467 19.967 2.57% 3
10 BPT 4.040 4.140 2.48% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 AZT 39.460 17.980 - 54.43% 5
2 TEL 18.523 14.700 - 20.64% 8
3 GBG 0.771 0.671 - 12.97% 6
4 PPC 7.833 7.108 - 9.26% 6
5 OST 15.114 13.986 - 7.46% 7
6 MGX 40.863 38.088 - 6.79% 8
7 IFL 46.100 43.900 - 4.77% 7
8 CER 3.633 3.475 - 4.35% 4
9 FMG 66.072 63.294 - 4.20% 8
10 OKN 19.420 18.620 - 4.12% 5

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Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Material Matters: Base Metals In 2012, Falling Prices For Met Coal

- Citi revises short-term base metal forecasts
- Deutsche offers some commodity trading ideas into 2012
- Possible upside for nickel prices
- Potential benchmark for coal prices

By Chris Shaw

As Citi points out, base metal markets at present are being torn between some signs of improvement in the economic outlook for both China and the US and the significant deterioration in debt issues in the Eurozone.

In China, excess heat appears to have been removed from the economy, setting the stage for the next move in monetary policy to be an easing. The addressing of debt concerns will mean a contraction in Western European economies, while resurgent oil prices are a threat to the global economy overall. On the plus side Citi notes corporate balance sheets appear relatively healthy.

Despite all of this base metal markets have steadied in recent weeks, Citi suggesting these markets are now no longer expensive on a number of measures. This may not be enough to prevent some further short-term price weakness given concerns over how the issues in Europe play out.

Most vulnerable short-term, in Citi's view, is copper, especially if current strike action at Freeport's operations ends sooner rather than later. Aluminium should hold better, largely because its price is currently much closer to its cost of production than is the case for other base metals.

Citi expects metals will struggle until the second half of 2012, by which time the euro zone troubles should have been addressed. In the meantime, and to factor in the data of the past month, Citi has revised its forecasts.

Some near-term estimates have been lifted but annual price forecasts remaining unchanged. The result is a slightly less bearish view on copper relative to a month ago, along with some modest increases to nickel and tin forecasts.

For aluminium, Citi is forecasting a 0-3 month price of US$2,150 per tonne and a 6-12 month price of US$2,325 per tonne. Both are unchanged, as is the broker's long-term price of US$2,500 per tonne.

In copper Citi has lifted its 0-3 month forecast by 4% to US$7,250 per tonne, while both the 6-12 month forecast of US$8,500 per tonne and the long-term forecast stands at US$7,500 per tonne.

There are no changes to Citi's lead or zinc price forecasts across any of the timeframes. For lead forecasts stand at US$1,975 per tonne for 0-3 months, US$2,275 per tonne for 6-12 months and US$2,200 per tonne for the long-term. In zinc, estimates stand at US$1,850 per tonne for 0-3 months, US$2,125 per tonne for 6-12 months and US$2,300 per tonne for the long-term.

Nickel estimates have risen by 3% each for the 0-3 month and 6-12 month timeframes to US$18,000 per tonne and US$2,500 per tonne respectively. Citi's long-term forecast remains a price of US$18,500 per tonne.

Tin prices estimates have increased the most in percentage terms, Citi lifting its 0-3 month numbers by 5% and its 6-12 month numbers by 4% to US$23,000 per tonne and US$25,000 per tonne respectively. The broker's long-term forecast is US$18,000 per tonne.

Also looking towards 2012 is Deutsche Bank, which has assessed current and expected conditions in commodity markets to offer some trade ideas for the coming year. The ideas are based on the view the ability of commodity prices to move higher in 2012 will depend on whether the Fed can stimulate growth, China can engineer a soft landing and European policymakers can find a solution to the sovereign debt crisis in the region.

The greatest risk at present is Europe, as Deutsche suggests even if the debt concerns can be contained, there is still the risk of bank de-leveraging that could limit access to trade finance and so impact on global trade activity levels.

Given this risk, Deutsche suggests more defensive strategies are most appropriate at present, as the likelihood is for more periods of investor risk aversion through 2012. Such episodes have typically hit energy and industrial metals prices the highest, so Deutsche's strongest conviction trade remains being long the precious metals and in particular gold. 

Assuming Deutsche's forecast of global GDP growth of more than 3% in 2012 proves correct, any corrections in energy and industrial metal prices should be relatively short-lived. What would also support prices for industrial metals in particular would be policy easing in China, while ongoing geopolitical risks and tightening fundamentals should prove supportive to oil prices.

Deutsche's top trade ideas heading into 2012 therefore include being long gold and silver, as well as long back-end zinc given an expectation of a tightening in fundamentals over the medium-term as that market moves into deficit by 2013.

Deutsche also suggests being long US natural gas while short UK summer 2012 gas, this given expected stronger demand in the former and ongoing excess supplies in the latter. Deutsche would also be long West Texas Intermediate (WTI) while being short Brent crude, this reflecting an environment of above trend US growth and declining US oil inventories closing the price gap between the two. 

Among the agricultural commodities, Deutsche suggests being long soybeans and short back-end corn, as corn prices appear high relative to other crops and a potentially strengthening La Nina phenomenon would put soybean production at risk.

The potential for significant closures of older coal and gas fired power stations in Germany in coming years should reverse current backwardation in Cal '12/Cal '13 prices, so Deutsche also recommends going long German baseload power.

Finally, Deutsche suggests being long the Deutsche Bank Commodity Curve Alpha Index, as carry has been a solid source of extracting alpha from commodity markets during periods of risk aversion. The strategy would see futures contracts rolled more frequently and across the entire forward curve. Importantly, Deutsche points out this strategy is also neutral with respect to spot prices.

The economic issues in Europe are making production costs an increasing point of focus for participants in the base metals sector. According to Barclays Capital, the metal where fundamentals are most impacted by the cost framework is nickel.

Barclays estimates China will account for about 90% of global refined nickel demand growth in 2011. This means refined import levels are a major influence in exerting that demand strength on the balance of the international market.

So far in 2011 Barclays notes Chinese net refined imports are up 37% in year-on-year terms, which has coincided with a 39% year-to-date fall in LME stocks of nickel. Barclays suggests given a more stable macro backdrop this would have offered scope for positive price performance.

But for nickel, production costs are so important because the cost structure of Chinese nickel pig iron (NPI), combined with relative NPI and refined nickel price levels, determine the composition of China's domestic nickel needs. As an example, Barclays points out NPI is now a perfect substitute for refined nickel in both 200 and 300 series stainless steel.

So as Chinese refined prices have fallen, there has been a demand-supportive price discount to some higher grades of NPI. Falling NPI prices have resulted in much of the sector falling into negative margins, with refined demand and import levels the beneficiaries of such market changes.

If refined prices rose next year this dynamic could be reversed, but Barclays notes the current macro picture suggests this is unlikely. As well, the NPI cost curve could adjust lower if input raw material prices fall, so restoring margins. 

The latter would likely take some time according to Barclays, as power prices are controlled in China and coking coal prices have been trending higher in recent weeks. Given this, Barclays expects refined nickel imports into China will remain relatively well supported for the remainder of the year. Barclays sees this as offering some upside potential for the nickel price in coming weeks, particularly if the macro storm can ease.

In the bulks, UBS notes there are unconfirmed reports Teck Resources and Anglo American have settled 2012Q1 hard coking coal for Asian customers at US$235 per tonne fob. This would be down US$50 per tonne from 2011Q4 prices and puts prices in-line with current low-vol hard coking coal spot prices.

The significance according to UBS is both Tech and Anglo are benchmark price setters, particularly as BHP Billiton ((BHP)) continues to pursue monthly price contracts.

While met-coal prices have declined by 25% over the past quarter, UBS expects further price falls in 2012. There is some upside risk to the broker's assumptions, as Queensland producers continue to report saturated ground conditions ahead of the upcoming wet season. 

In terms of forecasts, UBS expects hard coking coal prices will remain above US$150 per tonne until 2015, this against a long-term real price of US$130 per tonne. For low-vol PCI the broker expects a decline to US$125 per tonne until 2015 and a long-term real price of US$110 per tonne, while for semi-soft the expectation is for prices to decline to US$115 per tonne by 2015 and a long-term real price of US$100 per tonne.

article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

In another week where downgrades have dominated, brokers in the FNArena database have lowered ratings on 12 stocks while upgrading just four. This brings total Buy ratings to just a touch under last week's 57.7%.

Among the upgrades was BlueScope Steel ((BSL)), Macquarie moving to an Outperform rating from Neutral on expectations the “new” BlueScope will be a closer play on the domestic economic cycle. This reflects a reduction in some loss making export operations as part of an operational restructuring. 

Macquarie expects the market's confidence in BlueScope will lift as the proposed cost out story and earnings improve, which should be enough to drive a re-rating of the stock in time. Earnings and price target have been adjusted not only by Macquarie but also by the likes of JP Morgan.

A strategic review by Goodman Fielder ((GFF)) has also prompted an upgrade by Macquarie to Neutral from Underperform, the broker taking a slightly more optimistic approach to new management's proposed cost out story. Improved valuation also supports the upgrade in rating, as do increases to earnings estimates. At the same time Macquarie has trimmed its price target for the stock.

JP Morgan meanwhile has upgraded to Overweight from Neutral on Lend Lease ((LLC)), driven by what it sees as a solid medium-term earnings growth outlook and an attractive valuation at current levels. The broker has also identified some positive near-term catalysts such as new work for Valemus and good mixed-use and residential development pipelines. Forecasts and price target have also been adjusted.

Sonic Healthcare ((SHL)) enjoyed an upgrade to Neutral from Sell by UBS, the broker now adopting a more positive stance on opportunities in the UK pathology sector as outsourcing momentum increases. Factoring in the potential also saw UBS adjust its price target higher for the stock.

On the downgrade side, Aston Resources ((AZT)) has been downgraded to Neutral from Outperform by Macquarie to reflect uncertainty from board changes arising from a difference of opinion in relation to corporate strategy. 

While the Maules Creek project continues to offer promise, the board issues have seen Macquarie remove a previous takeover premium, which also means a cut in price target. A similar boardroom issue at Mount Gibson ((MGX)) has also seen Macquarie downgrade to an Underperform rating from Neutral previously.

Both UBS and BA Merrill Lynch downgraded Campbell Brothers ((CPB)) during the week, both on valuation grounds to reflect recent share price gains. In both cases the brokers moved to Neutral ratings from Buy recommendations previously, though BA-ML did lift its price target slightly.

Recent outperformance was also enough for JP Morgan to downgrade Coca-Cola Amatil ((CCL)) to Neutral from Overweight, while earnings estimates have been trimmed in anticipation of another wet summer impacting on demand. 

Citi's downgrade on Commonwealth Bank ((CBA)) to Sell from Neutral is based on the view a new CEO will be looking for growth avenues, so potentially putting some downward pressure on the share price. As well, Citi's view is the recent trading update by the bank implies a slow start to the new fiscal year. 

A strategy day was enough to prompt RBS Australia into making minor changes to its model for Iluka ((ILU)), with earnings and price target both adjusted. While the stock now offers an attractive yield there is potentially less growth on offer, which supports the broker's move to a Hold rating. Other brokers have also adjusted earnings forecasts and targets for the stock post the update.

While Incitec Pivot's ((IPL)) full year earnings broadly met expectations Credit Suisse downgraded to a Neutral rating from Outperform, this reflecting a tempering of expectations in coming years. Price target was unchanged, so the downgrade was a valuation call by the broker. Others in the market have made modest changes to earnings forecasts and price targets.

Valuation also explains Citi's downgrade of James Hardie ((JHX)), as the company delivered a solid 2Q update with some signs of volume and margin improvement. Price targets and earnings estimates have been adjusted modestly across the market on the back of the quarterly result.

For MAp Group ((MAP)) valuation is also an issue in the view of JP Morgan, who has downgraded to Underweight from Neutral given the share price is now in line with its estimate of value. Also supportive of the downgrade is the stock is trading at a premium to the market, this despite the possibility of softer passenger numbers in coming months. 

Peet ((PPC)) delivered a weak update and a lowering of earnings guidance for the full year caused brokers to quickly adjust forecasts and price targets. Both UBS and Macquarie downgraded to Neutral ratings from Outperform previously, as weak operating conditions and capital levels suggest outperformance is unlikely in the shorter-term.

In terms of other changes to broker models, earnings expectations for Lynas Corporation ((LYC)) have seen minor changes following a site visit to the LAMP facility in Malaysia, while a solid quarterly for associate companies has prompted some minor increases to earnings estimates and price target for Cabcharge ((CAB)).

A revaluation of projects has seen BA-ML make a minor increase to its price target for Santos ((STO)), while earnings forecasts for Crown ((CWN)) have also seen minor changes following a solid quarterly result from the MPEL venture in Macau.

Changes in depreciation and amortisation charges have caused Credit Suisse to lower earnings forecasts for Alacer Gold ((AQG)), while Sims Group ((SGM)) selling Australian Refined Alloys has prompted some minor model changes on the part of brokers covering the stock.

While Elders ((ELD)) delivered an improvement in full year earnings, the result still falls short of acceptable according to RBS Australia, with both RBS and Citi adjusting forecasts and price targets as a result.

A disappointing AGM update has seen Macquarie lower earnings forecasts and price target for Salmat ((SLM)), with JP Morgan and Credit Suisse also reducing their estimates. For BHP Billiton ((BHP)) a fall in price target reflects changes to commodity price assumptions from Macquarie, while Credit Suisse has also tweaked its model. 

ARB Corporation ((ARP)) is expected to experience some difficulty in sourcing parts given flooding in Thailand, where most of its products are sourced. Both Macquarie and Credit Suisse have adjusted estimates, with the former also trimming its price target for the stock.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup
Suisse,Deutsche<*br*>Bank,JP<*br*>Morgan,Macquarie,RBS<*br*>Australia,UBS&b0=124,121,128,106,90,147,195,158&h0=74,92,80,118,87,94,106,80&s0=39,16,14,6,27,21,7,12" style="border-bottom: #000000 1px solid; border-left: #000000 1px solid; border-top: #000000 1px solid; border-right: #000000 1px solid" />


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
2 GOODMAN FIELDER LIMITED Sell Neutral Macquarie
6 Campbell Brothers Limited Buy Neutral BA-Merrill Lynch
7 Campbell Brothers Limited Buy Neutral UBS
11 INCITEC PIVOT LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
13 MACQUARIE AIRPORTS Neutral Sell JP Morgan
14 Mount Gibson Iron Limited Neutral Sell Macquarie
15 PEET & COMPANY LIMITED Buy Neutral Macquarie


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 ALZ 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 6
2 LLC 71.0% 86.0% 15.0% 7
3 BSL 43.0% 57.0% 14.0% 7
4 IFL 57.0% 71.0% 14.0% 7
5 QAN 75.0% 88.0% 13.0% 8
6 BXB 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
7 SHL 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
8 SGT 50.0% 57.0% 7.0% 7
9 AZT 75.0% 80.0% 5.0% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 PPC 100.0% 67.0% - 33.0% 6
2 CPB 57.0% 29.0% - 28.0% 7
3 MAP 50.0% 33.0% - 17.0% 6
4 ILU 88.0% 75.0% - 13.0% 8
5 IPL 63.0% 50.0% - 13.0% 8
6 JHX 25.0% 13.0% - 12.0% 8
7 CCL 75.0% 63.0% - 12.0% 8
8 BLY 88.0% 86.0% - 2.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 AZT 12.088 12.870 6.47% 5
2 JHX 6.391 6.609 3.41% 8
3 ILU 19.938 20.456 2.60% 8
4 QAN 2.125 2.166 1.93% 8
5 LLC 9.729 9.836 1.10% 7
6 SHL 12.804 12.908 0.81% 8
7 CPB 49.024 49.327 0.62% 7
8 ALZ 2.985 2.990 0.17% 6
9 CCL 12.459 12.478 0.15% 8
10 BXB 7.601 7.608 0.09% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 PPC 1.817 1.445 - 20.47% 6
2 IPL 4.150 3.931 - 5.28% 8
3 SGT 2.820 2.700 - 4.26% 7
4 BSL 1.363 1.356 - 0.51% 7

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 AZT 25.275 39.460 56.12% 5
2 LYC 0.540 0.580 7.41% 4
3 CAB 53.333 54.450 2.09% 5
4 JHX 29.712 30.223 1.72% 8
5 CHC 22.467 22.800 1.48% 6
6 IPL 32.054 32.413 1.12% 8
7 CPB 283.886 286.857 1.05% 7
8 STO 61.163 61.775 1.00% 8
9 CWN 54.025 54.525 0.93% 8
10 MAP 7.259 7.287 0.39% 6

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 PPC 12.833 7.108 - 44.61% 6
2 GBG 1.157 0.771 - 33.36% 6
3 AQG 67.394 59.400 - 11.86% 5
4 SGM 128.943 115.414 - 10.49% 7
5 ELD 5.525 5.000 - 9.50% 3
6 SLM 35.350 32.017 - 9.43% 6
7 SFH 8.520 8.120 - 4.69% 5
8 AIO 10.025 9.650 - 3.74% 8
9 BHP 418.629 403.328 - 3.66% 8
10 ARP 57.225 55.625 - 2.80% 4

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Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Cotton A Preferred Pick

By Jonathan Barratt
Cotton has had a significant bounce from the lows and as we have had this on the radar for sometime it is important to keep everyone updated. Generally, cotton responds to economic news, production and consumption data; it is similar to copper where investors see its price action as a litmus test for the global economy.
The market has dropped from US 2.20 a pound in March 2011 to a low of US 0.9600 late October. This move has been on the back of better growing conditions in Brazil, Australia and a sizeable increase in production around the world this has helped to compensate the market for the disastrous effects of the Texas drought. Texas produces 50% of the US cotton and the US grows between 18 to 25% of the world’s cotton. This year US exports are expected to drop 20% with its lowest global trade share of 32% dropping to a decade low.
Globally, we can see an increase on exports of about 3% compared to the same period last year which suggests that domestic consumption remains strong. However the curve ball comes from China which used to be self sufficient in the cotton production verses consumption. China is currently the world's largest importer and consumer, its 2011/12 imports are forecast at 14 million bales, this is up 17% from last year and the second highest on record. In September imports were up 26%.

If you combined the increased demand from China and renewed optimism in the markets then we can suggest that we remain at important cross roads for the market. We continue to look for dips to accumulate.
Produced by Jonathan Barratt direct from the trading desks of Commodity Broking Services, Barratt's Bulletin provides expert analysis of commodity markets, global indices and foreign exchange movements. Click here to take a no obligation 21-day trial to Barratt's or to learn more visit www.barrattsbulletin.com. Content included in this article is not by association necessarily the view of FNArena (see our disclaimer).

This report is not, and should not be construed as, an offer to buy or sell, or as a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, products, securities or investments. This report does not, and should not be construed as acting to, sponsor, advocate, endorse or promote products or any other products, securities or investments. This report does not purport to make any recommendations or provide any investment or other advice with respect to the purchase, sale or other disposition of products, securities or investments, including, without limitation, any advice to the effect that any related transaction is appropriate for any investment objective or financial situation of a prospective investor. A decision to invest in securities or investments should not be made in reliance on any of the statements in this report. Before making any investment decision, prospective investors should seek advice from their financial advisers, take into account their individual financial needs and circumstances and carefully consider the risks associated with such investment decision.


article 3 months old

Weather It Be True

By Greg Peel

The flooding rains which began in Australia late last year culminated early this year in tragedy in South East Queensland and astonishing footage of Brisbane being washed away. Today we find it difficult to comprehend television coverage from Thailand which simply evokes thoughts of Coleridge and “water, water everywhere”. Immediate impacts of weather events include the loss of lives and livelihoods, but wider global ramifications can be felt through subsequent impacts on commodity prices.

In the first two quarters of 2011 many Australian mining companies suffered extensive loss of production through flooding and the September quarter is only now seeing a return to normalcy for some. Depending on location, different operations suffered by varying degrees. Arguably the hardest hit was the Ranger uranium mine in the Northern Territory, for which water may yet ensure the demise of Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)).

Across Queensland in particular flooding not only inundated pits but tore up goods rail lines and damaged ports to provide a double-whammy effect in many cases. Some mining companies were sitting on stockpiles which could have been drawn upon to fulfill contracts but for the fact they could not be delivered. Force majeur became popular. Other parts of Australia were also impacted, from NSW to WA and Victoria.

Australia's farmers who had so long suffered from drought in many cases faced the opposite problem. The global importance in Australia's export of commodities such as coal, base metals and grains ensured that restriction in production and supply forced global prices higher but still resulted in opportunity and real losses for Australia's producers.

Right now the Australian gold miner Kingsgate Consolidated ((KCN)) is experiencing the same grief at its highly prospective Chatree project in Thailand. Having spent years dealing with a glacial government approval process (which is ongoing for extensions), Kingsgate is now losing what production it has to the rain.

More importantly for Thailand and the world is the loss of crops to the floods. Rubber plantations can cope with a bit of water and sugar cane actually quite likes a good monsoon to provide an ensuing bumper crop, but Thailand's rice industry is facing devastation. Flood damage to rice production, notes Deutsche Bank, is expected to be extensive.

Thailand is South East Asia's leading exporter of rice. Projections at this stage are of a loss of 24% of average rice exports to 8Mt. In 1995, floods cut Thai rice exports by 11% which pushed the global price of rice up 30%. The Thai Rice Exporters Association is predicting next year's rice exports from Thailand could drop by as much as 30%.

Fortunately weather has a habit of balancing itself out across the globe, often providing the opportunity for net global exports of commodities to do the same. India has recently experienced higher than expected rice inventory levels, notes Deutsche, and hence the government has lifted a ban to allow 2Mt to be sold internationally. Pakistan is also hoping to boost exports next year by 30%. Unfortunately the weather balance can often go too far.

Floods may bring devastation but rice crops still rely on a lot of water. A lack of water has recently reduced production in the US and in key exporting countries in Latin America. Most worryingly, China has recently been suffering from the impact of drought. For the first time in several years, notes Deutsche, China has become a net importer of rice.

Financial markets in 2011 have been thrown into turmoil by the European debt crisis, but a disturbing side-issue has been the forced slowing of economic growth in China. Beijing has the capacity to ease its monetary policy stance to balance out global economic growth, but to date has been unable to do so due to runaway inflation. The most significant inflation has been experienced in the price of food, and for still mostly poor Chinese, food represents a significant proportion of household spending.

Rice forms the staple diet of half the world's population, Deutsche points out, particularly in Asia and Latin America. Food accounts for around 30% of Asia's inflation basket but that figure rises to 33% for China and 46% for India. The greatest food price inflation for the Chinese in 2011 has been experienced in pork which is the country's most popular meat. Pork inflation has eased but remains stubbornly high, while other elements of the inflation basket have now begun to slow in growth. Analysts globally are expecting China's CPI to fall back to around 4.5% by year's end from a current 6% which is where Beijing will feel comfortable.

Now, however, food price inflation is reemerging as a potentially significant threat for the Chinese economy in 2012, suggesting the potential for further tightening from the Chinese government at a time when Europe remains a major problem for the world.

Meanwhile in Australia, meteorologists are warning of increasing chance of another La Nina episode as we approach the end of the year. “Consequently,” suggests UBS, “it is increasingly likely that we will see renewed disruption to the seaborne trade of thermal and coking coal, and even nickel laterite trade out of South East Asia”.

Australia's meteorologists closely monitor the Southern Oscillation Index in order to make their predictions. Overlaying the shorter term fluctuations of the SOI and El Nino-La Nina events is the Pacific Decadal Oscillator, which is still to be fully ratified and acknowledged by the scientific community. The PDO suggests that as well as the shorter term cycles of of typically three to seven years of the Little Boy and Girl, the world experiences longer wet-dry cycles of 20-30 years which overlay the shorter rotations.

Past devastating flooding in Australia (eg Brisbane 1974) has occurred during a combination of a wet PDO cycle and a severe La Nina event. Recent decades in Australia have seen a dry PDO cycle and a rash of El Nino events which have been accredited for the prolonged drought. Last year brought a sudden severe La Nina and subsequent destructive floods. A wet PDO cycle is currently due and that experience suggests to PDO protagonists that it has now begun.

I first wrote about the PDO in an FNArena feature story in February: Two More Decades Of Wet For Australia? With another La Nina possibly approaching, the theories outlined therein are further supported.

The good news is that the next La Nina is not expected to be as bad as the last one. The bad news is however, as UBS notes, that having suffered through the last one Australia is not in a very good position to cope with another one, even if it is less severe.

From a natural standpoint, the long years of drought meant so little soil moisture in relevant areas that at least the first of last year's rains washed straight in. The persistence of that rain into 2011 nevertheless meant the soil became saturated and flooding ensued. Nine or so months later and that soil moisture level remains generally higher than normal.

From a non-natural standpoint, strict environmental laws in Australia have ensured that many pits have not yet been able to be pumped dry due to the risk of various chemicals contaminating that water. Some older pits still have “substantial” amounts of water in them. Many mines thus have a lesser capacity to take on more water than they did last year, and as such a less severe La Nina can still mean significant loss of production once more.

And that again suggests commodity price inflation for the globe at a time when the global economy is once more threatening to contract, notwithstanding loss of earnings for Australia's miners.

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