Tag Archives: Telecom/Technology

article 3 months old

Weekly Broker Wrap: New Shops Are Coming But What About Jobs?

-Price pressures for retailers
-Jobs market weak
-Rate cuts not off agenda
-Strong outlook for broadband telcos
-Mobile players chase share

-China's growth outlook slowing

By Eva Brocklehurst

This year Australia will see some new retailer brands gracing its streets. Citi notes certain global retailers, primarily in fashion, are intent on making their mark here and will open stores in 2014. Australia offers high GDP per capita and faster population growth than other developed countries. Over the next year H&M, Forever 21, Uniqlo and River Island intend to open. Citi observes the impact on pricing and margins, in terms of the local competitors, is far more important than the taking of market share. Most of the new entrants will probably take positions in existing shopping centres and they require more floor space than the average Australian specialty retailer. Citi expects the new entrants to target a store base of around 20, initially. The broker estimates that high profile entrants like Marks & Spencer, H&M, Zara, Uniqlo and Sephora will take over $1.1 billion in revenue once established.

H&M poses the biggest risk to the locals' profit margins, as that brand tends to have globalised pricing. Citi's survey has revealed this company is 30-50% cheaper than competitors such as Premier Investments ((PMV)) - think Dotti, Portmans and Just - and department store Myer ((MYR)). One challenge for those retailers entering Australia is the need to have stock for an alternative season. The scale advantages that are retained by H&M and Inditex in their own markets are reduced in this instance. Citi has Sell ratings on many of those exposed to the new entrants, such as David Jones ((DJS)), Wesfarmers ((WES)), Myer and Woolworths ((WOW)).

Economic activity may be strengthening but Australia's job market is weak. AllianceBernstein wonders whether the rise in the unemployment rate to 6.0%, the highest level in a decade, is an indicator of the need to re-assess the Reserve Bank's cash rate profile. While accepting that employment does lag the economic cycle, the economists wonder whether a virtuous circle is not going to work this time. That is, that the improvement in confidence, conditions and housing construction - signs that an economic recovery is underway - will generate the necessary capital expenditure, income and jobs growth down the track. The economists fear it won't be enough to counter the reduction in resources activity, combined with the increased focus on cost cutting and productivity in both the public and private sectors. This is a reason they are mindful that a reduction to the cash rate can still come back on the agenda later this year.

BA-Merrill Lynch suspects Australian house prices will hit new highs in 2014, propelled by low interest rates. Investors are expected to continue to dominate at the expense of first home buyers. Still, the analysts are of the view that gains in house prices are not the positive signal for the broader economy that the Reserve Bank seemingly hopes is the case. Domestic economic growth in the first quarter of 2014 may be modestly better, as indicated by the rise in business confidence in January, but Merrills notes a sharp decline in consumer confidence. Job security looms large as a key concern. Employment growth has been flat and the analyst expected the unemployment rate to continue rising this year. They suggest this measure will be monitored closely by the RBA, noting the central bank has never tightened policy while the unemployment rate has been rising. Hence, they also think expectations for tighter policy later in the year are premature.

Citi notes Telstra's ((TLS)) wholesale broadband subscribers rose by 69,000 in the first half, signaling there is continued subscriber growth among the internet service providers (ISP). This is the highest net subscriber movement in four years, according to Citi. Of the three leading ISPs, Optus reported declining subscriptions in fixed broadband so the growth appears to have come mainly from TPG Telecom ((TPM)) and iiNet ((IIN)) and signals a positive first half for the latter pair. The gain of around 8,000 in Telstra's wholesale off-net subscribers - used by the others to deliver services in areas where they do not have infrastructure - suggests a stabilisation of the customer bases after heavy declines in previous years. This is also encouraging for the aforesaid companies, given the need to establish a wider geographic presence ahead of the introduction of the National Broadband Network roll-out.

JP Morgan thinks Singapore Telecom ((SGT)) may have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to the trade off between Optus revenue and customer losses. The company appears to be targeting growth in mobiles and this is raising the competitive dynamics of the segment, in the analysts' view. In the merry-go-round of the mobile, the three main players - Optus, Telstra and Vodafone ((HTA)) - are chasing each other's business.

JP Morgan observes, when Vodafone was losing share, Optus grew its base significantly, even though overall share slipped. This situation arose because Optus gained from Vodafone at the value end but lost to Telstra at higher price points. If Vodafone ramps up attempts to recover lost ground then Optus may be vulnerable and resort to taking higher value subscribers from Telstra just to maintain share. And the market is rational, JP Morgan asks? The analysts do not think this is the case, with one player losing money and the other going backwards. If the Vodafone brand reaches some stability at the same time as Optus turns up the growth levers it could mean less favourable conditions for Telstra.

AllianceBernstein has revised down growth forecasts for China. A weakening of global emerging market demand is expected to act as a headwind for Chinese exports, even though developed markets are expected to stay firm. The analysts have reduced the growth forecasts for China in 2014 to 7.1%, which represents a deceleration from 7.7% in 2013. This is because of China's increasing domestic financial stress, induced by heightened credit default risk and tight monetary policy.

While the risk of systemic credit crisis is considered remote, the analysts note the People's Bank of China has maintained a hard line. The question is whether the central bank will come under political pressure to relax policy as the economy decelerates. To this end, the analysts estimate that, if the central bank is required to support a GDP target of around 7.5% for 2014, then the chances increase for some easing in credit conditions. In contrast, a 7.0% target would provide more room for the government to implement reforms. Given some major provinces have already marked down growth expectations, the analysts suspect the national target will be closer to this 7.0% rate.

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article 3 months old

Emerging Sell In Telstra

By Nick Linton-Ffrost

Trading tactics

Wait for a lower high to form below 5.30 before opening looking to open shorts.


We suspect Telstra ((TLS)) is trading within a five wave wedge pattern which may provide us with a short trade. A confirmed break below 5.05 indicates targets between 4.80 and 4.60.

This is clearly a counter trend trade and requires the right triggers. We will be watching for a bounce and a higher low or more work around the 5.05 level before getting overly excited. We do not suggest pre-empting the line break.

If the trade does come together it would take around 30 days to achieve break and wave count targets between 4.80 and 4.60. The trick with this one may be getting enough edge.


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Fifth Wave | fwtc.com.au                                               

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article 3 months old

Telcos: Focus On Mobile Revenue Growth

-2014 more about earnings, not yield
-Focus on deploying cash flow
-Mobile revenue growth to star


By Eva Brocklehurst

The underlying theme in the telecommunications sector in 2014 is the National Broadband Network roll out. This has a slightly slower trajectory than brokers originally thought to be the case. They suspect this has little effect on Telstra's ((TLS)) valuation, while it is marginally positive for the other major players on the network, TPG Telecom ((TPM)) and iiNet ((IIN)).

NBN Co is proposing a mix of technologies which includes some of the former federal government's Fibre-To-The-Premises (FTTP) plan with the bulk being the current government's favoured Fibre-To-The-Node (FTTN). This should provide some continuity and momentum, according to Goldman Sachs, but there's still uncertainty as the industry addresses additional reviews, corporate plans and organisational issues.

The sector outperformed in 2013 amid a search for yield and defensive earnings growth. This year, with the stocks trading at the upper end of historical ranges, Goldman believes performance will largely be about tweaking earnings growth forecasts. Small telcos are not expected to feature in mergers and acquisitions this year, as the companies seek to integrate acquisitions and deploy cash flow to reduce debt.

The upcoming earnings period should reveal strong mobile growth for Telstra, in JP Morgan's opinion. The broker will be interested in whether margins are being also ratcheted higher. JP Morgan expects consumer fixed business margins to ease slightly. The balance sheet should attract attention following recent asset sales but JP Morgan does not expect a capital management initiative, or the raising of dividends this time around. Goldman thinks there'll be an increasing focus on whether a dividend increase is on the way but suspects the company may seek to neutralise potential for earnings dilution by using the proceeds of assets sales for debt reduction and/or buy-backs. Still the broker has punted on ordinary dividends rising to 30c by FY15 and FY16 against prior forecasts of 28c (FY13 actual), reflecting a more stable earnings outlook and moving in line with the consensus view on the FNArena database.

It's been three years since the last shake-out in mobile pricing and Citi wonders whether such stability can last. The broker thinks the same can be said for fixed line broadcasting. It appears the telecoms operators have moved away from pricing as a way to stimulate market share gain. For mobile operators, and Telstra in particular, it's the network quality and coverage that's become the selling point. Nevertheless, the roll out of 4G networks could reduce this advantage and drive a return to pricing strategies. In fixed line broadband, as the market has matured, Citi thinks customer bases have become stickier and operators are focusing on value bundling.

Goldman Sachs expects mobile revenue to be the highlight of the results season, with a return to growth in 2014 because of record capex last year and 4G data monetisation. The take up of 4G has driven increased data usage. While there's no specific numbers, Goldman Sachs estimates 4G smartphone usage is twice that of 3G. The broker notes both Telstra and Optus have driven 4G penetration to 20% and Vodafone to 17%. The broker expects pricing competition to remain rational in 2014 although the record network investment last year is seen manifesting in greater competition this year.

Telstra is expected to come up against more competition in metro areas as Optus [Singtel ((SGT))] and Vodafone [Hutchison Telecom ((HTA))] leverage near-term spectrum advantages. Fixed broadband growth is expected to stay robust but Goldman thinks uncertainty on the NBN front, in terms of both re-negotiations and roll-out, will prevail. The broker thinks Telstra is well paced to protect the value of its NBN deal but there is a threat inherent in what TPG may do with the Fibre-To-The-Basement (FTTB). That company's FTTB plan marks a step up in the competition on infrastructure and Goldman does expect there'll be some competitive response from Telstra and/or Optus. Still, the broker is of the opinion the plans should help TPG to drive market share gains.

Goldman Sachs has downgraded TPG to Sell on valuation, suspecting that the company is not factoring in all the competitive and execution risks. Expected market share gains are also overly optimistic. The stock had a strong run since September and looks to be over priced, in both Goldman and JP Morgan's view. JP Morgan is hoping for more detail on the benefits of the AAPT acquisition and the FTTB project at the results briefing.

The brokers have reduced expectations for earnings growth from iiNet. JP Morgan believes the company is struggling to obtain organic growth. The broker wants to see just how well iiNet has integrated the acquisitions of the last few years and whether earnings expectations from the integration have been met. JP Morgan also has issues with the valuation in terms of the long-term re-basing of returns in the NBN arena, suspecting it may be difficult for these to become sustainable. Goldman is more optimistic and still expects earnings to grow organically this year, noting the company has a first mover advantage that places it in a good position to capitalise on the growing opportunity in the NBN.

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article 3 months old

PS&C Building Opportunities In Technology

-Focus on revenue diversity
-Impressive client base
-Key is vendor payment

By Eva Brocklehurst

There's nothing in the initials of PS&C ((PSZ)) that would, at a glance, excite investors, but the implications of the company's name have captured the attention of brokers. PS&C listed on ASX last month. The moniker stands for People, Security and Communications and reveals a diversified information and communications technology (ICT) company.

There is the promise, in Morgans' (ie formerly RBS Morgans) view, of healthy organic growth as the business benefits from substantial intra-company client relationships. Hence the broker has initiated coverage with an Add recommendation and $1.24 price target. Morgans also expects that this target's 10% discount to valuation will dissipate with time. Bell Potter has also initiated coverage and taken a Buy rating with a blended $1.25 price target, a 34% premium to a share price around 94c. The total return, including dividend yield, is expected around 36%.

So, what is PS&C exactly? The company has created three key segments through the acquisition of five profitable enterprises, which Bells notes have been in operation for seven to eighteen years. Morgans hails management's strategy of collecting businesses that provide greater value to the whole than they have as individual entities. Both brokers like the revenue diversity and Bells notes no single customer contributes more than 12.5% of group revenue. Rather than achieving growth through cost synergies as a result of mergers and acquisitions, the brokers like the fact that this company aims for revenue synergies - bringing associated businesses together into one company and acquiring a wider client base.

The people part is consulting, contractor management and recruitment. PS&C provides contractor management so non-IT companies do not have to have full-time employees. PS&C makes a margin by managing the payroll for these employees. Blue chip clients include Toyota, Amcor ((AMC)) and Telstra ((TLS)). The brokers observe this is the area of the business where PS&C faces the most competition. Hence, there's a need for differentiation and Bells believes this a is a reason why the company is broadening its capabilities, as well as providing contractor management. It is also why PS&C focuses on the high-end services, such as providing resources to critical infrastructure.

The Security aspect includes Securus Global and HackLabs, operating in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, which Morgans describes as "ethical" hacking companies. At the client's request, they test systems for security flaws and faults and produce reports so these can be rectified. Bells thinks the plus factor is that, in this very fragmented market, PS&C owns these two key companies. Hence, there's good exposure to a growing area of need. This segment is where the broker forecasts double digit revenue growth in FY14, FY15 and FY16, with a relatively stable gross margin around 59%.

Lastly, communications - internet, telephony and networks, with installation of systems the main driver of revenue in this segment. This segment only operates in and around Sydney but the annual spending on communications infrastructure in NSW is estimated to be around $1.4bn, according to Bells, enhanced by the NBN roll-out.

PS&C raised IPO funds largely to pay for the acquisitions. There are also earn-out components for the vendors over three periods but, importantly from the brokers' perspectives, it's PS&C that decides how the payments will be formed - whether in scrip, cash or a combination. Morgans considers this deal a positive for shareholders as it allows the board to balance the interests of the vendors and shareholders. No guidance has been issued as to the breakdown of payments, but the broker bases forecasts on assumptions that earn-outs will be cash and/or debt funded, and not via scrip.

The largest risk, in Morgans' view, is that the company could lose key customers or technical staff, although the broker acknowledges this is mitigated by the earn-out options. Nevertheless, if the earn-outs become 100% scrip based then profit growth would need to exceed 15% to deliver the earnings growth. There is also limited visibility given the company's low liquidity and lack of a track record on the ASX. Bells points out that the professional service agreements do not guarantee minimum levels of work, and this is a risk. Levels of work may be at risk in the future or even cease, adversely affecting performance. The company is also very dependent on the the ICT services market in Australia and the rate of growth in this market. Other, more general, risks are associated with contracts being cancelled, cost over-runs, technological competition and disputes.

Standing the company in good stead are the panel and preferred supplier agreements for government as well as long-term partnering agreements. There are 43 panel agreements across the company in total with major ones with NSW and Telstra. The company is on the NSW government's ICT panel, being one of just three in the Advanced section to supply all 13 categories.

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article 3 months old

Strong Growth Potential For Empired

-Strong growth in key contracts
-Management seen reducing risk
-Doubling of earnings, div seen in FY14

By Eva Brocklehurst

IT services provider Empired ((EPD)) is not just a consulting company but a software engineer providing business solutions. This means a large percentage of revenue comes from multi-year managed services and higher margin projects, for the energy and natural resources sector as well as state governments.

This focus has made the stock stand out for Bell Potter. What makes this company special is that it has two very substantial contracts, which support revenue growth projections of 69% in FY14 and 23% in FY15. Despite the large size of this forecast increase Bell Potter is confident that it can happen, with a significant skew to the second half in FY14. As the growth is predicated on existing contracts, any more contract wins will deliver further upside. Bell Potter also likes the higher barriers to entry in the company's markets.

So what is it about these two contracts that's so exciting? The biggest, in terms of value, is with a major resources company for a mining system upgrade. This is a $30m contract over three years with potential for $50m over five years. The other is of similar value with Western Australia's Main Roads department. This contract is for an initial $28m over three years with potential to grow to $46m over five years.

The other aspect that pleases the broker is that the company is well aware of execution risk, given such large increases in revenue are predicated on just two contracts, and has taken steps to mitigate this. The major mining system upgrade is divided into components, which range in size between $2m and $6m. Moreover, Empired is paid for successful delivery of each component and doesn't take on the risk of reconciliation or integration of the components.

At Main Roads the contract is on an open book basis, reducing the risk by taking a cost-plus approach. While the margin is lower than for a typical infrastructure project the risk is also lower. All up, this provides the broker with some assurance that the earnings margins can be achieved and revenue forecasts can be met.

The major risk, of course, would be loss of a key customer. Main Roads is currently the largest and accounted for 15.5% of revenue in FY13, so if it were lost it would have a material negative impact. This percentage will reduce to 11% in FY14 and to 10% in FY15. Empired recently acquired Melbourne-based systems consultant, OBS, and that company is expected to generate FY14 revenue of $32m, representing around 31% of the broker's total revenue forecast. The risk here is that any shortfall could have a material impact.

Bell Potter retains a Buy recommendation and 92c price target. The price target is at a 46% premium to the current share price and the broker's total expected return on the investment, including dividend yield, is 47%. On the back of a forecast doubling of earnings in FY14 Bell Potter also expects the dividend will double in FY15 and FY16, to 1c and 2c respectively.

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article 3 months old

TPG Acquisition Of AAPT Raises Expectations

-TPG price rally excessive
-TPG's risks increase
-Telecom focus now on NZ
-Telecom NZ capital management likely


By Eva Brocklehurst

TPG Telecom ((TPM)) will add another fibre network to its suite with the acquisition of AAPT. TPG has been on the front foot since delivering a strong FY13 result and earlier in the year announcing an intention to build its own Fibre-To-The-Building network. Brokers now think the share price has run too far and company has a lot of expectations to fulfill.

TPG will acquire AAPT from Telecom New Zealand ((TEL)) for $450m, funded by debt. Around 60% of AAPT's revenue comes from the wholesale carriage business and the remainder from corporate customers. Assets include the inter-capital fibre links, an extensive metropolitan and suburban fibre footprint and 15 data centres. The assets should complement TPG's network, which includes fibre, submarine cable and DSLAM. While the AAPT business may be a good fit, and tended to be neglected by Telecom NZ, brokers worry about the extent of the synergies and believe, in the main, that the share price reaction to the deal was over the top.

BA-Merrill Lynch flags cost synergies that the acquisition will allow as the key unknown. The interstate transit market is competitive and savings may be significant, but will be unlikely to have the same impact on the cost base as was seen with TPG's acquisition of PIPE Networks. The limited visibility on this, and the share price reaction, suggest to the broker the market is putting a "degree of faith" in TPG's ability to deliver. An Underperform rating is maintained.

Credit Suisse considers the acquisition opens up meaningful synergies through network duplication and TPG can migrate third party back haul arrangements to AAPT fibre. The challenge for TPG will be absorbing AAPT as well as executing on the proposed FTTB. Credit Suisse is mindful that the FTTB roll out carries political risk, as a number of NBN reviews are underway with the new federal government. If the laws are amended to protect a level playing field objective, ie. against cherry picking, then this may affect TPG's ability to deliver the FTTB plan. AAPT brings execution risk in both managing the revenue decline that's been in evidence in the past two years and delivering cost cuts. All up, the valuation looks fair to Credit Suisse but a Neutral rating is appropriate in the current market conditions.

Macquarie notes the decision regarding depreciation and goodwill will affect the actual accretion or dilution value of the transaction. The broker observes, even with debt funding for the transaction, TPG's net debt will still be comfortable. Macquarie is restricted on providing a recommedantion for both stocks at present. JP Morgan likes the deal but believes TPG's share price reaction was excessive. The stock will struggle to live up to expectations in the broker's opinion. The reaction implies AAPT is worth $445m more in TPG's hands compared with what was paid. While the potential of AAPT may have been neglected by Telecom, such valuation is excessive in the JP Morgan's view. While a lot of cost has been taken out of the business the drivers of synergies are not that clear.

Moreover, JP Morgan thinks the philosophy of using capital to buy out network operations to control as much infrastructure as possible offers no added value for the stock. One reason why TPG may be keen to acquire AAPT and develop competitive infrastructure is because, according to JP Morgan, resellers in an NBN world are likely to earn much lower margins. Still the broker finds it hard to get over the heightened expectations, unless the NBN creates a very large opportunity. Goldman Sachs, meanwhile, believes the acquisition will not only deliver inter-capital fibre but also a greater presence in Perth and Adelaide for TPG, where the broker estimates the company's market share is lower than its national average.

From Telecom's point of view the sale is consistent with an ambition to focus on the NZ business and investors will now be looking at the prospects for capital management. The company has stated it will use the proceeds to pay down debt and will provide an update at the half year results in February. The sale removes a distraction, in JP Morgan's view, and the price achieved was better than expected. Telecom's NZ share price has been flat since June as investors await more evidence of a turnaround. JP Morgan is of the view that it's too early to conclude the core business is turning around. Having said that, the broker does not think a material deterioration in fixed line economics is on the cards.

Merrills also finds limited scope for a near-term re-rating of Telecom as the fixed line competitive environment is difficult, with bundling discounts a relatively new feature. The broker wants top line stability and a more rational competitive stance from Vodafone. That said, while sale proceeds will be used to repay debt, Merrills thinks there's scope for a modest NZ1c per share dividend per annum increase, as well as investment in initiatives to grow the top line.

UBS also believes the exit from Australia removes a distraction at a time when resources are being used to transform the company's fortunes in New Zealand and the cash should underwrite the dividend despite earnings pressure. The broker remains impressed by Telecom's transformation but is cautious about revenues. Drivers of a more positive fundamental outlook from here will be signs of price rationalisation, share gains and short-term wins in the digital division. Credit Suisse considers the sale opens up a buy-back opportunity. The broker thinks Telecom can hold earnings level over the next few years, through cost reductions and some revenue growth from mobile.

On the FNArena database TPG has one Buy rating (Citi, yet to update), one Hold and three Sell. The consensus price target of $4.11 suggests 10.6% downside to the last share price. This target has risen from $4.02 ahead of the announcement. Telecom NZ has no Buy ratings. There are five Hold and two Sell ratings. The dividend yield on FY14 and FY15 consensus earnings forecasts is 6.9%. 

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article 3 months old

Technology One Offers Strong Earnings Growth

-Capital management expected
-Resilient customer base
-Strong cloud expansion
-UK taking time to develop


By Eva Brocklehurst

Technology One ((TNE)) is an IT company which continues to find favour with brokers, reliably shoring up earnings with substantial contract wins despite the subdued economic environment.

Profit growth of 16% in FY13 was slightly ahead of guidance. BA-Merrill Lynch, having downgraded to Neutral at the half year, has returned to a Buy rating. This is because the broker is confident that Technology One can deliver double digit earnings growth upon strong licence sales and margin improvement. Robust cash generation paves the way for potential capital returns and the cloud opportunity could develop into a material driver of earnings, not only in terms of minimising costs but also in providing a stronger relationship with the customer. Merrills has also now moved to value the company in line with global software and cloud providers.

Moelis likes the positive earnings profile an the likelihood of capital management initiatives from FY15 in order to utilise the strength of the balance sheet. The company has previously said it would consider capital management once it had the ability to frank dividends. Moelis expects this will be the case from FY15. UBS thinks a special dividend in FY15 is the likely way that Technology One will go as it considers capital management options. State government IT and migration to the cloud are seen as the main thrust of the company's growth plans.The broker thinks conversion of the existing client base to the cloud could reach 50% in five years. Technology One has eight clients on the cloud with the ability to convert existing customers and acquire new ones.

Following the dismantling of the Western Australian share service centre, Technology One has successfully bid for a number of tenders over the past 12 months, winning contracts from larger operators Oracle and SAP. UBS observes that ongoing cost pressures and IT service project failures could lead to a similar outsourcing trend in Queensland, Victoria and NSW. The integration of WA state agencies into Technology One's arena via financial and supply-chain management also presents the opportunity for further cross selling.

Macquarie expects scale benefits from the transition to the cloud as research and development delivers margin expansion. The broker notes the company now operates its own corporate head office in the cloud, in order to demonstrate the advantages. Hardware/software will be hosted in the cloud utilising Amazon's data centres. Management expect cost savings of $1.5m in FY13/14 from the transition and Macquarie envisages this having a positive impact on revenue too. The broker expects over a five year period, cloud contracts will typically generate twice the revenue contribution when compared to the traditional product offering on the client's premises.

One blip in the report was the weakness in project services, which involves non-company custom software that has suffered as a result of the weak economic climate. Macquarie does not expect a significant rebound in this segment, as management maintains a focus on value-added services around the Ci and Ci2 products. Sales are in good shape elsewhere and, in terms of contracts, Macquarie notes the government customer base tends to be resilient. UBS expects FY13 is the cyclical trough for Technology One. From here, growth should accelerate and the broker is expecting 18-20% in FY14-15. There was no specific guidance provided for FY14 and UBS expects more details at the AGM.

Merrills also notes that there was a larger than usual unbilled component in the results. This relates to the way contracts have been agreed but, at the year-end, not yet been invoiced. Licence sales made at the end of a period is a reminder of how lumpy the software revenue can be. Nevertheless, it's not a significant issue for the broker, just something that needs to be watched.

Moelis retains a Buy rating and $2.50 target. The broker, as at the half year, remains concerned about the challenges in the UK operation as Technology One tries to make its mark against large incumbents such as SAP and Oracle. Management has stated it remains committed to growing the business in the UK, although brokers note that a further strategic review is being undertaken. Macquarie expect more information in the first half and suspects that initiatives such as targeting vertical markets and potential partnering with a third party are going to take some time to evolve.

Technology One has three Buy ratings on the FNArena database. No Hold and no Sell. The consensus target is $2.46, suggesting 3.8% upside to the last share price. The dividend yield on FY14 forecasts earnings is 2.8% and jumps to 4.1% on FY15 forecasts.

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article 3 months old

UXC Has Plenty of Upside In The Cloud

-Acquisition immediately accretive
-Plenty of upside seen


By Eva Brocklehurst

UXC ((UXC)) has been hot on the acquisition trail again. The company has acquired Keystone Management Solutions, Australia's largest re-seller and service provider for ServiceNow, an IT cloud business formed in 2003 and based in the US. UXC is positioning for immediate scale in this business segment and management expects the acquisition to be accretive to earnings from the outset. The acquisition comes with access to more than 120 customers in the corporate and government sectors. ServiceNow has a growth rate of 70% per annum, one of the fastest for cloud-based organisations globally.

Credit Suisse and Moelis both like the acquisition and UXC's active pursuit of enhanced product offering as well as strengthening relationships with major software vendors. Credit Suisse expects the acquisition will enable UXC to benefit from a structural shift that will underpin cloud-based software and strengthen the quality of the earnings stream through annuity-style income This is before any cyclical recovery in the IT market. UXC is considered on top of its game and this adds up to an Outperform rating for Credit Suisse and a $1.20 price target.

Moelis considers UXC to be a superior business in the IT segment. The acquisition price of $24-28m, depending on earn-outs up to the end of FY15, is to be paid by a 80:20 mix of cash and scrip. There are minimal integration costs and the business generates higher margins than UXC's existing operations. Admittedly, UXC is cycling a large one-off contract payment of $40m from the Gold Coast University project in FY13, but FY14 is expected to reveal more contract success. Moelis also notes that business sentiment is improving, with more confidence about the growth rate in the second half when "pent up demand" is expected to generate increased sales. Moelis has a $1.25 target price and a Buy rating.

UXC is the largest, Australian-owned ICT company, partnering with Alcatel-Lucent, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco and SAP, to name a few. It was formed via a merger in 2002 and is engaged in the provision of business and IT services, voice and data services and applications, infrastructure support and utility asset and data management.

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article 3 months old

SingTel: Regional Strength And Optus Dividends

-Few re-rating catalysts
-Optus: margin vs revenue


By Eva Brocklehurst

Singapore Telecommunications ((SGT)) is managing its business well. The regional telco's strength, for brokers, is the modestly robust outlook and, for shareholders, in the dividend pay-out. Overall, earnings are expected to be nondescript in FY14. The debate downunder resides on balancing the Australian business, Optus, between revenue and margin growth.

Macquarie believes SingTel's steady core operations will continue to support dividends and positive developments in India and Indonesia will provide the upside catalysts. SingTel is trading at relatively undemanding multiples and is attractively valued at current levels relative to regional peers, in the broker's view. The bright spot in the second quarter was wireless revenue and subscriber growth in Singapore. Mobile remains the company's key growth driver, providing 7% year on year growth in the quarter.

For CIMB there's few re-rating catalysts but the dividend is attractive. The broker expects the aggressive investments the company has made will weigh down earnings, although there's less of a chance for disappointments with more stable regional currencies. Currency weakness, and withholding tax on dividends from associates, were the main reasons as to why the second quarter profit was disappointing. The company continues to seek digital acquisition opportunities but has not made any moves as yet. SingTel maintains there's no shortage of targets but is making sure the synergies are there first. SingTel also plans to acquire pay TV content to better differentiate its products.

Optus showed a slowdown in revenue, with a decline of 5.3% similar to the prior quarter. CIMB notes that Optus is concentrating less on revenue growth at this point and more on margin, cash flow and investment return. When looked at from this angle the results are impressive, according to the broker. Earnings were up 15.1% and the margin, at 30.4%, was at a level not seen since FY05. Optus is seen performing well in the lower growth operating environment. CIMB does not expect Optus will be able to grow its mobile base much until the 700Mhz spectrum becomes available in 2015. JP Morgan suspects that mobile churn is unlikely to fall any further, given one of the company's competitors, Vodafone ((HTA)), is already so weak.

Vodafone's recovery, when it does eventuate, is expected to impact Optus more so than the bigger player, Telstra ((TLS)). JP Morgan believes that, if churn does increase and the add-on offers remain low, then Optus revenue may decline even faster. If add-ons increase, then margins will fall. It's a matter of where the company decides to place the emphasis. Macquarie does wonder how long Optus would be comfortable with trading away some scale in return for profit growth. The broker suspects it won't be long before the company is looking to turn around the subscriber declines. Most likely Optus will start with limited-time promotional offers to shore up its base. This can be done while maintaining profit growth, in Macquarie's opinion.

JP Morgan thinks asset sales and a special dividend are both unlikely and there's no catalysts for earnings upgrades. The net profit in the second quarter missed the broker's estimates by 9%. The stock is expected to be range bound and earnings forecasts for FY14-16 have been cut by 6-7%. Usher in the downgrade. The three brokers that recently updated views on the FNArena database are JP Morgan, which has downgraded the stock to Neutral from Overweight, Macquarie which retains the lone Outperform rating and CIMB, also Neutral. Hence, one Buy and two Hold. The dividend yield on consensus forecasts is 4.4% for FY14 and 4.8% for FY15.

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article 3 months old

Altium: A Story About Niche Potential

-Well positioned in niche market
-Robust growth potential


By Eva Brocklehurst

Altium ((ALU)) is a niche player and the name is not widely recognised. The product the company develops ultimately affects everyday modern life but exists in the background, quietly (usually) doing its job.

Moelis has initiated coverage of the stock with a Buy rating. The broker sees the potential for growth to materialise from a number of strategic initiatives the company is undertaking, including the relocation of the head office to Shanghai, China from Sydney, Australia. The reason for this relocation is the belief that China represents the best location for a service-based approach, with a direct relationship with device end-users and manufacturers.

So what does the company actually do? Central is the development and sale of software for the design of printed circuit boards, or PCBs. These PCBs are used in electronic parts from aeroplanes to mobiles. Altium develops the links and tools to assist electronics engineers design their projects. The global market for Altium's niche segment is estimated to be US$700m. Altium is involved in the R&D aspect of the software and spends US$10m each year, or 15% of sales, with an objective to expand the application of the products from mainstream to high and low end use. The relocation to China and increased R&D spending helped push underlying profit to US$20.1m in FY13, a 48% increase. This included 13% increase in sales and an increase in underlying earnings margins to 31.7% from 28.4%. The company has grown recurring subscriptions to be 47% of sales.

Altium was founded in 1985 and listed on the ASX in 1999 - as Protel International. It has evolved its business to provide unified design across all aspects of electronics. Moelis notes the company's product is recognised as the most price efficient available in the global market. Noted customers include heavyweights such as IBM, Motorola, Fujitsu, Philips, Nokia and ... Telstra ((TLS)). The majority of sales are outside Australia via a global distribution network. Around 80% of sales are in the United States and Europe, thus there is some currency risk in EUR/USD because of the large proportion of sales conducted in euro.

Competitors include US-based Cadence Design Systems and Mentor Graphics but these companies compete more in the relatively smaller parts of larger operations. The Altium revenue model includes a licence sale and recurring maintenance component. Typically each licence is sold for US$5,500 which compares with the competitor prices of US$10,000 for comparable versions.

Moelis is confident net cash will continue to grow and capex going forward should be minimal, because of the state-of-the-art systems and capacity in Shanghai. The company paid an unfranked final dividend of 8c at FY13 following a 3c interim dividend. The 60% dividend pay-out policy is expected to be maintained going forward and the broker observes the balance sheet has strength to provide acquisition opportunities should they arise. There's no FY14 guidance, but the first quarter sales update indicated a 3% increase. Moelis acknowledges that much of the company's success has been reflected in the doubling of the share price over the past year but the price/earnings ratio is less than 14 times FY15 estimates and hence not overly demanding in the context of a sustainable growth path. The broker has a target price of $3.00.

Examples of the company's products - for those that like that SciFi aspect - include Nanoboard - re-configurable hardware platform to be used for system prototyping, Tasking - an embedded software development tool and Morfik - a design and development tool for web development technology.

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