Tag Archives: Uranium

article 3 months old

Happy Christmas Uranium

By Andrew Nelson

From July 2011 to July this year the uranium spot price range traded between US$55-US$50 per pound with no real signs of life. And just when everyone thought the price was about to head higher, it dropped below US$50 and headed steadily lower from July to November. Then the unexpected happened, the spot price started pushing higher towards the end of November. It may not be back up to US$50 yet and no one’s brave enough to call a recovery, but at least the price is headed in the right direction for producers to feel at least a tiny bit of holiday joy.

As always, the price started heading higher about the same time brokers started downgrading forecasts for both uranium and uranium producers. Last week saw the run continue, with BA-Merrill Lynch turning more cautious on the uranium market. Here’s the elevator summary from the report: headwinds in the near term will prove challenging for the sector.

BA-ML noted that the will they-wont they talk about Japan’s nuclear reactor re-starts have been the main driver of the uranium spot price for more than a year now. Well, BA-ML now reckons only 70% of Japan’s nuclear capacity will eventually come back on line. This compares to 87% previously. The revision sees the broker lower its 2012-14 price forecasts, with 2013 coming down from US$58 to US$53 per pound, while 2014 is expected to be at US$73, which is down US$2 from the previous forecast. Term price forecasts were also adjusted, with 2013 US$4 lower at US$59, while 2014 is down US$2 to US$71 per pound.

While the broker downgraded Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)) to Neutral from Buy last week on lower prices and less favourable FX assumptions, the stock remains BA-ML’s key pick in the sector. The analysts' rationale was interesting, noting the stock offers investors exposure to potential catalysts that are unrelated to the commodity price, namely the extension of the mine life. The broker also noted that Paladin Energy ((PDN)) will be dropped off the S&P 100 index in the next index rebalance, providing another unneeded headwind for the company.

Conversely, UBS upgraded their call on Paladin to Buy this morning, noting the pro nuke Liberal Democratic Party is now running Japan, with a steady ramp up of reactors now expected as a result. The broker notes the news should help improve uranium demand, and should also allay fears of Japan dumping stock into the market, both clear positives for Paladin.

Meanwhile, Industry consultant TradeTech’s spot price keeps inching higher, last week jumping another US$1.50 to US$45.00 per pound, dispelling all expectations that December would be a quiet month on the spot market. The week got off to a busy start, with offers due early for a non-US utility that was looking for 1.4 million pounds of U308. Then things took off from there. By Friday, ten deals had been done in the spot market, with approximately 1.3 million pounds of uranium changing hands.

Uranium was trading as high as US$45.50 last week, but then pulled back a little to see the bulk of stock sold at or near the current spot price. The buyers were utilities, but more so traders and financial entities, while traders and financial entities were also the sellers for the most part.

There was also one transaction reported in the term uranium market last week, with TradeTech reporting a utility selected a preferred supplier, but only for delivery of less than 1 million pounds over a 5-year period. There are quite a few more utilities that are still out there in the term market looking for more than 8 million pounds for delivery between 2015 and 2025. However, the little blip in term market did little to change prices, with TradeTech’s Mid-Term U3O8 Price Indicator standing pat at US$47 per pound, while the Long-Term Indicator was unchanged at US $59.00 per pound.

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article 3 months old

A Baby Bounce In The Uranium Market

By Andrew Nelson

Just when we thought the uranium market was settling down for a quiet holiday season, we are greeted with a busy week of year-end buying and selling. Producers were probably not too bothered by the uptick in activity and prices, likely wishing every week was like the last one.

Industry consultant TradeTech reports there were eight deals concluded over the course of last week, seeing some 1.2m pounds of U308 equivalent change hands. The buyers were mostly traders and financial entities, although there were also some utilities in the market as well. The sellers, for the most part, were traders and financials, which seems to indicate the week was about adjusting year-end positions rather than direct purchases to fuel nuclear energy supply.

While last week started off with a few deals booked below the prevailing spot, as the week wore on the price of uranium quickly reversed after a number of buyers turned up to buy around 700,000 pounds at prices above the prevailing spot. TradeTech notes sellers were quick to react in lifting prices, but the move did little to slow the buying, with another 500,000 pounds heading out the door at increasingly higher prices.

After the dust had settled, TradeTech’s Weekly U3O8 Spot Price Indicator was up US$1.00 to US$43.50 per pound, making for the best week the market’s seen in quite a while. And there could be a bit more activity next week, with one non-US utility is looking for  more than 1m pounds for delivery in 2013, with offers due no later than today.

There was also a bit of life in the term uranium market, with TradeTech reporting two sales over the course of last week. The deals, both with US utilities, were concluded at the current market price, meaning there was no change to prices.

The better news is that there is still quite a bit of speculative demand hanging around the term market. TradeTech reports there are a number of utilities looking for more than 8m pounds for delivery between 2015 and 2025, while a couple of non-US utilities continue to look for nearly 2m pounds, with one prospective buyer wanting 1m pounds for delivery over a five-year period and the other wanting 750,000 pounds for delivery between 2014-2018.

Despite the activity and increasing levels of demand, there was no change to TradeTech’s Mid-Term and Long-Term U3O8 Price Indicators, which both stayed put at US$47.00 and US$59.00 per pound respectively last week.

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article 3 months old

Is Uranium Setting Up For A Happier Christmas?

By Andrew Nelson

November was a little kinder to uranium producers than September or October was, with new demand trickling into the market and providing some support for spot prices. Not much ground was gained, but it was at least a little, and more importantly for sellers is that the current momentum remains upwards.

Industry consultant TradeTech’s November 30 Uranium Exchange Value was US$42.50 per pound last Friday, up US$1.50 from the end of October and up US$0.75 from the previous Friday’s mark. There were 19 transactions over the course of the month seeing over 5m pounds of U308 equivalent changing hands. The buyers were represented by utilities, traders, and financial entities, while the sellers were comprised of producers and traders.

One of the main factors that brought that spurred on turnover was the low prices after the downward run in the spot price through the month of October. Thus, buyers were keen to lock in supply at what were historically attractive prices.

Another bit of good news for sellers is that despite the slightly higher prices over the course of the month, there remains active demand in the market, so December may also get off to a positive start. TradeTech reports one non-US utility is looking for more than 1m pounds for delivery in 2013, with offers due no later than December 10. There is also a combination of both US and non-US utilities that are also looking for around 1m pounds for spot delivery, while several other buyers are making inquiries.

The lift in short term demand also flowed through to the term market, with TradeTech’s Mid -Term U308 Price Indicator up US$2.00 to US$47.00 per pound over the course of November. As almost always, the Long-Term Price Indicator remained at US$59.00 per pound.

Further brightening the picture of emerging supply was news from TradeTech that demand is now starting to outstrip supply. Active uranium supply dropped to just 3m pounds U3O8 equivalent over the course of November, while active uranium demand increased to 3.5m pounds.

Analysts at BMO Capital Markets have thrown a bit of a wet blanket on the party, however, noting supply will likely remain broadly in balance up to 2017 before the market starts to see a sustained deficit. The team notes there are several years of oversupply and excess inventories sitting in the market, which will mean utilities will enjoy a few more years of being able to be price selective.

Given the cap on near term prices, the broker predicts uranium supply will fall over the short to medium term to match demand. However, overall supply is expected to grow at an average of 4% per year through 2025 from current levels. The main issue for shorter term supplier that manage to weather the short term storm is that the 4% growth average is weighed heavily towards the end of the period, thus providing little help to sellers dependent upon current prices.

The view has seen BMO reduce its uranium price forecasts for Q412 and 2013. Q4 prices are now expected to average at US$48.00 per pound (down US$2.00), while the average price for FY13 is expected to come in at US$50.00 per pound versus US$55.00 previously. The broker’s forecast for 2015 and beyond has been lifted by US$10.00 to US$70.00 per pound to better reflect rising production costs.

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article 3 months old

Australian Stocks: What Happened Today?

By Max Ludowici, Equities & Derivatives Advisor, 708 Capital

The XJO put in a solid day of trade following positive leads from the Street overnight as Cliff talks once again stole the show. Both Obama and House of Reps. speaker Boehner said they were optimistic that a deal could be struck over the budgetary issue. The XJO finished the day on its highs up 30 points or 0.7% to points on better than recent volume of $3.5B despite trailing the futures by 10 points for most of the day.

You must now have observed that this is a nightly saga where equity markets around the around the world are totally dictated to by mere words from individual US politicians. This type of weak headline-driven price action makes trading markets incredibly difficult so for those traders out there trying to make sense of things, don’t be too hard on yourself because this is as tough as it gets.

Take some solace from the fact Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein described Obama’s fiscal cliff plan as “very credible”, we all know brokers have a vested interest in injecting confidence into markets but this is actually a pretty important development. Both because it means Obama actually has a plan and also because it shows Republican support for the Democrat’s plan. Obama taking the stage to confirm they were actively working on a ‘plan’ may be the next step to putting the issue to bed. Don’t expect the volatility to end before there a signatures on paper though.

On the data front, Aussie Q3 Capital Investment data showed capex had risen by 2.8% q/q (in real terms) in Q3 ahead of expectations of a 2% rise. More importantly total nominal capex in 12/13 was revised 3% lower from the previous estimate. The peak of the mining capex cycle is beginning to bite, BHP Billiton ((BHP)) chief said it was even behind us at the BHP AGM today, so don’t be surprised to see this number decline going forward. Anyone care to bet on an interest rate cut next Tuesday?

Mining services took a beating today following NRW Holdings’ ((NWH)) profit downgrade and sell off yesterday which has now fallen 28.9% in two days. Mining consumables (far more resilient than pure services and capital equipment suppliers) company Bradken ((BKN)) got sold down 7.1% to due to worsening sentiment in the sector. Other players in the space: Cardno ((CDD)), Macmahon Holdings ((MAH)), Ausdrill ((ASL)) all ended the day lower.

Otherwise it was a strong day for across the board with stocks in the defensive and cyclical sectors both ending the day well.

US futures closed the overnight session up 80 odd points then reopened intraday down 5 or so points. They are now tracking up nicely and are currently reading in the green up 18 points
(For a more comprehensive summary of last night’s market action see FNArena’s Overnight Report.)

This article produced at the request of and is published by FNArena with the expressed permission of 708 Capital.

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article 3 months old

The Red Queen Syndrome

By Richard (Rick) Mills
Ahead of the Herd

As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information

All through human evolution we have been harnessing increasingly effective forms of energy. From human power to horse power, to wood, coal, natural gas and uranium we’ve been working our way up the energy efficiency ladder. In reality what we’ve been doing is searching for the highest energy density to make energy production more efficient.

“The release of energy from splitting a uranium atom turns out to be 2 million times greater than breaking the carbon-hydrogen bond in coal, oil or wood. Compared to all the forms of energy ever employed by humanity, nuclear power is off the scale. Wind has less than 1/10th the energy density of wood, wood half the density of coal, and coal half the density of octane. Altogether they differ by a factor of about 50. Nuclear has 2 million times the energy density of gasoline.” William Tucker, Understanding E=MC2

Ahead of the Herd recently interviewed Richard (Rick) Mills about the dark cloud of negative sentiment hanging over the nuclear power industry…..

Ahead of the Herd (AOTH): Japan’s reactors are offline, Chinese demand has slowed considerably as well. German demand has evaporated and many miners are being forced to sell into the spot and mid term market. This selling has dropped the much watched spot price of uranium to US$40.00 lb.

RM: Japan’s inventories are thought to be an overhang in the spot market as are German inventory sales. There’s been very limited Chinese demand lately because of the country’s revised nuclear new build schedule.

Buyers are sitting on the sidelines waiting for prices to come to them.

AOTH: The Chinese authorities took a timeout in regards to new nuclear builds to implement stringent safety standards in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

RM: Yes they did. But China has recently released its new energy plan and it effectively ends the pause on new nuclear construction. Any reactors currently under construction will be allowed to continue but new reactors will be required to use third-generation technology, the EPR or AP1000.

This is a major industry catalyst as it paves the way to commence building a lot of reactors very soon. Currently China has 12.57 GW in operation with 26 GW under construction. The Chinese government had previously stated that its goal was establish 40GW of nuclear power capacity by 2015 and to reach 80 GW by 2020. 

AOTH: It’s not hard to raise money in China for nuclear power.

RM: China Guangdong Nuclear raised 1.5 billion yuan or US$240 million through a *dim sum bond offering. The offering was oversubscribed by a factor of four, that equates to a lot of interest.

* A bond denominated in Chinese yuan and issued in Hong Kong. Dim sum bonds are attractive to foreign investors who desire exposure to yuan-denominated assets, but are restricted by China's capital controls from investing in domestic Chinese debt – INVESTOPEDIA.

AOTH: And where is Japan?

RM: The current Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) government tabled a new nuclear energy policy in September 2012 that would see all reactors phased out in the 2030s. The Cabinet refused to ratify it and Japanese utilities are spending money upgrading their reactors and JOGMEC, the Japanese governments exploration arm, has entered into a joint venture with the government of Uzbekistan to explore for uranium for export to Japan, you would not do these things if you weren’t going to restart.

AOTH: Japan has a new regulatory agency.

RM: Yes, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) replaces the old NISA. The key takeaway here is that the power utilities, in addition to the NRA green-lighting their restart, will only need the consent of the host municipality and the prefectural governor, no higher levels of government are involved.

An initial regulatory framework will be drafted by Mar-2013 and, after a public comment period, written into law by Jul-2013. Inspections, to see if plants are up to the new code, will be allowed prior to the July legislation so I expect the next restarts in the third quarter of 2013.

AOTH: Germany is walking away from nuclear power and selling its fuel inventory.

RM: Germany is greenwashing the world. They need to import more and more nuclear produced electricity from Holland, the Czech Republic and France to cover their self-inflicted power shortfall. Germany touts itself as the poster child for green energy yet they are sucking up nuclear generated power at a prodigious pace, just not from reactors on their soil.

And that’s not all there is to this story. France relies on electric heaters for heating many of its homes, the country’s energy needs rises over 2000 MW, the equivalent of two nuclear plants, for every one degree drop in temperature. Germany helped cover their own, and the French energy shortage, by using its existing coal-fired plants. There are twenty three new coal fired power plants under construction in Germany. Why so many? Because Germany is worried about the increasing cost of electricity.

Here’s a staggering reality, Germany opened a $3.4 billion 2200 MW coal fired power plant in August 2012. It vomits 13 million tonnes of CO2 instead of the 15 the old ones do by being 10 percent more efficient and burning only the ‘cleanest’ of coal, lignite. In one year, in just one year that one coal burner will generate one million times more CO2 than Germanys entire nuclear fleet would have over 20 years!

The top five coal fired power producers are; China, the U.S., India, Germany and Japan.

AOTH: Mainstream media, many internet bloggers and newsletter writers are ‘reporting’ the U.S. Has 100 years of NG supply. There’s a widely held perception that there are so many shale natural gas discoveries being made in the U.S. that nuclear energy is dead.

RM: Nothing could be further from the truth. The key to the U.S. natural gas boom is the use of new technology. Hydraulic fracturing, fracking, and horizontal drilling have tapped huge resources previously thought unrecoverable.

However the decline rate of shale gas wells is very steep. A year after coming on-stream production can drop to 20-40 percent of the original level. If the best prospects were developed first, and they were, subsequent drilling will take place on increasingly less favourable prospects. Can you imagine how much drilling would have to take place just to keep even with the existing production rate? Not, imo, going to happen.

Here’s James Howard Kunstler, author of "The Long Emergency" and his take on the situation;

“In order to keep production up, the number of wells will have to continue increasing at a faster rate than previously. This is referred to as "the Red Queen syndrome" which alludes to the character in Alice in Wonderland who famously declared that she had to run faster and faster just to stay where she is.”

Here’s something else, it’s a piece from an interview with energy expert Bill Powers;

“My thesis is that the importance of shale gas has been grossly overstated; the U.S. has nowhere close to a 100-year supply. This myth has been perpetuated by self-interested industry, media and politicians. Their mantra is that exploiting shale gas resources will promote untold economic growth, new jobs and lead us toward energy independence.

In the book, I take a very hard look at the facts. And I conclude that the U.S. has between a five- to seven-year supply of shale gas, and not 100 years. That is far lower than the rosy estimates put out by the U.S. Energy Information Administration and others. In the real world, many companies are taking write-downs of their reserves.” Bill Powers, author ‘Cold, Hungry and in the Dark: Exploding the Natural Gas Supply Myth’ in a Energy Report interview

AOTH: What’s the state of the U.S. uranium market?

RM: The U.S. has 104 nuclear reactors operating requiring 55 million pounds of uranium. This is the largest fleet of nuclear reactors and the US is the world's largest uranium market. There are also two reactors currently under construction in the U.S.

U.S. uranium mines produced only 4.1 million pounds U3O8 in 2011, three percent less than in 2010.

AOTH: In its just released outlook, the IEA said global energy demand would grow by more than a third over the period to 2035, with China, India and the Middle East accounting for 60 per cent of the increase.

RM: We need to de-carbonize energy. The earth’s population is projected to climb from its current seven billion people to upwards of ten billion by 2050, most of this population growth will come from developing countries. All the people without power and all the new people will want power, they want TV’s, air conditioners, washers and dryers, phones, clean drinking water etc, they will want electricity. They all want the very same amenities we in the West take for granted, this will take enormous amounts of energy.

The quote below is from an article by James P. Hogan, Nuclear Power, It's No Contest

“A year's operation of a 1,000-MW coal plant produces 1.5 million tons of ash – 30,000 truck loads, or enough to cover one and a half square miles to a depth of 40 feet – that contains large amounts of carcinogens and toxins, and which can be highly acidic or alkaline depending on the sulfur content of the coal. Also, ironically, more unused energy is thrown away in the form of trace uranium in the ash than was obtained from burning the coal. Getting rid of it is a stupendous task, and it ends up being dumped in shallow landfills that are easily leached out by groundwater, or simply piled up in mountains on any convenient site. And that's only the solid waste. In addition there is the waste that's disposed of up the smokestack, which includes 600 pounds of carbon dioxide and ten pounds of sulfur dioxide every second, and the same quantity of nitrogen oxides as 200,000 automobiles.

An equivalent-size nuke, by contrast, produces nothing in addition to its cubic yard of high-level waste, because there isn't any chemical combustion. No ash, no gases, no smokestack, and no need for elaborate engineering to generate and control enormous air flows. Because of its compactness, nuclear power is the first major industrial technology for which it is actually possible to talk about containing all the wastes and isolating them from the biosphere.”

Natural gas systems were the largest anthropogenic (refers to greenhouse gas emissions that are a direct result of human activities or are the result of natural processes that have been affected by human activities) source of methane emissions in the United States in 2009. Methane is more than 20 times as effective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

AOTH: Life-cycle emissions definitely favor nuclear power.

RM: Nuclear power's life-cycle emissions range from 2 to 59 gram-equivalents of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour. Only hydropower's range ranked lower at 2 to 48 grams of carbon dioxide-equivalents per kilowatt-hour. Wind came in at 7 to 124 grams and solar photovoltaic at 13 to 731 grams. Emissions from natural gas fired plants ranged from 389 to 511 grams. Coal produces 790 to 1,182 grams of carbon dioxide equivalents per kilowatt hour.

Nuclear energy is the only proven technology that can deliver base-load electricity on a large scale, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless-of-the-weather, without producing carbon dioxide emissions. Nuclear power plants emit no carbon pollution - no carbon monoxide, no sulfur oxides and no nitrogen oxides to the atmosphere - nor do they need costly electricity storage options.

The bottom line? One ton of uranium produces more energy than several million tons of coal and oil. Fuel transportation costs are less and there is less impact on our environment from mining or fracking shale gas.

AOTH: Nuclear power plants aren’t cheap to build.

RM: Neither are $3.5 billion coal fired plants. Here’s a bit more from the same article I quoted from earlier…

“A 1,000-MW solar conversion plant, for example – the same size as I've been using for the comparisons of coal and nuclear – would cover 50 to 100 square miles with 35,000 tons of aluminum, two million tons of concrete, 7,500 tons of copper, 600,000 tons of steel, 75,000 tons of glass, and 1,500 tons of other metals such as chromium and titanium – a thousand times the material needed to construct a nuclear plant of the same capacity. These materials are not cheap, and real estate doesn't come for nothing. Moreover, these materials are all products of heavy, energy-hungry industries in their own right that produce large amounts of waste, much of it toxic. So much for "free" and "clean" solar power.”

When it comes to cost, upfront money isn’t everything.

Compare the costs of nuclear/gas, nuclear/coal or nuclear/hydro. The operational cost of nuclear power was 1.87 ¢/kWh in 2008 which is 68% of the electricity cost from coal and a quarter of that from gas, and who wants to dam a bunch more rivers?

One pound of yellowcake (U3O8 - the final product of the uranium milling process) has the energy equivalence of 35 barrels of oil. One seven gram uranium fuel pellet has an energy to electricity equivalent of 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas, 564 liters of oil or 1,780 pounds of coal, that’s energy density.

Natural gas accounts for 80 percent of the cost to produce power from an NG power plant while uranium accounts for 5–10 percent of the price of nuclear energy. The future price of uranium matters little, yet if Mr. Powers is right what is going to happen in regards to NG produced electricity pricing in a few short years? Never mind the environmental cost.

AOTH: Without a much higher incentive price to make most new production economical we’re heading towards a serious shortage of mined uranium. Many existing uranium mining operations will not be able to withstand a protracted period of prices in the low-US$40s, particularly publically-owned entities with high cost mines and high exposure to spot.

RM: There’s not a lot of people that get that, yet it seems fairly straight forward that without sufficient price incentive, pipeline mine supply will continue to erode thus exacerbating the future shortfall. There are several significant deposits which were progressing down the development path but have been put on hold due to the fall in the uranium price.

The supply side of the equation needs at least US$70/lb., some analysts are saying as high as $85lb, to encourage new projects and it takes up to ten years to develop, permit and build a uranium mine. We’re talking about facts, real supply side issues that will keep the market tight over the next several years. Expected and new projects/production are at risk at current prices.

AOTH: There are recent developments backing up what you say.

RM: The Olympic Dam, Kintrye, Millennium and Langer Heinrich Stage 4 expansion deferrals have removed a potential 22 million pounds of U3O8, or 1.5x the supply provided by Cigar Lake, from the market.

Areva placed its 9 Mlbs/yr Trekkopje development project on care and maintenance citing a projected US$75/lb break-even price.

Energy Fuels (EFR-TSX) stated on Oct-17-12 that it will cease operations at two of its mines due to current market conditions.

Cameco has cut its long term uranium production forecast trimming guidance by six MM lbs to 36 MM lbs U3O8 in 2018.

AOTH: China is uranium deposit hunting and security of supply is going to be a huge issue moving forward, especially for the US which was short 51 million pounds of uranium in 2011.

RM: Here’s four good examples of what’s happening to future supply.

China’s Guangdong Nuclear Power Corp.’s subsidiary Taurus Minerals did a A$2.2 billion acquisition of Australian listed Extract Resources. Extract owned the Husab uranium project in Namibia which is said by Extract to be the fourth largest uranium-only deposit in the world having measured resources of 84 million pounds uranium and indicated resources of 274 million pounds (Swakop Uranium is the local wholly-owned subsidiary of Taurus and is developing Husab).

Canadian PM Stephen Harper met with India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to fast-track the 2010 India-Canada nuclear deal so a lot of Canadian uranium will be going to India.

Australia-India talks that were recently concluded resulted in an agreement to see Australian uranium exported to India for its huge pending nuclear power program. Again this is a deal tying up a lot of uranium.

Turkey imports more than 70 percent of its energy, primarily fossil fuels, and electricity demand has been growing an average of eight percent per year over the past decade. Current Turkish leaders plan to turn the country into the nuclear energy poster child. Russia is going to build, and own, the Turkish plants, running them presumably using fuel from the motherland. This is now the adopted Russian business model for selling its nuclear technology to nuclear newcomers. If successful, and there’s no reason to believe they won’t be highly competitive, this will take a lot of Russian supply off market.

Of course all of these long term deals locking up future supply means less uranium for the rest of the world going forward.

AOTH: There are more reactors under construction and planned now than there were before Fukushima.

RM: Without higher prices, we won't see the necessary uranium mines coming on stream to keep up with the ever increasing uranium demand from the nuclear power industry.

AOTH: Do you see uranium prices recovering anytime soon?

RM: According to a recent report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), by the year 2035:

“World nuclear electricity generating capacity is projected to grow from 375 GWe net (at the end of 2010) to between 540 GWe net in the low demand case and 746 GWe net in the high demand case, increases of 44% and 99% respectively.

There are several catalysts that should spur utilities to pick up their buying activity short term.

The restart of Japanese reactors and the Chinese resumption of construction for their reactors should at the very least firm up spot prices. The new Chinese energy plan reiterates a nuclear capacity goal of 60 70 GW by 2020 which is in line with previous expectations.

Under the terms of the 1993 government-to-government nuclear non-proliferation agreement (Megatons to Megawatts program), the United States and Russia agreed to commercially implement a 20 year program to convert 500 metric tons of HEU (uranium 235 enriched to 90 percent) taken from Soviet era warheads, into LEU, low enriched uranium (less than 5 percent uranium 235). The HEU agreement ends late in 2013 and removes 24 million pounds of uranium supply from the U.S. Market.

AOTH: The U.S., if naysayers like Bill Powers are proven correct, has no energy security. They don’t in uranium, your feed for 24/7 base load power and don’t in natural gas. Supplying a meaningful percentage of the U.S. population with renewable power, solar/wind, is pie in the sky dreaming.

Does anybody else out there, besides the Indians and Chinese, understand the absolute importance of energy security – security of supply?

RM: Oh absolutely, EDF of France has dropped US$200 million in cash a full seven years in advance of delivery from one producer for 13 MM lbs, and has contracted 78 MM lbs from another.

Three billion dollars worth of sales contracts from the United Arab Emirates appears to cover a full even years of uranium supply for its first four reactors.

I would not be surprised if Saudi Arabia follows these examples and buys long term supply for their planned 16 reactors, if all this doesn't sound like worry about security of supply, then nothing does.

AOTH: Thank you Rick.


Set up in 2008 the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) was to advise the UK government on climate change issues. Their very first report stated; “It would be possible to decarbonise electricity generation with very significant nuclear deployment.”

Concerns about climate change, carbon footprints, energy security and the rising cost of fossil fuels spurred a revival of interest in nuclear power generation. In early 2010 we saw the start of a of a global nuclear renaissance. It was derailed when the unfortunate Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant accident paused the renaissance.

Whether you believe in a nuclear renaissance or not, the security of supply issue for today’s global reactor fleet of 436, coupled with future demand for the 60 nuclear reactors under construction and the approximately 150 reactors planned, is an issue of paramount importance and should be on every investors radar screen. Is energy security on yours?

If not, maybe it should be.

Richard (Rick) Mills

Disclaimer: The views expressed are the author's, not FNArena's (see our disclaimer) 

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article 3 months old

Giving Thanks For A Flat Uranium Price

By Andrew Nelson

It was a quiet week in the uranium market last week. In fact, it was so quiet that industry consultant and spot price tracker TradeTech didn’t even put out a weekly report, instead heading out to Grandma’s house to catch up with the rest of the US investment market.

Unsurprisingly, TradeTech’s Weekly U308 Spot Price Indicator was unchanged by last Friday, staying put at US$41.75 per pound. The Mid-Term price was unchanged at US$45.00 per pound and the Long-Term price was the same US$59.00 it was at the week before.

There was still a bit of news out there worth taking a look at and the first of it came from domestic shores. Australian Uranium miner Energy Resources of Australia ((ERA)) expects to post a full-year loss of between $135 million and $155 million in 2012. The company continues to cut costs furiously to address what are increasingly difficult market conditions.

At a recent investor briefing the company confirmed it would soon finish mining in Pit 3 at its flagship Ranger mine in the Northern Territory. After that it’s fingers crossed for Ranger 3 Deeps, or the company may soon have no projects to mine. ERA confirmed the slow recovery in Japan will probably keep the uranium market quiet in the near term, although the longer-term outlook in China is encouraging.

“China's new build and demand is still the key driver and is expected to drive higher (uranium) prices in the medium to long term,” ERA said in a statement.

I guess the good news to take from all of this is at least during the period between last production at Pit 3 at Ranger and first production Ranger 3 Deeps some time in 2015, uranium will be barley worth producing, it seems.

Elsewhere, there continues to be optimism about the looming supply deficit. UK website whatinvestment.co.uk spoke with with Rob Chang, metals and mining equity research analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald, and he said there is already a fundamental supply deficit between global demand and primary mine supply.

“Global demand is around 176m pounds U3O8, while primary mine supply is around 160m pounds," said Chang.

He pointed out that currently, this supply deficit is being masked by an overhang in inventories in Japan. However, Chang believes that over the next four years the market will see a growing supply deficit ranging from 5 million to 15 million pounds.

The size of the shortfall will ultimately be determined by if and when many of the recently announced production deferrals actually come back online, especially production from an expanded Olympic Dam.

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article 3 months old

Uranium, The New Contrarian Play?

By Andrew Nelson

One of the things that uranium market watchers assumed would halt the metal’s slide was news a few months back that China had shrugged off its post Fukushima ashes and decided to go ahead at full steam in expanding the nation’s nuclear energy program. The country is targeting 80 gigawatts of new, uranium-fuelled power by 2020. That’s a lot of yellowcake. Uranium’s response: weakness and further decline.

Aside from China, there are numerous countries ranging from oil rich UAE, Saudi Arabia all the way to Poland that have recently renewed their national commitment to nuclear power. Adding China’s plans to the global picture sees 436 reactors running worldwide, with a further 60 nuclear reactors under construction and approximately 150 new reactors in the planning stages. Uranium’s response: weakness and further decline.

There is a bit of new good news for sellers as well, with Kazakhstan, the world's biggest producer of uranium, saying last week it may delay planned mine expansions. The other two largest producers in the world, Canada's Cameco Corp and France's Areva SA, also reduced their annual production forecasts last month in a push to scale back growth plans.

So what we have is a sector that is producing a product that is absolutely essential in sustaining modern life that is being bailed up investors and left for dead. There is no short-term fix to account for a lack of nuclear generated electricity, nor to account for diminishing supplies of uranium to fuel this electricity demand. Uranium producers are starting to drop as selling prices remain uneconomical for most and despite the spectre of steep demand increases, the supply side continues to shrivel up.

Markets are easy enough to understand; despite the demand that will be there, despite the lower amount of stock that may be on offer down the track, right now there is too much stock for too few buyers. Without buying a round-the-world ticket and sitting down with countless producers, sellers, investors and utility companies, we’re never really going to know how much supply is really in the pipeline and stockpiles, therefore the only way we’ll know uranium is becoming supply constrained will be when buyers start to consistently bid up prices.

In the meantime, citing the assumption that the uranium price must go up but refuses to do so, an increasing number of uranium market watchers are starting to call uranium a contrarian play. The way to gauge upside in a contrarian play is to answer the following question: how out of favour is uranium in the eyes of investors? Unfortunately, this answer, intended to simplify matters, only leads to more confusion. Most contrary investors want the question answered with words like “very” or “hugely”, but with so many still hanging in there waiting for the bounce that must come; the answer for uranium is “not as many as likely should be”.

Here’s what we do know. Utilities are holding back purchases on hopes of even lower prices. Nuclear fuel inventories have built over the last few years as both Japan and Germany have moved to restrict fuel purchases. Natural gas prices are getting lower and lower, meaning the need for other power sources are less pressing. And despite rev-up plans, Chinese demand has actually been backtracking given the surfeit of hard facts about a revised nuclear build schedule and a surplus of hot air about the what’s, when’s, where’s etc.

So really, micro-market fundamentals remain unsupportive for uranium despite macro conditions looking quite favourable. This begs the question: is uranium really a contrarian play, or is this assumption the belief of increasingly desperate investors looking to make sense of a market that doesn’t appear (at least on the surface) to be following the fundamentals in a reliable manner?

Darcy Keith, from Canada’s Globe and Mail thinks uranium has finally reached capitulation, with the spot price dragging along the bottom before the big bounce back commences. As I noted, investors for the most part are yet to chuck in their towels despite uranium and uranium-related stocks sitting at multi-year lows. And if you’re a contrarian, here’s the good news, analysts are now starting to pare back their rebound predictions. If all the analysts are doing and saying one thing, the contrarian heads the other way.

Keith urges caution and sense, however, noting uranium isn’t likely to snap back overnight. It may take years, but the upside from current levels seems formidable.

In the meantime, spot uranium prices pushed a little higher last week on decent volumes, with signs of new demand from non-US utilities and market intermediaries emerging. Industry consultant TradeTech reports there were a total of six deals done on the spot market last week that saw some 2.5m pounds of U308 change hands.

Prices were all over the place, with one transaction concluded below the current weekly spot price, while the other five deals saw higher prices, pushing TradeTech’s Weekly Spot Price Indicator up US$0.75 to US$41.75 per pound.

There is also some new demand, with one non-US utility looking at offers for over 1 million pounds to be delivered in 2013. We should know what happens with this by December 10.

The term uranium market was quiet last week, with no new demand or transactions reported. That means TradeTech’s Mid-Term and Long-Term U3O8 Price Indicators remained unchanged at US$45.00 and US$59.00 per pound.

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article 3 months old

Paladin Suffers Depressed Pricing

- Depressed uranium price weighing
- Paladin still worth holding

- Targeting cost reduction

By Eva Brocklehurst

Uranium producer Paladin Energy ((PDN)) is battling a soggy uranium price. Having announced a headline loss of US$45.9 million in the September quarter the company's profitability has been thwarted with the uranium price averaging around US$49/lb over the quarter. BA-Merrill Lynch estimates the company was only breaking even in terms of cash flow during the quarter and, with the spot price moving closer to US$40/lb recently, it is likely to be cash flow negative now.

Paladin has projects located in Africa, Canada and Australia. However, its two producing mines, and the focus of most broker attention, are Langer-Heinrich in Namibia and Kayelekera in Malawi. UBS also finds the near-term cash flow potential dubious. Although cash costs declined in the quarter, down 1.3% at Langer-Heinrich to US$31.8/lb and down 6% at Kalyelekera to US$49/lb, the mines were still barely profitable. While the company is seriously targeting cost reductions in 2013 to 2015 UBS fears the uranium price will continue to trend lower and the company's cost targeting will only go so far to restoring profitability. UBS retains a Hold rating and its price target of $1.50 is at the lower end of the FNArena database range. UBS assumes no value for undeveloped resources.

Macquarie was searching for positives after another write-down at Kayelekera - around US$41 million this time on the basis of a reduction in the spot price. This comes a year after an impairment of US$180m was booked in the wake of the Japanese earthquake and the Fukushima reactor meltdown. The positives, Macquarie noted, include an increase in sales guidance for the December quarter. This was raised to 2.7mlbs (from over 2mlbs previously), helped by new mid-term sales contracts to be delivered on from late 2012 to 2015. Additionally, Langer Heinrich produced around 487,000lbs in October, or in excess of 12% of nameplate, whilst Kayelekera operated at around 95% nameplate capacity in the month.

JP Morgan found the quarterly results were quite weak as it had envisaged a positive cash flow, given US$52m in sales was carried over from the June quarter. While positive on the sector over the long-term, the broker does not believe prices for uranium will go anywhere for the next 12 months. Even so, JP Morgan sticks with its Hold rating, finding Paladin offers significant leverage to uranium spot prices. Deutsche is in the same boat, retaining a Hold rating due to uranium pricing, operational and cash flow risks. This broker is assuming US$5m per annum of cost savings at both Kalyelekera and Langer-Heinrich as revised mining plans are targeting lower strip regions. This will push out costs to FY15.

BA-Merrill Lynch has a price objective of $2.30, at the top of the FNArena database range, and expects Paladin to trade at a premium to its peers. BA-ML uses a 11.3% discount rate plus exploration value for several undeveloped assets to arrive at its price objective and retains a Buy rating. The justification for this is the company's low-risk and brownfield production growth. Nevertheless, the broker notes there are still some items to be sorted out regarding these projects, such as securing adequate water and power for the Langer-Heinrich expansion and commissioning risks at Kayelekera.

On the FNArena database Paladin scores four Holds and two Buys. The consensus target price is $1.74 within a range of $1.32 to $2.30.

See also Paladin On The Mend September 20 2012.

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article 3 months old

Uranium Bouncing Off The Floor, Maybe

By Andrew Nelson

Over the last six months, uranium prices have refused to cooperate with the pundits and prognosticators, stubbornly marching south despite the fact rising demand is highly anticipated and the fact current spot prices are not high enough to keep sellers in business much longer.

Yesterday, FNArena re-published an interview with uranium market commentator Rick Mills, who again argued there are Reasons To Be Positive On Uranium (click the link, it’s definitely worth a read). It’s really the same story we’ve been hearing for month: Japan needs it despite the current political issues surrounding nuclear energy, Europe still needs it, China needs it and will soon be needing much more. Also, supply is constrained and is likely to reduce as current prices curtail further production and new production take quite a while to come on line. It’s all true, but it has been true for a while now and it hasn’t stopped the uranium spot price from falling to nearly US$40/lb this month.

The reason for this is quite obvious. Despite what may happen down the road, right now there is more than sufficient supply and buyers are having a great time in singling out producers from the herd and getting them to drop prices on the assumption some revenue must be better than none. It’s not a question about future demand, I bet we can all agree it will turn at some point. The real question is when and the only answer that has been offered is: soon?

In the meantime, all sellers have to hold on to is at least the short-term spot price hasn’t fallen below US$40 per pound since early in 2006, so there’s a strong floor in place. We were just US$0.75 above that floor when FNArena covered the uranium spot market early last week and since then, there’s been a tiny little bounce. Industry consultant TradeTech reports that by last Friday, the uranium spot price had lifted US$0.25 to rest at US$41/lb.

There was a bit of new demand in the spot uranium market last week, with a non-US utility entering the market looking for over 1m pounds of U308 for delivery in 2013. Of course, the news placed a bit of upward pressure on prices and that’s where we got the extra quarter.

In the meantime, the downward trajectory of prices is seeing an increasing number of producers looking to optimize operations by cutting costs and in some cases by cutting production and production plans. This is surely one way to address current oversupply.

Despite the news of new demand, the reality was there were just four transactions reported over the course of last week totalling less than 500,000 pounds. As always, buyers included utilities and intermediaries, while the sellers were producers and traders.

Maybe, just maybe US$40/lb will prove to be the floor, but the question that still remains is when will we start seeing a meaningful and consistent rise in prices?

It could be soon, as TradeTech reports there is new demand due in the term uranium market, with a US utility seeking delivery of material over 2014-2019. There is also another non-US utility continuing to seek 1 million pounds for delivery over a five-year period, while a US utility is also evaluating offers for about 1.2 million pounds and a separate non-US utility continues to look at offers for 750,000 pounds for delivery through 2014-2018.

The news did little to help term prices last week, with TradeTech’s Mid-Term U3O8 Price Indicator holding firm at US$45/lb and the Long-Term U3O8 Price Indicator staying put at US$59/lb.

Analysts at JPMorgan were unmoved by the minor pause in spot price declines and last Wednesday lowered demand forecasts to reflect lower than expected Japanese reactor restarts. However, the broker also cancelled out its new supply assumptions for as long as prices remain as low as they are. The broker expects this latter fact will ultimately lead to a significant jump in prices, but not until 2015.

In the meantime, over-supply in 2013 is likely to keep prices low, thinks the broker. Based on this view, JP Morgan’s new spot price forecasts are US$49/lb in 2012, which is 2% lower than the prior expectation. 2013 should only see US$46/lb, which is down 16% from prior assumptions, while US$60/lb should be achieved in 2014, a cut of 25%. 2015 is a different story, with the broker now forecasting US$90/lb, marking a 20% upgrade to prior forecasts.

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article 3 months old

Reasons To Be Positive On Uranium

Introduced by Greg Peel

At the end of October uranium industry consultant TradeTech dropped its spot price indicator for U3O8 by US$5.50 to US$41.00/lb, its mid-term indicator by US$5.25 to US$45.00/lb and its long term indicator by US$2.00 to US$59.00/lb after the worst week for uranium prices since the Fukushima disaster. General belief among uranium analysts is that prices must eventually come under upside pressure given the global demand-supply balance, but a lack of interest from buyers appears to contradict this opinion. Hanging over the global uranium market's head, apart from anything else, is ongoing uncertainty with regard to Japan's nuclear future.

Ahead of the Herd's Rick MIlls has his own opinion and last week Melissa Pistilli of Uranium Investing News (uraniuminvestingnews.com) sat down with Rick to discuss uranium prices and the outlook for U3O8 producers. Melissa's interview follows herewith.

Uranium Investing News: Short-term uranium spot prices are trading nearly $20 a pound below long-term prices. Can you explain the huge disconnect?

Rick Mills:There’s obviously a dark cloud still hanging over the uranium sector even though it’s been nearly two years since Fukushima. The spot market has experienced nearly a 10 percent drop in the last few months, with most utilities sitting on the sidelines waiting to see if prices have bottomed. Limited demand has been forcing sellers into lowering prices to entice utilities into buying.

Japan’s post-Fukushima nuclear fuel inventories are a huge overhang on the spot markets. As a utility, if you think Japan and Germany are not going to restart their reactors you’re sitting on the sidelines waiting for all that fuel to come into the market and further depress prices — of course, neither Japan nor Germany has been buying fuel for awhile, so we’ve lost that demand. There’s also been limited Chinese demand due to its long-anticipated revised nuclear build schedule creating uncertainty. Are they cutting back, and if so, how much? All of that is on top of low natural gas prices in the United States, which have resulted in the shutdown of a nuke plant and the cancellation of two upgrades. It’s all working together to pull down the short-term spot price.

UIN: Analysts across the industry have been calling a bottom in spot prices for months now, yet prices keep sliding further. What’s your take? Are we close to that bottom or will we see the slide deepen?

RM:Long-term uranium prices since January of this year have held up, hovering around $60 per pound. And the short-term price hasn’t fallen below $40 per pound since early in 2006, so it’s got a strong floor.

UIN: What’s keeping long-term uranium prices stable and fueling the more positive long-term outlook?

RM:Let’s take a look at China. I firmly believe that China is still going to reach its 80-gigawatt (GW) goal by 2020. They have released their new five-year energy plan, lifting the moratorium on new nuclear builds. This is a huge industry catalyst that paves the way for more reactor construction. Although there’s a ban on building inland nuclear plants, there are 27.5 GW of capacity that can be approved for construction in the coastal provinces. I believe there will be more approvals coming.

Now, about Japan. The September call for a 2030 nuclear phase out is not going to happen. The cabinet flat out refused to ratify it. Japan imports something like 85 percent of their energy, they cannot afford to phase out nuclear power. There’s absolutely no doubt Japan’s going to restart its reactors. Japanese utilities are spending money on upgrading their reactors, including putting new hydrogen recombiners into 23 units. They’ve announced plans to complete construction on other units. J-POWER’s Ohma plant is 40 percent completed and construction has resumed. I expect a lot of restarts next year from July on.

While the market may be suffering short term, there’s no other market out there that can compare with the forward investment potential in the uranium space.

UIN: Especially with share prices so depreciated.

RM:Yes, absolutely. When you look at equities, producers are trading 40 percent off their 52-week highs and juniors 52 percent off their highs.

UIN: Why should investors remain optimistic about the uranium industry?

RM:There are many reasons to be optimistic about this industry. Did you know there are more nuclear reactors under construction and planned now than there were prior to Fukushima? That tells me utilities are going to pick up their buying. And the smart ones are already securing supply. EDF just agreed to pay out $200 million in cash a full seven years in advance for delivery of 13 million pounds and they’ve contracted 78 million pounds from another company. The United Arab Emirates covered a full seven years of uranium supply for its first four reactors by buying $3 billion worth of supply contracts.

I’ve written a lot about security of supply and that looks to me like exactly what they are doing. Saudi Arabia can certainly afford to follow this example and buy enough uranium to supply its 16 planned reactors. Massively power-poor India is talking with uranium-rich Canada and Australia about uranium supply agreements and India is going to build at least 30 reactors. The demand side is looking price positive when you factor in the restart of Japanese reactors, the Chinese resuming construction, developments in South Korea and the emerging markets of India and Russia.

On the supply side, the HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium) agreement between the US and Russia ends at the end of next year. Couple that with the estimated more than 22 million pounds of U3O8 production that has been deferred on poor economics. Paladin Energy ((PDN)) estimates a 25 percent drop in mine supply due to market conditions by 2020. AREVA has recently placed its 9-million-pounds-a-year Trekkopje development project on care and maintenance saying it needs a $75-a-pound break-even price. Cameco has taken 6 million pounds off its production forecast.

The market needs an incentive price of $70 to $80 a pound to bring on new supply to meet this demand that’s going to come.And it is coming. Demand has only been temporarily postponed. It’s a 10-year timeline to get a mine up and running. In a short period of time we’re going to face a serious shortage of uranium. There’s no way around it. Fukushima was very unfortunate, but the fact is it has presented resource investors with great opportunity.

UIN: So the market conditions are perfect for the near-term producers coming on line in the next few years?

RM:Yes. I think investors should have a small basket of stocks, a producer and near-term producers.

I believe Cameco’s got plenty of upside in its share price and the company also pays a dividend. They just bought Nukem Energy, you should get a lift in earnings from that. They’re also part of a group with AREVA that has a deal with Russian group Tenex to purchase uranium from dismantled Russian warheads. That should have a positive impact on the share price. India and Canada have just finished talks and have reached a deal where Canadian uranium and nuclear technology can be exported to India for the first time in 40 years — that’s going to benefit Cameco immensely. I think Cameco is one that should be on everybody’s radar screen for an upside in the share price and a dividend while you sit.

Getting into near-term production juniors, my top pick is Uranerz. This company just got the deep well permits on their ISR Nichols Ranch project and they will be in production summer 2013. They’ll be ramping up quickly to a production rate of 600,000 to 800,000 pounds per year. They are licensed for 2 million pound per year. Their projects are either sandwiched between Cameco and Uranium One projects or border them in Wyoming. It’s my opinion that they’re way underpriced when you consider the demand/supply situation in the US, which is heavily reliant on foreign imports. Remember, the US consumes 55 million pounds of uranium per year and only produces 4 million.

The next near-term producer that I think deserves consideration is Ur-Energy, which seems to be very attractively priced. It has a fully-permitted scalable ISR project, Lost Creek, in Wyoming. They’ve finished their permitting activities and have started construction of a 2-million-pound-per-year processing facility. And they’ve got some good technical depth on their board.


Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

Rick Mills holds no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article. Uranerz is a paying advertiser on aheadoftheherd.com.

 The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of FNArena (See our disclaimer).

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