Tag Archives: Uranium

article 3 months old

Uranium Market Sends Mixed Signals

By Andrew Nelson

Just about every week the uranium spot price is either flat of trickles a little lower despite the growing amount of optimism coming from market participants, assorted analysts and self-proclaimed experts. Last week was no different, except there was a bit of not so good news as well.

Ironically, one of the biggest pieces of news supporting a positive uranium outlook that we’ve seen over the last few months has been Japan’s decision to re-start idled reactors post the Fukushima incident.  Well, the Japanese have pulled the rug out, with a Cabinet panel last Friday calling for a phasing out of nuclear power altogether over the next three decades.

AP reports that before the Fukushima accident, the country needed nuclear power to generate more than 30% of its energy and the plans were to raise that to 50% by 2030. However, growing anti-nuclear sentiment and a number mass of protests post-Fukushima have the government now changing these plans.

The real question is: how serious is the Japanese government? At first read, it seems not very much. At least not yet. The phase-out of nuclear power by 2030 will mean more oil, more gas and more alternative energy. Moreover, the government as yet has no idea as to how it will pay for the costly expansion of renewable energy and also how to minimize the environmental impact of a return to fossil fuels.

The report from AP also notes the new policy will delay decisions on spent fuel processing and radioactive waste disposal. So, we’re also left wondering what Japan will do with its spent nuclear fuel to avoid accumulating stockpiles of plutonium. The new policy does allow Japan to continue its fuel recycling program, despite the nuclear phase-out, which certainly seems like a big contradiction.

In fact, the latter fact had the US Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman asking questions about Japan's ability to reduce plutonium stockpiles, reports AP.

So more uranium for Japan? Maybe yes, maybe no, which is the same answer we’ve had for months now. And so it goes.

Now let’s take a look at some of the positive chatter that hit the wires last week. Retail research house Five Star Equities reported last week that the Global X Uranium ETF (URA) is up nearly 8% over the past month after falling over 50% last year on Japan's nuclear disaster.

Meanwhile, Seeking Alpha interviewed Independent Researcher Alka Singh of Mine2Capital last week and he believes uranium fundamentals are now at a tipping point. Singh points out that while uranium prices may be down, so are supplies.  And this looming supply gap must be filled at some point.

On his numbers, there are 433 operating nuclear power reactors around the world and they consume 177 million pounds of uranium. Last year, global production was 130mlb. The gap has traditionally been filled by the recycling of Russian weapons grade uranium under the HEU Agreement, but that’s about to expire. He also notes that most supply is being generated at near un-economic levels given low prices. Something’s gotta give.

In the mean time, the U308 spot market remains just one notch up from dead. Industry consultant TradeTech report there were just 4 spot transactions booked on the uranium market last week and they accounted for 400,000 pounds changing hands. Well down from the already anaemic 750,000 pounds that were transacted the week before.

The funny thing here is that TradeTech also thought the market, especially sellers, were growing more positive on the outlook, expecting the imminent arrival of new buyers seeking to secure material for uncommitted needs in 2013 and beyond. Then the Japanese did an about face and buyers stepped back to wait for the price to drop. And it did.

Thus sellers that were preparing to ride prices a little higher on the expectation of increasing demand found themselves dropping offer prices yet again just to get deals done. As a result, TradeTech’s Weekly U3O8 Spot Price Indicator slipped another US$0.60 to US$47.40 per pound last week.

There was a little bit of new demand in the term market, but not enough to shift prices. TradeTech’s mid-term and long-term U3O8 Price Indicators remained unchanged at US$51.75 per pound and US$60.00 per pound respectively.

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article 3 months old

Uranium Buyers And Sellers Move A Little Closer

By Andrew Nelson

No matter where you look, or what you read, or whom you talk to; analysts, commentators and investors alike remain guardedly optimistic about the prospects for a rise in uranium prices in the not too distant future. In the meantime, the spot price has traded within a US$5 band of US$50 dollars for more than a year now.

The latest bit of indicative optimism is news that Canadian miner Cameco is on a bit of a buying spree that started with a $430 million bid for BHP Billiton's ((BHP)) Yeelirrie project a few weeks back. U308.com reports the company intends to nearly double its production by 2018 to take advantage of anticipated increasing demand and expected supply shortfalls.

In the meantime, the spot market languishes. Industry consultant TradeTech reports there were just six transactions totalling over 750,000 thousand pounds U3O8 that were conducted last week in the spot uranium market. There was a broad mix of market participants, with utilities, producers, traders and financial entities joining in on the fun.

TradeTech notes prices were flat over the course of the week, with the bulk of material sold at, or very close to Friday’s finishing price of US$48.00 per pound. Last week’s spot price was thus unchanged from the week prior’s.

Once again, transaction volumes were small compared to the weekly volumes posted earlier this year, but TradeTech still thinks the market is starting to break out of the summer doldrums, as both buyers and sellers seem to be reaching agreements on pricing a little more easily than has recently been the case. And if you want to take anything away from last week’s spot trading, this is it, as it is beginning to appear the spread between willing buyers and willing sellers is starting to narrow a little bit more than it certainly has over the past few months.

There is also the chance of a bit of positive news flow from the sector this week. The World Nuclear Association’s Annual Symposium in London is kicking off this week. And with the market increasingly expecting a rise in activity, developments in Japan and its looming announcement on future energy policies will also be highly anticipated.

There was a little more activity than normal on the term market last week, with four transactions reported. TradeTech notes the buyers were utilities and financial entities. There was also some new demand, with a US utility looking for more than 1m pounds and a non-US utility also expected to enter the market soon.

The activity has yet to flow through to prices, however, with both the mid-term and long term price indicators remaining fixed at US$51.75/lb and US$60.00/lb respectively.

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article 3 months old

Uranium And A Long, Dry August

By Andrew Nelson

One thing is for certain, there was a lot more activity in the uranium spot market in August than there was in July. Prices may not have improved, but at least there was a run of optimistic talk, rumour and theory that percolated through the market, keeping investors and market watchers on their toes.

Over the course of August there were 17 transactions that took place in the spot market, with a total of 2.9m pounds of U3O8 equivalent changing hands. This is significantly more than the 1.4m pounds that were traded on the spot market in July.

Industry consultant TradeTech notes buyers were utilities and intermediaries for the most part, with the selling group being comprised of traders, producers and financial entities. The prominent featuring of traders and financial entities does little to inspire optimism amongst the bullish crowd, as it signifies that there remains a significant amount of speculative interest in the energy metal.

TradeTech believes the increased uranium market activity can be attributed to the pullback in the spot price that played out over July and August. The consultant notes that prices in deals reported during August declined as each successive deal was done. In fact, the pullback gathered momentum as the month neared its end.

Seller resolve finally began to crack under the strain of inactivity, with a number of marketers who were unwilling to drop offer prices finally buckling, seemingly determined to do some business even if it meant dropping prices. The lower the price went the more buying interest and thus an increase in volume traded for the month.

The positive side of their equation, if there is one, is that hopefully these “distressed” transactions are helping to clear the market of discount stock. Still, demand remains patchy at best and continues to be highly price sensitive.

TradeTech does see some improvement in these dynamics, but notes it will take time for a higher quality of demand to filter through. There are potential buyers that are yet to enter the spot market despite the recent weakness in prices. For utilities, it is a question of available budget to build inventory or make discretionary purchases, but management and budget allocations take time.

Until there is a pickup in steady demand, TradeTech notes there is increased talk in the market that prices could fall even further, seeing many prospective buyers delay purchases in hopes of getting an even better price.

For the month ending August 31, 2012, TradeTech’s Exchange Value was at US$48.00 per pound, down US$1.50 from the end of July and down US$0.75 from last week. Last week also saw broker Goldman Sachs trim its year-average uranium price forecast by US$1.00 to US$52.00 per pound for 2012.

There was a bit of new demand in the term uranium market last month, with news a US utility is now looking for over 1 million pounds U3O8 equivalent . TradeTech also expects that a non-US utility will also formally enter the market soon for “significant quantities”.

Until then, there remains a weakening trend to contend with. TradeTech’s Mid -Term U3O8 Price Indicator lost US $1.75 to $51.75 per pound over the course of the month, while the Long-Term Price Indicator to August 31 fell US$1.00 to US$60.00 per pound. The declines in both term indicators were booked towards the end of the month.

Increasing demand is expected in the mid-term market, but it has yet to materialize seeing prices in the mid-term market continue to weaken along with the spot uranium price. The long-term market is increasingly starting to see an increased willingness among sellers to drop offer prices in order to secure long-term commitments.

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article 3 months old

Positive Signs For Paladin?

 - Paladin result impacted by impairments, costs and uranium price
 - Debt expected to fall, balance sheet pressures have eased
 - Production outlook improving, some positives for uranium prices

By Chris Shaw

For the full year to June 30 uranium producer Paladin Energy ((PDN)) reported a worse than expected headline loss of US$173 million, the result being impacted by a number of impairments relating to inventories and the Kayelekera project. Underlying earnings were also impacted by higher costs and weak uranium prices during the period.

As well, JP Morgan notes Paladin's breakeven cash flow result for the year was due in part to the timing of one shipment falling into FY13. Adjusting for the shipment leaves JP Morgan expecting a return to positive cash flows in the September quarter.

The result was accompanied by production guidance for FY13 of 8.0-8.5 million pounds, with costs at Langer Heinrich expected to be less than US$30 per pound and in the low US$40's per pound at Kayelekera.

Citi notes a proposed stage 4 expansion at Langer Heinrich remains on hold given high a capex requirement of more than US$400 million. A 3.5 stage expansion generating around 75% of proposed capacity but at significantly lower capex could work in Citi's view, though further expansions remain dependent on improved uranium prices over a sustained period.

One positive to come out of the result for BA Merrill Lynch is a likely fall in Paladin's debt levels, as management is targeting a gearing ratio of less than 30% in coming years from 42% now. BA-ML estimates this would see debt fall from US$925 million now to around US$738 million in FY13.

Costs are also expected to improve and as part of a program to optimise costs Paladin is considering replacing high cost diesel fuel with electricity. BA-ML suggests this could reduce power costs by as much as 70% and could be rolled out over the next 18 months.

On the negative side, UBS sees cash balances at Paladin as coming under pressure in the coming year. Estimates of payments to suppliers suggests a minimum required uranium price of US$50 per pound, based on sales of eight million pounds for the year. UBS notes year to date uranium prices have averaged US$51.09 per pound but are currently below the US$50 per pound level.

Balance sheet pressures have been eased by the company recently agreeing to a long-term offtake agreement that included a US$200 million pre-payment. UBS notes the funds will allow Paladin to repay some convertible bonds due in March of 2013. 

With balance sheet issues now put to rest, Deutsche Bank suggests the market will focus on production at Paladin's operations and the outlook for uranium prices. There are already signs of improvement with respect to production, while BA-ML sees some positives for uranium prices as well.

Management at Paladin has indicated uranium supply is coming under pressure given a number of project cuts and delays. In BA-ML's view this has potential to create something of a supply iceberg, so pushing the market into a significant deficit.

JP Morgan also expects uranium prices to improve going forward, which underpins the broker's positive view on Paladin. While trimming its price target to $2.40 from $2.55, JP Morgan continues to rate Paladin as Overweight.

The rest of the market is split on the outlook for Paladin, the FNArena database showing three Buy recommendations and four Hold ratings. The Buys are courtesy of Citi, BA-ML and JP Morgan and all factor in the full year result, while not all FNArena database brokers have updated as yet. The consensus price target for Paladin now stands at $1.88, down slightly from $1.91 prior to the result. Targets range from Macquarie at $1.30 to BA-ML at $2.70, this spread being partly explained by different assumptions with respect to the uranium price outlook.

Shares in Paladin today are down slightly in a weaker overall market and as at 11.10am the stock was 4c lower at $1.275. The current share price implies upside of better than 40% relative to the consensus price target in the FNArena database and compares to a range over the past year of $1.05 to $2.01.

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article 3 months old

Forecasting Commodity Prices For 2016

By Greg Peel

Independent operator CRU Group (formally the Commodities Research Unit) regularly analyses the markets of over 75 commodities across the mining, metal and fertiliser sectors. The Group has recently updated its 2016 price forecasts across 24 markets including steel raw materials, base metals and fertilisers. Percentage movements are marked from a base of June quarter average prices.

CRU warns that in the case of forecasts suggesting higher prices by 2016, the implication is not for a steady increase, and vice versa on the downside. Volatility will clearly come into play, so readers should view percentage price movements as representing “at 2016” rather than “up/down to 2016”.

CRU's outlook for commodities in general in the medium term is “warm”. The analysts adopt a temperature gauge analogy, as is illustrated by the table at the bottom of this article. On average, commodity prices are expected to increase by 8% in 2016 over 2Q12 which is a small revision from the analysts' 9.5% forecast provided last quarter. The base has also been lowered given the pullback in prices from the first quarter 2012 to the second.

Of the 24 commodities updated, 13 are expected to be higher in 2016 and 11 lower, which is a significant downgrade from CRU's 2:1 higher ratio set last quarter. The split between the ups and downs represents those commodities expected to be supply constrained and those for which excess capacity is already apparent.

The greatest medium-term supply constraints will occur in tin, zinc, alumina, palladium and uranium, the analysts suggest. 

While tin consumption is expected to fall in 2012 the market is increasingly under-supplied and there is a lack of new projects in the pipeline. Those projects set to come online will not provide sufficient production and CRU expects a price response from 2013 with supply remaining tight by 2016.

The London Metals Exchange (LME) traded base metals are expected to regain some of their recent price losses, with the analysts seeing an average 30% upside to 2016 for the six (aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, tin, zinc). This average nevertheless takes into account a forecast lower price for copper. Copper should remain tight through 2014 but thereafter the analysts see a significant bulge in new capacity. The 2016 story for copper is similar to the 2012 story for nickel which is currently suffering from a supply surge just as Chinese demand has wavered.

Russian stock piles of palladium will be depleted by 2014 which will swiftly put the market into deficit thereafter, CRU believes. Palladium will nevertheless be a precious star performer as the analysts see no such upside pressure for all of the group. The “safe haven” metals of gold and silver will not see a collapse in demand in the short term but CRU does not see another gold bull run (unlike many). By 2016 the analysts believe silver, in particular, will lose its lustre.

An excess of new capacity in fertilisers has come on stream recently in low-cost regions. Prices and margins have nevertheless increased for producers recently so CRU does not see its forecast weakness in prices as a disaster for the sector, and the analysts' forecast falls will only bring prices in line with long run averages.

To sum up, CRU sees the “hot” commodities as alumina, aluminium, lead, nickel, tin, zinc, platinum, palladium, uranium and metallurgical coke. The “warm” commodities are vanadium, diammonium phosphate (DAP) and cobalt. Iron ore is “cool”, and manganese, copper, gold and coking coal are “cold”. The “freezing” commodities are silver, sulphur, sulphuric acid, potash, ammonia and urea.

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article 3 months old

Is Uranium At An Inflection Point?

By Andrew Nelson

You can call it a support, or you can call it resistance, but either way uranium has stayed within a few dollars of US$50/lb for a long time now. There have been signs of firmness and signs of weakness over the past 12 months and with speculative talk now trickling through the market of theoretical emerging supply tightness and the possibility of increasing demand, the spot price has held steady for a few weeks now.

Looking at and trying to draw conclusions from a market that doesn’t do much week in and week out gets a little bit harder to do every time you try. One pines for novel information in order to say something new. When you finally get something new, it’s hard not to go over the top with either optimism or gloom.

Over the past few weeks we have written about the possibility a looming supply shortfall, the prospects of increasing Asian, European and North American demand, to name just a few. There seem to be a growing number of analysts talking about building exposure now, as prices in this sector could climb quickly once they're set in motion.

But as of yet, there is no motion, only talk, and the U308 spot price is rooted firmly to its year-long support/resistance level. Last week saw no change in this. There was, however, a little more talk, a little more news.

China is planning to build as many as 100 reactors over the next two decades. While there is nothing new in this statement, there is at list a little more motion. China’s National Nuclear Power Co said it has now received final approval from the Ministry of Environmental Protection to move forward with its planned initial public offering.

The state-owned nuclear power operator said in June that it had received preliminary approval from the ministry to move ahead with an IPO to finance five power projects valued at 173.5 billion renminbi (US$27.3 billion). The ministry's approval is the first tangible step, but the impact of this decision is likely months or more likely years away.

None the less, it is good news, as China had suspended the construction of new reactors following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan last year. Thus while positive statements about China’s plans have been flowing though the market for the past few months, these latest claims at least have a little more substance.

There was another instance of old news turned new, good news last week. The market has known for months that BHP Billiton ((BHP)) was going to push back plans for the expansion of Olympic Dam. BHP has been dropping hints for months. But until the release of the company’s full-year earnings report, it wasn’t official. Well, now it is official.

Post the company’s result, analysts at JP Morgan ventured to guess that at best, it is unlikely there will be a material increase in uranium production from the Olympic Dam before the end of the decade. Such an outcome would significantly tighten the longer-term outlook for uranium, in the broker’s view.

Unsurprisingly, the broker remains fairly positive on the uranium market given that the current spot price around US$50/lb is well below its estimate for the price required for expansion projects to book a decent return. JP Morgan estimates that the average incentive price for new projects is around US$83/lb.

Thus with demand expected to grow, driven largely by China’s nuclear growth program, the broker thinks  uranium prices must push higher at some point to simply encourage production growth.

Until then, we’re still stuck where we are.

 Last week industry consultant TradeTech noted a continuation of slightly higher activity levels that were seen the prior week. While volumes were down, 600,000/lbs changing hands last week, there were five transactions, which was more than the week before.  Buyers included utilities, traders, and financial entities, notes TradeTech.

The good news to take from this is that utilities are back on the list and are actually showing some interest in purchases at current price levels.

However, TradeTech notes the majority of demand remains discretionary in nature, with buyers continuing to resist paying higher prices. In response, sellers have been willing to sell at the current price, but have been wary retreat higher for fear buyers could be spooked and pull out of the market once more.

Thus, TradeTech’s Weekly U3O8 Spot Price Indicator stayed put at US$49.00 per pound, unchanged from the week prior.

There were again no new transactions on the term market, but TradeTech notes there was some new demand here as well. A US utility entered the market last week looking for over 1 million pounds, while a non-US utility is also expected to formally enter the market soon for “significant” quantities of material, notes TradeTech.

Yet despite the good news, once again it has only added up to talk at this point. TradeTech’s Mid-Term U3O8 Price Indicator has stayed put at US$53.50 per pound, while the Long-Term U3O8 Price Indicator remained at US$61.00 per pound.

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article 3 months old

Signs Of Life In The Uranium Market

By Andrew Nelson

Last week was slightly busier than what passes for normal these days on the uranium spot market. Deals were done, volumes were heavier and there were signs of new demand emanating from the broader market as buyers emerge to take advantage of currently depressed prices.

Local operator Paladin Energy ((PDN)) was a definite beneficiary of renewed interest in uranium supply last week. The company announced it would be handed $200m by a utility six years in advance of any delivery requirements and if delivery is eventually requested, the transaction will be done at the prevailing spot price.

The next bit of positive demand-side news came from the United Arab Emirates, with the country contracting for a 15-year supply of uranium and conversion/enrichment services from a Areva, Uranium One, Rio Tinto ((RIO)) , ConverDyn, Urenco and Tenex in a deal worth $3bn. The supply is to fuel the Barakah plant, UAE’s first nuclear power plant, which is scheduled to begin generation in 2017.

In addition to the stock that has been contracted, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp also said it “expects to return to the market at various times to take advantage of favorable market conditions and to strengthen its security of supply position.”

In addition to the 4 reactors under construction in the UAE, neighbour Saudi Arabia has another 16 nuclear reactors planned over the next 20 years.

David Talbot of Dundee Securities notes that one doesn’t normally see utilities stock up so far ahead of time and he believes that these transactions are a signal that at least the two abovementioned buyers are worried about supplies.

“The more they are worried, the more quickly we expect them to react. This time we view these contracts as different...this might be the catalyst we have all been looking for,” he said.

If it is the catalyst Talbot has been waiting for: the news may well help to firm up spot prices in the near term. In fact, it may be possible that the impact is already being felt.

Industry consultant TradeTech reports that last week saw an upswing in activity, with 4 transactions reported and 950,000 pounds of U308 changing hands. Let’s hope this pick-up in volumes is an indication prices have dipped low enough and stayed there long enough to start attracting some steadier buying interest.

Another positive sign was that utilities were the buyers of the majority of the material that was sold last week. TradeTech notes that a number of other buyers are continuing to think about entering the market, although most of this speculative demand remains centred around delivery in late 2012, or early 2013.

That’s why it’s not time for uranium fans to pop the corks just yet. While it seems that lower prices are finally starting to generate some additional buying interest, TradeTech notes current demand remains extremely price sensitive, thus any increase in offer prices could see these potential head for the doors.

This has seen prices stabilize in what is a narrow band range, with sellers remaining concerned about both lowering and/or increasing prices significantly. Last week saw TradeTech’s Daily U3O8 Spot Price Indicator stay put at US49.00/lb.

Despite the deals done last week in the term market, TradeTech’s Mid-Term and Long-Term Price Indicators were yet again unchanged at US$53.00/lb and US$61.00/lb respectively.

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article 3 months old

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Chris Shaw

As Australian profit reporting season moves into full swing brokers have picked up the pace of ratings changes, the eight brokers in the FNArena database upgrading 18 stocks and downgrading 34 over the past week. The changes mean total Buy ratings have fallen to 48.48%.

Both Goodman Fielder ((GFF)) and SAI Global ((SAI) received two upgrades post profit results, RBS Australia and Credit Suisse lifting ratings for the former and Citi and JP Morgan for the latter. RBS moved to Buy from Hold on Goodman Fielder based on the view earnings have now re-based, which could prompt either the reinstatement of dividends or some corporate interest. Credit Suisse agrees both are possible and lifts its rating to Neutral from Underperform.

SAI Global ((SAI)) again fell short of expectations in its core Compliance division in particular and brokers have consequently cut earnings estimates and price targets. But recent underperformance has improved the value on offer, which drives the upgrades to Buy from Hold ratings for both Citi and JP Morgan. In contrast, Deutsche downgraded to Hold from Buy given its view the stock is fully valued at current levels.

Adelaide Brighton ((ABC)) enjoyed an upgrade from UBS to Buy from Hold on valuation grounds following interim earnings this week, while at the same time Credit Suisse downgraded its rating to Neutral from Outperform given some concerns with respect to cement volumes in the current operating environment.

An upgrade for Ansell ((ANN)) to Buy from Hold by Macquarie followed a solid profit result and increases to the broker's earnings estimates and price target. There is value on offer in Macquarie's view given Ansell is trading on a market multiple at present. 

A flat result was seen as solid performance from ARB Corporation ((ARP)) given tough operating conditions through the year and Citi expects further solid performance through at least the next nine months. This, and a reasonably attractive valuation, drive an upgrade to a Buy rating.

Carsales.com ((CRZ)) delivered solid results in the face of strong competitive pressures and this was enough for Macquarie to lift earnings forecasts and price target for the stock. The resilience of the business model in a difficult environment has given increased confidence and sees Macquarie move to a Neutral rating from Sell.

Management at Downer EDI ((DOW)) has now addressed some key concerns, so post full year earnings Credit Suisse has lifted its forecasts and price target. A more positive view is now justified and Credit Suisse has upgraded to Buy from Hold.

While full year earnings for GWA ((GWA)) were down significantly relative to FY11, Citi suggests most of the bad news is now behind the company. This is enough to drive an upgrade to Hold from Sell. At the same time both UBS and Deutsche Bank downgraded to Hold ratings from Buy, UBS pointing out while restructuring is being undertaken and there remains leverage to an economic recovery, the timing of any such recovery remains uncertain. 

A marking-to-market of Henderson's ((HGG)) investments has boosted UBS's earnings expectations for the stock, enough for the broker to upgrade to Buy from Hold. At the same time UBS concedes an improvement in investment flows will remain a challenge for the company.

iiNet ((IIN)) beat RBS Australia's expectations for full year earnings and factoring in higher margins and cost savings sees the broker lift its price target. This drives an upgrade to a Buy rating from Hold, supported by the broker's view iiNet offers relative earnings certainty at present.

Improving farm margins should be a boost for earnings at Nufarm ((NUF)) and to reflect this BA Merrill Lynch has upgraded to a Buy rating from Hold. Forecasts and price target were lifted post a review of the company.

Paladin ((PDN)) signed a uranium off-take agreement during the week and this was enough for JP Morgan to upgrade to Buy from Hold on the stock. The deal removes balance sheet concerns given a significant up-front payment, while the broker also likes the leverage to underlying uranium prices.

While RBS has trimmed forecasts for Pharmaxis ((PXS)) to reflect a slower than expected ramp-up of sales for Bronchitol, recent share price weakness offers an opportunity and the broker has moved to a Buy rating from Hold.

Sirtex Medical ((SRX)) received positive reviews from FDA trials of its chemotherapy product and this has prompted UBS to upgrade to a Buy rating from Neutral. An increase in price target supports the more positive view.

Following a review JP Morgan has upgraded Spark Infrastructure ((SKI)) to Buy from Hold, the upgrade reflecting a relative valuation discount to peers and potential for improving cash flow to support higher distribution payouts going forward.

There were few surprises in the Wesfarmers ((WES)) profit result but RBS made enough changes to earnings forecasts to lift price target. With consensus forecasts for the stock having fallen by more than for Woolworths ((WOW)) in recent months risks now appear priced in, so RBS upgrades to a Neutral rating. Citi went the other way and downgraded to Sell from Hold on Wesfarmers, this given the expectation the pace of earnings growth for the company will slow.

Among other downgrades, both Citi and UBS cut ratings for ASX Limited ((ASX)), the former to Sell from Hold and the latter to Hold from Buy. For UBS earnings growth has effectively been deferred for a year and this impacts on valuation, while Citi's downgrade also reflects revisions to earnings estimates and price target.

Goodman Group ((GMG)) received multiple downgrades over the week, RBS, Citi and JP Morgan all moving to Neutral ratings from previous Buys. The problem for the stock is recent share price strength limits the upside potential on offer, though RBS did suggest looking to buy the stock on any share price weakness in coming weeks.

A solid profit result from Primary Health Care ((PRY)) was not enough to stop RBS and Deutsche downgrading to Hold ratings from Buy. For RBS an uncertain earnings outlook is the driver of the rating change, while Deutsche's concern is further pathology funding cuts are looming. At the same time Deutsche suggests the stock is trading around fair value.

Most downgraded stock of the week was UGL ((UGL)), with Citi, JP Morgan and Deutsche all cutting ratings to Hold from Buy and Macquarie to Sell from Hold following cuts to earnings estimates post a the full year earnings result. A tougher earnings outlook has driven the reductions in forecasts and price targets, with Macquarie suggesting the result is enough to bring UGL's safe haven status into question.

Credit Suisse cut earnings forecasts for Aurora Oil & Gas ((AUT)) post the group's full year profit result and the changes mean a limited total return on offer. This was enough for the broker to downgrade to Hold from Buy.

Recent share price gains have been enough for Macquarie to downgrade Bendigo and Adelaide Bank ((BEN)) to Neutral from Outperform prior to next week's profit result, while weaker guidance cutting earnings forecasts and so limiting upside potential was enough for RBS to downgrade Brambles ((BXB)) to Hold from Buy.

Cardno ((CDD)) has enjoyed a recent re-rating and this has prompted Macquarie to downgrade to Neutral from Outperform. Full year earnings met expectations and mean only minor changes to the broker's model for the company.

While Commonwealth Bank ((CBA)) delivered a solid enough result UBS has cut its rating to Neutral from Buy, seeing the bank as simply too expensive at current levels despite what remains an attractive dividend payout.

Crown ((CWN)) also delivered a relatively solid result but Credit Suisse has trimmed earnings estimates and price target given increased capex and debt assumptions. Rating is cut to Hold form Buy with the stock trading near the broker's revised price target.

Valuation is the driver of Macquarie's downgrade of Dexus ((DXS)) to Underperform from Neutral, as the share price is trading broadly in line with a revised price target. It is a similar story for Credit Suisse with respect to Domino's Pizza ((DMP)), which delivered a solid profit result but has been downgraded to Hold from Buy given a high relative multiple.

GPT ((GPT)) has suffered a similar fate, as while Macquarie liked the profit result and lifted forecasts and price target on the back of updated guidance the share price is trading in line with the broker's revised target. Rating has been downgraded to Hold from Buy.

A recent run in the share price has seen Credit Suisse downgrade James Hardie ((JHX)) to Hold from Buy, this despite the broker remaining attracted to the company's cyclical growth opportunities. Credit Suisse has also downgraded JB Hi-Fi ((JBH)) to Sell, this given the view profit is likely to remain constrained for the next couple of years given ongoing difficult market conditions.

Results and production guidance from Newcrest ((NCM)) were broadly as Citi had expected, but with gold de-rating and given recent share price strength the broker doesn't see as much value on offer. Rating has been cut to Hold from Buy. 

OrotonGroup ((ORL)) has lost an exclusive licence with Ralph Lauren Polo and this has prompted Citi to move to a Sell rating from Hold. For Citi, the news means an Asian store rollout program is going to need to be very successful to restore investor confidence. 

Lower cash sees UBS lower earnings forecasts for OZ Minerals ((OZL)) and when combined with a lack of exploration success is enough for the broker to downgrade to a Sell rating from Neutral. Price target has also been reduced.

Solid outperformance year to date has REA Group ((REA)) fully valued on JP Morgan's numbers, this despite a good full year profit result. Rating is cut to Hold from Buy. Valuation is the broker's issue with SingTel ((SGT)), as a high earnings multiple prompts a similar downgrade in rating.

Telstra ((TLS)) has been downgraded by Macquarie to Hold from Buy on valuation grounds post a solid full year profit result, while a similar argument has been presented to justify the same downgrade in Macquarie's rating for Westfield Retail Trust ((WRT)).

Among stocks in the database, the largest increase in price targets for the week was in Goodman Group ((GMG)) and Domino's Pizza, while the most significant cuts were for Oroton, UGL and SAI Global. 

For earnings forecasts the results were a little different, Goodman again among the largest increases along with Ansell and SAI Global. The major cuts to forecasts were experienced by Aquarius Platinum ((AQP)), SMS Management and Technology ((SMX)), UGL and Alacer Gold ((AQG)).

Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company Old Rating New Rating Broker
2 ANSELL LIMITED Neutral Buy Macquarie
4 CARSALES.COM LIMITED Sell Neutral Macquarie
5 DOWNER EDI LIMITED Neutral Buy Credit Suisse
7 GOODMAN FIELDER LIMITED Sell Neutral Credit Suisse
8 GWA GROUP LIMITED Sell Neutral Citi
10 IINET LIMITED Neutral Buy RBS Australia
11 NUFARM LIMITED Neutral Buy BA-Merrill Lynch
12 PALADIN ENERGY LTD Neutral Buy JP Morgan
13 Pharmaxis Ltd Neutral Buy RBS Australia
14 SAI GLOBAL LIMITED Neutral Buy Citi
15 SAI GLOBAL LIMITED Neutral Buy JP Morgan
18 WESFARMERS LIMITED Sell Neutral RBS Australia
19 ADELAIDE BRIGHTON LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
20 ASX LIMITED Neutral Sell Citi
21 ASX LIMITED Buy Neutral UBS
22 AURORA OIL AND GAS LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
24 BRAMBLES LIMITED Buy Neutral RBS Australia
25 CARDNO LIMITED Buy Neutral Macquarie
27 CROWN LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
28 DEXUS PROPERTY GROUP Neutral Sell Macquarie
29 Domino's Pizza Enterprises Limited Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
30 GOODMAN GROUP Buy Neutral RBS Australia
31 GOODMAN GROUP Buy Neutral Citi
32 GOODMAN GROUP Buy Neutral JP Morgan
33 GPT Buy Neutral Macquarie
35 GWA GROUP LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
36 JAMES HARDIE INDUSTRIES N.V. Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
37 JB HI-FI LIMITED Sell Sell Credit Suisse
42 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
43 REA GROUP LIMITED Buy Neutral JP Morgan
44 SAI GLOBAL LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
47 UGL LIMITED Neutral Sell Macquarie
48 UGL LIMITED Buy Neutral Citi
49 UGL LIMITED Buy Neutral JP Morgan
50 UGL LIMITED Buy Neutral Deutsche Bank
52 WESTFIELD RETAIL TRUST Buy Neutral Macquarie


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 PXS 50.0% 75.0% 25.0% 4
2 ARP 20.0% 40.0% 20.0% 5
3 IIN 50.0% 67.0% 17.0% 6
4 ANN 14.0% 29.0% 15.0% 7
5 DOW 71.0% 86.0% 15.0% 7
6 SKI 57.0% 71.0% 14.0% 7
7 PDN 29.0% 43.0% 14.0% 7
8 DJS - 38.0% - 25.0% 13.0% 8
9 SAI 63.0% 75.0% 12.0% 8
10 HGG 50.0% 60.0% 10.0% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Rating New Rating Change Recs
1 UGL 71.0% 14.0% - 57.0% 7
2 GMG 63.0% 25.0% - 38.0% 8
3 TLS 13.0% - 13.0% - 26.0% 8
4 CDD 50.0% 25.0% - 25.0% 4
5 PRY 50.0% 25.0% - 25.0% 8
6 ORL 40.0% 20.0% - 20.0% 5
7 DMP 33.0% 17.0% - 16.0% 6
8 WRT 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
9 REA 43.0% 29.0% - 14.0% 7
10 BXB 100.0% 86.0% - 14.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 GMG 3.109 3.973 27.79% 8
2 DMP 8.675 10.240 18.04% 6
3 PRY 3.290 3.604 9.54% 8
4 IIN 3.383 3.643 7.69% 6
5 REA 14.156 15.187 7.28% 7
6 TLS 3.579 3.725 4.08% 8
7 ANN 14.629 15.060 2.95% 7
8 DJS 2.263 2.325 2.74% 8
9 WRT 3.006 3.086 2.66% 7
10 ARP 9.066 9.298 2.56% 5

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous Target New Target Change Recs
1 ORL 8.830 7.636 - 13.52% 5
2 UGL 14.031 12.369 - 11.85% 7
3 SAI 5.253 4.675 - 11.00% 8
4 OZL 9.439 8.951 - 5.17% 8
5 HGG 2.063 1.970 - 4.51% 5
6 NCM 31.761 30.576 - 3.73% 8
7 BXB 7.350 7.183 - 2.27% 7
8 CWN 10.118 9.935 - 1.81% 8
9 PXS 1.658 1.640 - 1.09% 4
10 AGK 16.460 16.375 - 0.52% 8

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 YAL 11.800 95.233 707.06% 3
2 GMG 29.538 32.838 11.17% 8
3 SAI 24.500 26.838 9.54% 8
4 IIN 31.900 34.333 7.63% 6
5 DOW 45.429 47.560 4.69% 7
6 PDN 1.990 2.074 4.22% 7
7 PRY 26.938 28.000 3.94% 8
8 REA 72.757 75.086 3.20% 7
9 DMP 43.100 44.433 3.09% 6
10 QUB 8.475 8.650 2.06% 4

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Previous EF New EF Change Recs
1 BSL 3.557 2.514 - 29.32% 7
2 AQP 3.598 2.606 - 27.57% 5
3 SMX 47.520 38.680 - 18.60% 5
4 AQG 54.439 47.216 - 13.27% 7
5 UGL 114.900 100.486 - 12.54% 7
6 NCM 163.900 148.175 - 9.59% 8
7 ORL 70.780 64.204 - 9.29% 5
8 JHX 38.030 34.967 - 8.05% 8
9 SGM 97.300 90.743 - 6.74% 7
10 QBE 140.892 133.038 - 5.57% 8

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