Tag Archives: Weekly Reports

article 3 months old

Share Buybacks – Who’s Doing It?

International research suggests shares in companies that buy in their own equities are more likely to respond positively through share price appreciation. Investors should note, however, buying back own stock is not a guarantee for significant share price gains ahead.

For local research about investor benefits from capital management, including companies buying in their own shares, FNArena subscribers can read "Buy Capital Management"

Below is an incomplete overview of companies buying in their own shares this year. We very much appreciate all feedback, contributions and suggestions at info@fnarena.com

See attached excel file for more details (paying subscribers only)

8IH 8I Holdings 21/09/2016
ACQ Acorn Capital Inv Fund 10/10/2016
AFA ASF Group 26/04/2016
AFR African Energy Resources 23/11/2015
AGL AGL Energy 13/10/2016
AHY Asaleo Care 01/10/2015
AIB Aurora Global Income 14/12/2015
AIV ActivEX Ltd 01/11/2016
ALR Aberdeen Leaders Ltd 27/02/2015
ANZ ANZ Banking Group During November 2016
APW AIMS Property Securities Fund 07/09/2016
AQF Australian Governance Masters 23/11/2015
ARA Ariadne Australia 21/08/2014
ARG Argo Investments 01/01/2016
AUF Asian Masters Fund 23/11/2016
AUF Asian Masters Fund 23/11/2015
AUI Australian United Investments 14/05/2015
AUP Aurora Property Buy-Write Trust 14/12/2015
BWF Blackwall Property Fund 15/03/2016
BWR Blackwall Property Trust 07/07/715
CAM Clime Capital. 21/12/2015
CAMPA Clime Capital Preference 15/08/2016
CGO CPT Global 27/08/2015
CHN Chalice Gold Mines 30/06/2016
CIM Cimic Group 29/12/2015
CIN Carlton Investments 29/11/2015
CIW Clime Investment Management 16/12/2015
CLT Cellnet Group 09/09/2015
CMC China Magnesium Corp 28/10/2014
CMI CMI Ltd 25/11/2016
CNI Centuria Capital 24/12/2015
CSL CSL Ltd 27/10/2016
CSR CSR Ltd 21/03/2016
CSV CSG Ltd 12/03/2016
CVC CVC Ltd 07/12/2015
CVW ClearView Wealth 19/12/2013
CYG Coventry Group 23/11/2015
DUI Diversified United Investments 01/06/2016
EAI Ellerston Asia Investments 27/09/2016
EMF Emerging Markets Masters Fund 21/12/2015
EMF Emerging Markets Masters Fund 21/12/2016
EZL Euroz Ltd 14/01/2016
FID Fiducian Group 03/03/2015
FRI Finbar Group 08/12/2014
GOW Gowing Bros 20/06/2012
GPT General Property Group 06/05/2016
HHY HHY Fund 24/08/2016
HOT HotCopper Holdings 02/11/2016
IAG Insurance Australia Group 21/11/2016
ICN Icon Energy 26/02/2015
IPE IPE Ltd 12/11/2016
ISU iSelect 30/03/2016
ITD ITL Ltd 11/12/2015
ITD ITL Ltd 28/11/2016
JBH JB Hi-Fi 12/09/2016
KAT Katana Capital 30/12/2014
KAR Karoon Gas Aust 17/09/2015
KBC Keybridge Capital 07/12/2015
KKT Konekt 15/11/2016
LGD Legend Corp 24/12/2015
LLC Lend Lease Corp 28/08/2015
MEL Metgasco 04/02/2016
MFF Magellan Flagship Fund 13/08/2015
MGP Managed Accounts Holdings 14/08/2015
MHM MHM Metals 17/02/16
MIN Mineral Resources 04/12/2015
NEC Nine Entertainment 25/02/2016
NVT Navitas 16/02/2016
OCL Objective Corp 26/02/2016
OPG OPUS Group 09/12/2016
ORL Oroton Group 26/04/2016
OZG Ozgrowth Ltd 30/12/2015
OZL OZ Minerals 14/03/2016
PME Pro Medicus 01/04/2016
PTM Platinum Asset Management 04/10/2016
QAN Qantas 08/09/2016
RCR RCR Tomlinson 21/12/2015
RND Rand Mining 12/12/2015
RUL RungePincockMinarco 07/12/2015
SGM Sims Metal Management 07/12/2015
SIP Sigma Pharmaceuticals 13/10/2014
SMX SMS Management & Tech 15/06/2015
SVW Seven Group Holdings 12/03/2016
SVW Seven Group Holdings 17/08/2016
SWK Swick Mining Services 14/12/2015
TBR Tribune Resources 28/09/2015
TGG Templeton Global Growth Fund 26/02/2016
TLS Telstra Announced 11/8/16
TOF 360 Capital Office Fund 02/05/2016
TOT 360 Capital Total Return 28/03/2016
VSC Vita Life Sciences 13/05/2016
WAT Waterco 07/04/2016
WIC Westoz Investment Co 30/12/2015
WMK Watermark Market Neutral Fund 29/09/2016
XPD XPD Soccer Gear Group 20/09/2016
YBR Yellow Brick Road Holdings 20/11/2015

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Uranium Week: Stability Returns

For once the spot uranium price did not fall over the week. Has a bottom been found?

By Greg Peel

There was no Uranium Week report published by FNArena last week due to the Veterans Day holiday in the US. In that week the spot uranium price fell US25c to US$18.50/lb, following a US$1.00 fall the week before.

Last week saw 750,000lbs U308 equivalent change hands in the uranium spot market in five transactions, industry consultant TradeTech reports. The consultant’s weekly spot price indicator is unchanged at US$18.50/lb.

Is this the bottom? Having plunged in October it appears the spot price has stabilised in November. Yet we have seen levels of stability before, and brief rallies, only to be consistently disappointed.

So we’ll reserve judgement for now, but suffice to say utilities are showing interest in picking up material at these low levels despite most being in no desperate need to rebuild inventories, while sellers are becoming increasingly reluctant to drop offers ever lower, TradeTech notes. Perhaps the desperate among the trading fraternity capitulated in October, but there are still producers burning cash who must continue to find buyers and hope that, eventually, prices will recover.

In uranium market news, the same themes are continuing to play out. Last week’s news leant mostly to the positive.

The Chinese government has formally released a five-year plan confirming the intention to have 30mkW of new nuclear capacity going into operation and over 30mkW under construction. To 2020, capacity will increase by 16.5% per annum.

In the US, energy company Exelon awaits key legislative decisions that would allow and justify the company’s acquisition of the Fitzpatrick nuclear plant in New York State and justify the continuing operation of the company’s Clinton (appropriate) and Quad Cities plants in Illinois. The decisions are important as in the wider scale, they would either save or sound the longer term death knell for the largest nuclear energy industry on the planet.

The issue remains the same – older nuclear plants cannot compete against cheap natural gas-fired electricity generators and despite being “green”, do not enjoy the same subsidies afforded alternative energy sources. Legislation is required at both state and federal levels, hence the word “appropriate”. What will be the approach of the Trump administration and Republican-led Congress?

In Japan, two more reactors have now reached the point of satisfying post-Fukushima safety rules – the biggest hurdle in moving towards restart. Now comes the political process, beginning at local government level, which experience suggests is no clear path.

There was one small transaction concluded in the uranium mid-term market last week. TradeTech’s term price indicators remain unchanged at US$20.50/lb (mid) and $35.00/lb (long).

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Australian Listed Real Estate Tables

PDF file attached.

Investors looking to diversify away from straight equity can invest in property as an alternative via direct investment, or by investing in units of listed or unlisted real estate investment trusts (REIT) or the shares of property developers.

Typically a REIT will purchase a number of similar properties, maintain those properties and collect rent from tenants, and pay a distribution (dividend) to the unit holder net of maintenance costs and management fees. REITs are primarily attractive to investors for their dividend yield but also offer capital upside on property value appreciation. The bulk of listed REITs fall into three property categories: office, being office blocks usually in a CBD; retail, being shops and shopping centres; and industrial, being warehouses, logistics centres and so forth. Other variations exist.

Property developers typically purchase land, build office, retail, industrial or residential complexes, and sell those properties. Developers offer a higher risk/reward investment than REITs given the lag time between construction and sale, and the capital committed to a project. Dividend yields are typically lower but capital up/downside typically greater.

The tables in the attached PDF list Australian REITs and developers and and calculations for dividend yield and valuation, including share price to earnings, price to net asset value (market value of property) and price to book value (property valuation on the company's/trust's books) for the purpose of investor assessment.

This service is provided for informative purposes only. It is not, and should not be treated as, a solicitation or recommendation to buy corporate bonds. Investors should always consult their financial adviser before acting on any information gleaned from this service. FNArena does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided. Note that while FNArena publishes this table weekly, prices are fluid and potentially changing throughout each trading day. Hence prices tabled may not reflect actual market prices at the time of reading.

FNArena disclaimer

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Weekly Top Ten News Stories

Our top ten news from 10 November 2016 to 17 November 2016 (ranked according to popularity).

Weekly update on recommendation, target price, and earnings forecast changes.
Positives Stack Up For NextDC
Friday 11 November 2016 - 02:37 PM
Positive news keeps coming in regard to data centre operator NextDC given leverage to the substantial growth in cloud computing.
Equities & Trump ascendancy; returns in infrastructure; coal-fired power stations; variations in hospital revenue growth; metro TV audience share.
Outlook for metals; downside risks diminish for Oz miners; oversupply in aluminium; thermal coal set to weaken; strengthening in pigment markets.
Australian Banks: Outlook Post FY16
Tuesday 15 November 2016 - 01:25 PM
The banks had a disappointing year, but much as expected. The issue of capital requirements and dividends continues to linger.
Trump Gets Stocks Thumbs Up And Buffet Agrees
Wednesday 16 November 2016 - 10:31 AM
Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report discussions the ramifications of the Trump victory.
Material Matters: Miners, Copper And Iron Ore
Tuesday 15 November 2016 - 02:00 PM
Conditions favouring bulk miners; copper's price surge; iron ore outlook.
How To Make Uncertainty And Volatility Great Again
Wednesday 16 November 2016 - 10:06 AM
In this week's Weekly Insights: - How To Make Uncertainty And Volatility Great Again - Rudi On Tour - Nothing Ever Changes, Or Does It? - Rudi On TV
ASX200: Looking To 5500
Monday 14 November 2016 - 10:30 AM
Craig Parker of Moat Capital suggests 5200 offers support for the ASX200 and 5500 is the trigger for medium term upside.
10 Distribution Models, Competitive Advantage And Disruption
Wednesday 16 November 2016 - 11:52 AM
The online world does not just present new opportunities for businesses, it presents new challenges. Entirely new distribution platforms have emerged to turn traditional business models on their head. Evans and Partners Asset Management discusses what is required to succeed in this unfamiliar, disrupted environment.
article 3 months old

Next Week At A Glance

For a more comprehensive preview of next week's events, please refer to "The Monday Report", published each Monday morning. For all economic data release dates, ex-div dates and times and other relevant information, please refer to the FNArena Calendar.

By Greg Peel

Next week will be a short week in the US, realistically three days. All markets are closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving and although the NYSE does open for a half-day session on the Friday, only a handful of skeletons ever turn up.

Suffice to say there are no US data releases on those days, rather they are all crammed in earlier in the week. They include the Chicago Fed national and Richmond Fed indices, new and existing home sales, house prices, durable goods, consumer sentiment and the minutes of the November (pre-Trump) Fed meeting.

Friday next week is known as Black Friday in the US. It is when Christmas-reliant retailers offer a day of discounting to lure in customers, and for the first time in the year, so the story goes, their P&Ls go “into the black”. More recently, online retailers follow up with the same deal on the Monday, dubbed Cyber Monday. How goes these two days determines whether or not retailers have a good Christmas.

Except that the whole thing has rather gone out the window these days. Retailers start discounting this week or earlier, such that the actual Friday and Monday no longer have the same impact.

In Australia we can look forward to September quarter numbers for construction work done and private sector capex – two of the more important releases in the lead-up to the following week’s GDP result.

And we can also look forward to another relatively busy week on the AGM front.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Australian Corporate Bond Price Tables

PDF file attached.

Corporate bonds offer an alternative to equity investment in providing a fixed “coupon”, or interest payment, unlike equities which pay (or not) non-fixed dividend payments, and a maturity date, unlike equities which are open-ended.

Listed corporate bonds can be traded just as listed shares can be traded. Bonds bought at issue and held to maturity do not offer capital appreciation as an equity can, but assuming no default do not offer downside capital risk either. Pricing is based on market perception of default risk, or “credit risk”, throughout the life of the bond.

Bonds do offer capital risk/reward if traded on the secondary market within the bounds of issue and maturity. Coupon rates are fixed but bond prices fluctuate on perceived changes in credit risk and on changes in prevailing market interest rates.

Note that the attached tables offer three “yield” figures for each issue, being “coupon”, “yield” and “running yield”.

If a bond is purchased at $100 face value and a 5% coupon, and face value is returned at maturity, the running yield is 5% and the yield, or “yield to maturity” is 5%.

If a bond is purchased in the secondary market at greater than $100, the running yield, which is the per annum yield for each year the bond is held, is less than 5% because the coupon is paid on face value. The yield to maturity is also less than the coupon as more than $100 is paid to receive $100 back at maturity.

If a bond is purchased in the secondary market at less than $100, the running yield, which is the per annum yield for each year the bond is held, is more than 5% because the coupon is paid on face value. The yield to maturity is also more than the coupon as less than $100 is paid to receive $100 back at maturity.

Note that if a bond is trading on the secondary market at a price greater than face value the implication is the market believes the bond is less risky than at issue, and if at a lesser price it has become more risky. Bonds trading on yields substantially higher than their coupons thus do not offer a bargain per se, just a higher risk/reward investment. In all cases, bond supply and demand balances will also impact on secondary pricing.

Note also that while most coupons are fixed, the attached table also provides prices for capital indexed bonds (CIB) and indexed annuity bonds (IAB).

This service is provided for informative purposes only. It is not, and should not be treated as, a solicitation or recommendation to buy corporate bonds. Investors should always consult their financial adviser before acting on any information gleaned from this service. FNArena does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided. Note that while FNArena publishes this table weekly, prices are fluid and potentially changing throughout each trading day. Hence prices tabled may not reflect actual market prices at the time of reading.

FNArena disclaimer

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

The Short Report


The Short Report draws upon data provided by the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) to highlight significant weekly moves in short positions registered on stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Short positions in exchange-traded funds (ETF) and non-ordinary shares are not included. Short positions below 5% are not included in the table below but may be noted in the accompanying text if deemed significant.

Please take note of the Important Information provided at the end of this report. Percentage amounts in this report refer to percentage of ordinary shares on issue.

Stock codes highlighted in green have seen their short positions reduce in the week by an amount sufficient to move them into a lower percentage bracket. Stocks highlighted in red have seen their short positions increase in the week by an amount sufficient to move them into a higher percentage bracket. Moves in excess of one percentage point or more are discussed in the Movers & Shakers report below.


Week ending November 10, 2016

A historical chart of the Dow will forever show that when Donald Trump won the election, the response was a 250 point rally the next day. What it will never show is that the Dow futures were at one point down over 800 points that night.

A historical chart of the ASX200 will forever show a 100 drop the day Trump won the election. And then a 170 point rally the day after. The table below indicates there was not a great deal of short position ups and downs over such a dramatic period, but given it covers the whole week, it’s unclear just what carnage or otherwise may have been wreaked day to day. We can at least assume a bit of whiplash.

While there’s not a great deal of movement on the table below, there are a couple of standouts.

Energy sector service provider WorleyParsons ((WOR)) has been enjoying a choppy share price comeback of late on the stronger oil price, and last week saw its shorts drop to 13.5% from 14.3% the week before. Worley thus ceded the position of second most shorted stock on the market to Western Areas, the shorts of which rose to 15.1% from 14.0%.

Healthscope has had a horror month since issuing a profit warning and having plunged in October, the stock neither fell further nor rallied back on the Trump turnaround. Healthscope shorts rose to 7.8% last week from 6.2%.

Last week saw News Corp announce its first quarterly loss since it demerged 21st Century Fox, disappointing analysts. News shorts rose to 8.1% from 6.4%.

Weekly short positions as a percentage of market cap:


MYR   17.5
WSA   15.1
WOR   13.5
BAL    12.5
ACX   11.8
NEC    11.2
MTS    10.8
MND   10.2

No changes


No changes                            



In: VOC, NWS                                              



In: HSO, IVC             Out: VOC, ORI



In: ORI, MSB, SEK               Out: NWS, HSO, IVC, KAR, CSR



In: CSR, NXT             Out: MSB, SEK

Movers and Shakers

If there is one base metal showing no lack of global supply capacity at present it’s nickel. The nickel price has thus, for the most part, been weak over 2016. But there have been some sharp bouts of volatility in between related to supply constraints.

First Indonesia banned nickel ore exports in order to promote investment in value-adding nickel concentrate smelters in the country, sending the nickel price flying. It flew back again when the government got the investment response it wanted and eased off on its ban.

Then the new president of the Philippines warned it would shut down inefficient nickel mines for environmental reasons. Nickel shot up again. But while some mines have indeed been closed, as to how many will ultimately be closed is unclear. Meanwhile, China is churning out nickel pig iron with gay abandon.

Western Areas ((WSA)) is a pure-play nickel miner that basically lives and dies on the nickel price. Amidst nickel price volatility and uncertainty, shorts on the stock have steadily been growing. Last week saw those shorts rise by 1.1 percentage points to 15.1% to take Western Areas in to the position of second most shorted stock on the ASX.

After issuing a profit warning in October, hospital operator Healthscope ((HSO)) saw its share price tank. It has basically remained tanked ever since. Aside from industry issues currently troubling the company at present, there is an ever present dark cloud of possible regulatory changes hanging over the stock.

Last week saw Healthscope shorts rise 1.6ppt to 7.8%.

News Corp’s ((NWS)) media business can largely be divided into three segments: old world (newspapers and books); newer world (cable television) and new world (online). Last week News posted its first ever quarterly loss since demerging its movie business.

The main drag is old world publishing, in which advertising revenue continues to decline and costs remain elevated. Failing to offset was News’ investments in online classifieds, and particularly in REA Group ((REA)), which are currently the primary driver of earnings. In between is its stake in Fox Sports, which is beholden to the cost of sporting rights.

It’s a balancing act. With cost reductions seen by analysts as News’ only potential near term catalyst, shorts in the stock rose by 1.7ppt last week to 8.1%.

ASX20 Short Positions (%)

To see the full Short Report, please go to this link


The above information is sourced from daily reports published by the Australian Investment & Securities Commission (ASIC) and is provided by FNArena unqualified as a service to subscribers. FNArena would like to make it very clear that immediate assumptions cannot be drawn from the numbers alone.

It is wrong to assume that short percentages published by ASIC simply imply negative market positions held by fund managers or others looking to profit from a fall in respective share prices. While all or part of certain short percentages may indeed imply such, there are also a myriad of other reasons why a short position might be held which does not render that position “naked” given offsetting positions held elsewhere. Whatever balance of percentages truly is a “short” position would suggest there are negative views on a stock held by some in the market and also would suggest that were the news flow on that stock to turn suddenly positive, “short covering” may spark a short, sharp rally in that share price. However short positions held as an offset against another position may prove merely benign.

Often large short positions can be attributable to a listed hybrid security on the same stock where traders look to “strip out” the option value of the hybrid with offsetting listed option and stock positions. Short positions may form part of a short stock portfolio offsetting a long share price index (SPI) futures portfolio – a popular trade which seeks to exploit windows of opportunity when the SPI price trades at an overextended discount to fair value. Short positions may be held as a hedge by a broking house providing dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) underwriting services or other similar services. Short positions will occasionally need to be adopted by market makers in listed equity exchange traded fund products (EFT). All of the above are just some of the reasons why a short position may be held in a stock but can be considered benign in share price direction terms due to offsets.

Market makers in stock and stock index options will also hedge their portfolios using short positions where necessary. These delta hedges often form the other side of a client's long stock-long put option protection trade, or perhaps long stock-short call option (“buy-write”) position. In a clear example of how published short percentages can be misleading, an options market maker may hold a short position below the implied delta hedge level and that actually implies a “long” position in that stock.

Another popular trading strategy is that of “pairs trading” in which one stock is held short against a long position in another stock. Such positions look to exploit perceived imbalances in the valuations of two stocks and imply a “net neutral” market position.

Aside from all the above reasons as to why it would be a potential misconception to draw simply conclusions on short percentages, there are even wider issues to consider. ASIC itself will admit that short position data is not an exact science given the onus on market participants to declare to their broker when positions truly are “short”. Without any suggestion of deceit, there are always participants who are ignorant of the regulations. Discrepancies can also arise when short positions are held by a large investment banking operation offering multiple stock market services as well as proprietary trading activities. Such activity can introduce the possibility of either non-counting or double-counting when custodians are involved and beneficial ownership issues become unclear.

Finally, a simple fact is that the Australian Securities Exchange also keeps its own register of short positions. The figures provided by ASIC and by the ASX at any point do not necessarily correlate.

FNArena has offered this qualified explanation of the vagaries of short stock positions as a warning to subscribers not to jump to any conclusions or to make investment decisions based solely on these unqualified numbers. FNArena strongly suggests investors seek advice from their stock broker or financial adviser before acting upon any of the information provided herein.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

article 3 months old

Share Buybacks – Who’s Doing It?

International research suggests shares in companies that buy in their own equities are more likely to respond positively through share price appreciation. Investors should note, however, buying back own stock is not a guarantee for significant share price gains ahead.

For local research about investor benefits from capital management, including companies buying in their own shares, FNArena subscribers can read "Buy Capital Management"

Below is an incomplete overview of companies buying in their own shares this year. We very much appreciate all feedback, contributions and suggestions at info@fnarena.com

See attached excel file for more details (paying subscribers only)

8IH 8I Holdings 21/09/2016
ACQ Acorn Capital Inv Fund 10/10/2016
AFA ASF Group 26/04/2016
AFR African Energy Resources 23/11/2015
AGL AGL Energy 13/10/2016
AHY Asaleo Care 01/10/2015
AIB Aurora Global Income 14/12/2015
AIV ActivEX Ltd 01/11/2016
ALR Aberdeen Leaders Ltd 27/02/2015
ANZ ANZ Banking Group During November 2016
APW AIMS Property Securities Fund 07/09/2016
AQF Australian Governance Masters 23/11/2015
ARA Ariadne Australia 21/08/2014
ARG Argo Investments 01/01/2016
AUF Asian Masters Fund 23/11/2016
AUF Asian Masters Fund 23/11/2015
AUI Australian United Investments 14/05/2015
AUP Aurora Property Buy-Write Trust 14/12/2015
BWF Blackwall Property Fund 15/03/2016
BWR Blackwall Property Trust 07/07/715
CAM Clime Capital. 21/12/2015
CAMPA Clime Capital Preference 15/08/2016
CGO CPT Global 27/08/2015
CHN Chalice Gold Mines 30/06/2016
CIM Cimic Group 29/12/2015
CIN Carlton Investments 29/11/2015
CIW Clime Investment Management 16/12/2015
CLT Cellnet Group 09/09/2015
CMC China Magnesium Corp 28/10/2014
CNI Centuria Capital 24/12/2015
CSL CSL Ltd 27/10/2016
CSR CSR Ltd 21/03/2016
CSV CSG Ltd 12/03/2016
CVC CVC Ltd 07/12/2015
CVW ClearView Wealth 19/12/2013
CYG Coventry Group 23/11/2015
DUI Diversified United Investments 01/06/2016
EAI Ellerston Asia Investments 27/09/2016
EMF Emerging Markets Masters Fund 21/12/2015
EMF Emerging Markets Masters Fund 21/12/2016
EZL Euroz Ltd 14/01/2016
FID Fiducian Group 03/03/2015
FRI Finbar Group 08/12/2014
GOW Gowing Bros 20/06/2012
GPT General Property Group 06/05/2016
HHY HHY Fund 24/08/2016
HOT HotCopper Holdings 02/11/2016
ICN Icon Energy 26/02/2015
IPE IPE Ltd 12/11/2016
ISU iSelect 30/03/2016
ITD ITL Ltd 11/12/2015
JBH JB Hi-Fi 12/09/2016
KAT Katana Capital 30/12/2014
KAR Karoon Gas Aust 17/09/2015
KBC Keybridge Capital 07/12/2015
KKT Konekt 15/11/2016
LGD Legend Corp 24/12/2015
LLC Lend Lease Corp 28/08/2015
MEL Metgasco 04/02/2016
MFF Magellan Flagship Fund 13/08/2015
MGP Managed Accounts Holdings 14/08/2015
MHM MHM Metals 17/02/16
MIN Mineral Resources 04/12/2015
NEC Nine Entertainment 25/02/2016
NVT Navitas 16/02/2016
OCL Objective Corp 26/02/2016
OPG OPUS Group 09/12/2016
ORL Oroton Group 26/04/2016
OZG Ozgrowth Ltd 30/12/2015
OZL OZ Minerals 14/03/2016
PME Pro Medicus 01/04/2016
PTM Platinum Asset Management 04/10/2016
QAN Qantas 08/09/2016
RCR RCR Tomlinson 21/12/2015
RND Rand Mining 12/12/2015
RUL RungePincockMinarco 07/12/2015
SGM Sims Metal Management 07/12/2015
SIP Sigma Pharmaceuticals 13/10/2014
SMX SMS Management & Tech 15/06/2015
SVW Seven Group Holdings 12/03/2016
SVW Seven Group Holdings 17/08/2016
SWK Swick Mining Services 14/12/2015
TBR Tribune Resources 28/09/2015
TGG Templeton Global Growth Fund 26/02/2016
TLS Telstra Announced 11/8/16
TOF 360 Capital Office Fund 02/05/2016
TOT 360 Capital Total Return 28/03/2016
VSC Vita Life Sciences 13/05/2016
WAT Waterco 07/04/2016
WIC Westoz Investment Co 30/12/2015
WMK Watermark Market Neutral Fund 29/09/2016
XPD XPD Soccer Gear Group 20/09/2016
YBR Yellow Brick Road Holdings 20/11/2015

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" - Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided

article 3 months old

Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena


The FNArena database tabulates the views of eight major Australian and international stock brokers: Citi, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Macquarie, Morgan Stanley, Morgans, Ord Minnett and UBS.

For the purpose of broker rating correlation, Outperform and Overweight ratings are grouped as Buy, Neutral is grouped with Hold and Underperform and Underweight are grouped as Sell to provide a Buy/Hold/Sell (B/H/S) ratio.

Ratings, consensus target price and forecast earnings tables are published at the bottom of this report.


Period: Monday November 7 to Friday November 11, 2016
Total Upgrades: 23
Total Downgrades: 6
Net Ratings Breakdown: Buy 42.67%; Hold 42.27%; Sell 15.06%

It had to happen eventually... total Buy ratings for the eight stockbrokers under daily monitoring by FNArena has now surpassed total Neutral ratings. This is a rather rare occurrence and the result of extreme market volatility and portfolio rebalancing post August, while positive investor attention only goes out to a limited group of ASX-listed companies as the world tries to figure out what exactly will be the impact from a Trump Presidency.

By the close of trading on Friday, 12th November, total Buy ratings registered by FNArena stood at 42.67% versus 42.27% Neutral ratings, with the remaining 15.06% on Sell ratings.

For the week ending on Friday, FNArena registered 23 upgrades in recommendations for individual stocks against six downgrades. There are no clear-cut trends, but banks are back receiving upgrades, and so are out-of-fashion prior market darlings like REA Group, Domino's Pizza and a2 Milk.

A similar observation dominates the negative side where Westpac is amongst the receivers of a downgrade, alongside DuluxGroup, Xero, AWE Ltd, UGL and Orica.

The positive trend in valuations/price targets is led by AGL Energy (+6.5%), Sims Metal (+6%) and Western Areas (+5%) while the flipside sees reductions for the likes of AWE Ltd (-7%), Speedcast International (-3.5%) and McMillan Shakespeare (-3.2%).

Contrary to recent weeks, the underlying trend turned positive as the banks mostly enjoyed minor increases to market estimates. ANZ Bank proved the biggest winner for the week (+14%), followed by AWE ltd (+11%) and Incitec Pivot (+8.9%). On the negative side, the largest reduction was felt by Xero (-9%), Speedcast International (-6%) and Evolution Mining (-3.5%).

Note also only three out of the eight stockbrokers in the daily FNArena universe are carrying more Buy ratings than they have stocks under Neutral.


THE A2 MILK COMPANY LIMITED ((A2M)) Upgrade to Outperform from Underperform by Credit Suisse .B/H/S: 1/2/1

Credit Suisse's assessment of A2's Sep Q numbers is that the company is handling the challenges much better than its peers. Revenue has stood out in the face of online issues in China and weaker sales in A&NZ.

A2 is proving more agile in its ability to expand channels locally and direct to China/HK, the broker suggests. The broker has increased its target to NZ$2.28 from NZ$1.87. This results in an upgrade to Outperform from Underperform.

ADAIRS LIMITED ((ADH)) Upgrade to Add from Hold by Morgans .B/H/S: 2/0/0

The company issued a very soft trading update,  with flat like-for-like sales growth in the first four months of FY17. The company has guided for EBIT and earnings per share declines of around 15% for FY17.

Morgans finds the company's key competitive advantage of developing its own brands and quick response to changes in demand mean a miss on a product trend is of concern.

Still, while it will take time for investor confidence to be restored, Morgans believes the stock is attractive and upgrades to Add from Hold. Target falls to $1.85 from $2.88.

AGL ENERGY LIMITED ((AGL)) Upgrade to Equal-weight from Underweight by Morgan Stanley .B/H/S: 5/1/0

The closure of Hazelwood has meant Victorian base load forward contract prices have squeezed higher for FY18, boosting Morgan Stanley's earnings estimates for AGL.

The broker expects pool prices to stay high on more frequent gas-fired price setting. Morgan Stanley upgrades to Equal-weight from Underweight. Target is raised to $21.02 from $18.80. Industry view: Cautious.

BLUESCOPE STEEL LIMITED ((BSL)) Upgrade to Buy from Neutral by UBS .B/H/S: 5/2/0

BlueScope has raised its first half earnings guidance, citing cost reductions, improved productivity, higher steel prices, higher US spreads and better organic growth as offsetting the soaring cost of coking coal. UBS notes Asian steel spreads are weak but appear to be bottoming.

As spreads normalise, the broker sees higher steel prices as likely in the face of the coal price. BlueScope is trading at a 25% discount to global steelmakers, which leads UBS to ask, is this the cheapest stock in the world? Upgrade to Buy. Target rises to $9.60 from $9.55.

BWP TRUST ((BWP)) Upgrade to Neutral from Sell by UBS .B/H/S: 0/1/2

The stock has been the second worst performing A-REIT in the year to date and UBS believes the valuation can no longer justify a Sell rating, upgrading to Neutral.

The stock remains expensive versus the rest of the sector, the broker acknowledges, with the lowest growth in the sector after taking into account the potential down time as leases expire. Over the next three years 20% of the portfolio is expiring, reflecting 17 leases.

The broker's earnings estimates from FY20 take a vacancy factor into account. Target is revised down to $2.95 from $3.06.

BRAMBLES LIMITED ((BXB)) Upgrade to Neutral from Underperform by Credit Suisse .B/H/S: 2/4/0

It beggars belief why no one thought of it earlier, but Brambles' initiative to use clinch nails to stop pallets falling apart with use appears to be working, reducing the capex requirement of pallet repair.

This addresses one of three issues Credit Suisse sees facing the company, the other two being mean reversion in emerging market pallets and a rebasing of earnings by new management.

On balance, the broker believes the fall in the share price has brought Brambles closer to risk/reward fair value. Upgrade to Neutral. Target unchanged at $11.30.

CARSALES.COM LIMITED ((CAR)) Upgrade to Add from Hold by Morgans .B/H/S: 4/2/1

Stockbroker Morgans has come to the view the recently reported margin crunch being felt by the Stratton Finance division is but a temporary phenomenon. Morgans believes finance profits should stage a solid recovery from FY18 onwards.

On the principle this particular part of the operations is currently bruised, not broken, earnings estimates have been slightly lowered. This pulls back the price target to $12.03 from $13.01. Upgrade to Add from Hold on recent weakness.

COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA ((CBA)) Upgrade to Add from Hold by Morgans .B/H/S: 2/5/1

September quarter cash profits at $2.4bn were unchanged from the prior comparable quarter. Morgans observes life insurance claims continue to be a drag on income growth.

The broker expects the life insurance business will disadvantage CBA's financial performance in FY17 relative to other major banks.

Morgans upgrades to Add from Hold as a result of recent share price weakness. Target is reduced to $75.80 from $77.40.

CALTEX AUSTRALIA LIMITED ((CTX)) Upgrade to Outperform from Neutral by Macquarie .B/H/S: 4/3/0

Having announced it may miss out on acquiring Woolworths' ((WOW)) petrol assets, Caltex has acquired Vic-based reseller Milemaker Petroleum. Macquarie considers the acquisition defensive as it defends volumes rather than expends scale.

Macquarie did not see value at $35 but at $30, having dropped on the Woolworths news, the stock's value credentials have improved, the broker suggests, and not winning the business is not the end of the world for Caltex. Upgrade to Outperform. Target unchanged at $32.97.

DOMINO'S PIZZA ENTERPRISES LIMITED ((DMP)) Upgrade to Outperform from Neutral by Macquarie .B/H/S: 3/3/0

Following a strong start to the year, Domino's has delivered upgraded FY17 earnings guidance. Macquarie's forecast remains 5% above. A&NZ stores booked their largest ever sales growth in October.

European integration is ahead of schedule and while Japan is subdued, it's performing in line with expectations. Put it all together and the broker feels a 49x forward PE can be justified if long term targets are met. Upgrade to Outperform. Target rises to $75.00 from $70.16.

FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD ((FMG)) Upgrade to Neutral from Underperform by Credit Suisse .B/H/S: 2/3/2

Credit Suisse considers the balance of risks is improving fast and demand is better than expected. Given the broker is already an iron ore bear, and envisages only modest downside to base case prices, there is a positive risk skew for Fortescue.

Credit Suisse upgrades to Neutral from Underperform and now considers it risk to be underweight the stock, acknowledging another about face on its recommendation. Target is raised to $5.30 from $5.00.

INCITEC PIVOT LIMITED ((IPL)) Upgrade to Buy from Neutral by UBS .B/H/S: 4/3/1

Net profit was ahead of expectations but EBIT was in line. UBS reduces FY17 forecasts for earnings per share by 7%, which reflects lower average fertiliser price assumptions. This is partly offset by the realisation of additional cost reductions.

The broker upgrades to Buy from Neutral because fertiliser prices are forecast to bottom. Also, the company's cash flow outlook suggests a moderation of gearing metrics. Target is raised to $3.40 from $2.95.

JAMES HARDIE INDUSTRIES N.V. ((JHX)) Upgrade to Buy from Neutral by Citi .B/H/S: 5/2/0

History shows James Hardie shares are more likely to outperform the ASX200 in the year post the election of a new US President, report analysts at Citi. They also note the share price has weakened recently. Two reasons to upgrade to Buy from Hold. Target $20.50.

NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK LIMITED ((NAB)) Upgrade to Outperform from Neutral by Macquarie .B/H/S: 3/4/1

Macquarie continues to believe that a convergence in credit charges and the impact of higher amortisation expenses will be a drag on the bank's FY17 earnings growth. Yet, the market appears to be aware of the issues which the broker believes are captured in the share price.

Given underlying trends and a simpler business model, the broker envisages scope for the discount to peers to close and upgrades to Outperform from Neutral. Target is steady at $30.00.

OZ MINERALS LIMITED ((OZL)) Upgrade to Neutral from Underperform by Macquarie .B/H/S: 1/6/1

Macquarie has long dismissed Carrapateena as not offering a sufficient potential return on the investment required. However the pre-feasibility study has delivered a materially better outcome than the broker had assumed, suggesting slightly higher operating costs but a larger initial reserve.

The broker still believes a copper price of $3/lb is needed to justify the project but outside of a copper price plunge, the broker can no longer see a near term negative catalyst for OZ. Upgrade to Neutral. Target rises to $7.20 from $5.00.

REA GROUP LIMITED ((REA)) Upgrade to Hold from Sell by Deutsche Bank and Upgrade to Neutral from Sell by UBS .B/H/S: 4/3/0

First quarter results were solid with revenue growth of 16% and EBITDA growth of 9%, Deutsche Bank observes.

Guidance for the remainder of the first half is viewed as somewhat subdued, as management indicates it does not expect an improvement in the listings environment.

Operating expenditure growth is expected to continue at a similar rate in the second quarter, leading to minor downgrades to the broker's forecast.

In the absence of any near-term negative catalysts Deutsche Bank upgrades to Hold from Sell. Target is $49.50.

UBS believes the growth trajectories for the three main Australian revenue drivers are unlikely to change materially in the second quarter. The company flagged the fact that the lower listing volume environment is expected to continue over the first half.

Assuming both commercial and developer revenue growth is robust, this suggests that Australian revenue growth in aggregate is likely in the range of 12-14%.

UBS upgrades to Neutral from Sell after the recent underperformance in the price. Target is steady at $52.

SONIC HEALTHCARE LIMITED ((SHL)) Upgrade to Neutral from Underperform by Credit Suisse and Upgrade to Overweight from Equal-weight by Morgan Stanley .B/H/S: 3/3/1

The company will acquire the Staber Laboratory group in Germany for EUR120m. The purchase will be funded from existing cash/debt facilities. Credit Suisse believes the acquisition is strategically sound, expanding the company's presence in certain regions where it had limited exposure.

Broker upgrades FY18 earnings estimates by around 3.5%. The rating is upgraded to Neutral from Underperform. Target rises to $21.75 from $20.90.

The company will acquire Germany's Staber Laboratory for EUR120m. Morgan Stanley expects the acquisition to be 3-4% accretive to earnings per share in year one, with further synergies over a three-year period.

The pull back in the share price and the accretive nature of the acquisition provide an opportunity, in the broker's view.The rating is upgraded to Overweight from Underweight. Target is steady at $24.05. In-Line industry view retained.

SUNCORP GROUP LIMITED ((SUN)) Upgrade to Outperform from Neutral by Credit Suisse .B/H/S: 4/3/1

Suncorp does not offer compelling earnings growth, Credit Suisse acknowledges, but it does have a relatively simple strategy which offers less earnings risk. The broker believes the current share price is attractive as an entry point.

The main risks are a deterioration in the insurance pricing market, reserving issues and bad debts in the bank. The broker upgrades to Outperform from Neutral. Target is $13.60.

WESTFIELD CORPORATION ((WFD)) Upgrade to Buy from Neutral by UBS .B/H/S: 4/0/2

Westfield has underperformed A-REITs by 8% and the market by 14% over the last six months, UBS notes. Volatile forex markets, Brexit, rising bond yields, slower US spending and the shift to e-commerce have all conspired to weigh upon the shopping mall REIT story.

While e-commerce is a structural issue,  a high quality portfolio, unparalleled development pipeline and proactive approach to in-mall technology should see Westfield outperform, the broker believes. The headwinds lead to a cut in target to $9.60 from $11.00 but this does not prevent an upgrade to Buy.

WOOLWORTHS LIMITED ((WOW)) Upgrade to Neutral from Underperform by Macquarie .B/H/S: 0/3/3

Macquarie assesses the divestment of the petrol business and estimates a potential transaction value of $1.35bn. The transaction is complicated and could take time to finalise, particularly in relation to gaining approval from the ACCC.

The broker anticipates the divestment could be a catalyst and enable greater flexibility in the balance sheet. The main point from Macquarie's perspective is the company's ability to fund an accelerated store refurbishment program.

Rating is upgraded to Neutral from Underperform. Target rises to $22.23 from $20.56.

WESTERN AREAS NL ((WSA)) Upgrade to Outperform from Neutral by Macquarie .B/H/S: 3/0/3

The business offers the greatest leverage to nickel in Macquarie's coverage, as a 10% rise in nickel prices would drive around 30% increases to forward earnings estimates and 20% increases in valuation.

The broker observes a strong history of exploration success as the company has developed its core operating assets, Flying Fox and Spotted Quoll. The exploration potential at Cosmos is also significant for extending known resources and also for the region.

Macquarie upgrades to Outperform from Neutral. Target rises to $3.50 from $2.60.


AWE LIMITED ((AWE)) Downgrade to Underweight from Overweight by Morgan Stanley .B/H/S: 2/3/2

While only envisaging modest downside, Morgan Stanley downgrades to Underweight from Overweight, a relative call to its sector coverage.

The company's value is becoming increasingly concentrated in undeveloped assets. This increases the risk profile as these have uncertain timeframes and ramp-up profiles, the broker asserts. Morgan Stanley believes long-term value continues to exist in the portfolio.

In-Line sector view retained. Target is reduced to 50c from 89c.

DULUX GROUP LIMITED ((DLX)) Downgrade to Neutral from Buy by Citi .B/H/S: 0/4/3

Citi analysts saw yet another solid and resilient performance, as has become the company's habit, and they point out leading indicators remain positive and existing housing resilient.

Yet, they have downgraded to Neutral from Buy on slightly lowered estimates, which pulls back the price target by -4% to $6.68. The Masters ((WOW)) stock liquidation could impact the market in 1H17, say the analysts, but otherwise no disasters expected.

ORICA LIMITED ((ORI)) Downgrade to Neutral from Buy by Citi .B/H/S: 1/5/2

Citi analysts have been riding the theme of a cyclical and self-help transformation at Orica for a while. Post the FY16 report, their view is one of: you aint seen nothing yet. They have, however, made small (negative) changes to forecasts.

As the target price only rises to $17.50 from $17.00 (for now, we presume), the rating is being pulled back to Neutral from Buy. But don't be fooled by these moves: Citi is expecting many positives from this company's future.

UGL LIMITED ((UGL)) Downgrade to Hold from Buy by Deutsche Bank .B/H/S: 0/3/1

The majority of the board has recommended shareholders accept the offer from Cimic ((CIM)) at $3.15 a share.

Deutsche Bank observes the offer represents an attractive premium to the historical trading price and acquisition multiples, and provides relative certainty given no superior proposal has emerged.

The broker downgrades to Hold from Buy. Target is raised to $2.40 from $2.36.

WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION ((WBC)) Downgrade to Neutral from Outperform by Credit Suisse .B/H/S: 4/4/0

Following the FY16 result, Credit Suisse downgrades estimates by 3-4%. The result was compositionally softer than expected, but the analysts note there was no reduction to the dividend.

The broker downgrades to Neutral from Outperform and reduces the target to $31.50 from $33.00. The downgraded rating reflects the fact the broker believes the stock to be fair value and the cost out story to be less compelling.

XERO LIMITED ((XRO)) Downgrade to Accumulate from Buy by Ord Minnett .B/H/S: 2/3/0

First half results were in line with forecasts. Ord Minnett continues to envisage considerable opportunities for the company, especially in the US and UK markets where cloud penetration remains relatively low.

The broker expects the restructuring of the North American business, combined with its migration to Amazon Web Services, to ease cost pressures.

Ord Minnett downgrades to Accumulate from Buy as the share price has had a strong run. Target is lowered to $17.50 from $18.00.


Total Recommendations
Recommendation Changes


Broker Recommendation Breakup


Broker Rating

Order Company New Rating Old Rating Broker
1 ADAIRS LIMITED Buy Neutral Morgans
2 AGL ENERGY LIMITED Neutral Sell Morgan Stanley
4 BRAMBLES LIMITED Neutral Sell Credit Suisse
5 BWP TRUST Neutral Sell UBS
7 CARSALES.COM LIMITED Buy Neutral Morgans
10 FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD Neutral Sell Credit Suisse
14 OZ MINERALS LIMITED Neutral Sell Macquarie
16 REA GROUP LIMITED Neutral Sell Deutsche Bank
17 SONIC HEALTHCARE LIMITED Neutral Sell Credit Suisse
18 SONIC HEALTHCARE LIMITED Buy Neutral Morgan Stanley
19 SUNCORP GROUP LIMITED Buy Neutral Credit Suisse
20 THE A2 MILK COMPANY LIMITED Buy Sell Credit Suisse
21 WESTERN AREAS NL Buy Neutral Macquarie
23 WOOLWORTHS LIMITED Neutral Sell Macquarie
24 AWE LIMITED Sell Buy Morgan Stanley
26 ORICA LIMITED Neutral Buy Citi
27 UGL LIMITED Neutral Buy Deutsche Bank
29 XERO LIMITED Buy Buy Ord Minnett


Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company New Rating Previous Rating Change Recs
1 REA REA GROUP LIMITED 57.0% 14.0% 43.0% 7
2 SHL SONIC HEALTHCARE LIMITED 21.0% -6.0% 27.0% 7
3 BWP BWP TRUST -63.0% -88.0% 25.0% 4
4 WEB WEBJET LIMITED 30.0% 10.0% 20.0% 5
5 WFD WESTFIELD CORPORATION 25.0% 8.0% 17.0% 6
6 WOW WOOLWORTHS LIMITED -50.0% -67.0% 17.0% 6
7 AGL AGL ENERGY LIMITED 75.0% 58.0% 17.0% 6
8 BXB BRAMBLES LIMITED 33.0% 17.0% 16.0% 6
9 CAR CARSALES.COM LIMITED 43.0% 29.0% 14.0% 7
10 CTX CALTEX AUSTRALIA LIMITED 50.0% 36.0% 14.0% 7

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company New Rating Previous Rating Change Recs
1 AWE AWE LIMITED -7.0% 21.0% -28.0% 7
4 DLX DULUX GROUP LIMITED -44.0% -31.0% -13.0% 8
6 XRO XERO LIMITED 30.0% 40.0% -10.0% 5
7 COH COCHLEAR LIMITED -14.0% -13.0% -1.0% 7

Target Price

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company New Target Previous Target Change Recs
1 AGL AGL ENERGY LIMITED 21.545 20.215 6.58% 6
3 WSA WESTERN AREAS NL 2.509 2.380 5.42% 7
4 WEB WEBJET LIMITED 10.400 10.000 4.00% 5
5 SHL SONIC HEALTHCARE LIMITED 22.693 21.828 3.96% 7
6 IPL INCITEC PIVOT LIMITED 3.255 3.153 3.24% 8
7 WOW WOOLWORTHS LIMITED 21.805 21.527 1.29% 6
8 FMG FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD 4.893 4.850 0.89% 7
9 CTX CALTEX AUSTRALIA LIMITED 35.169 35.073 0.27% 7

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company New Target Previous Target Change Recs
1 AWE AWE LIMITED 0.714 0.770 -7.27% 7
4 XRO XERO LIMITED 17.500 18.000 -2.78% 5
5 WFD WESTFIELD CORPORATION 10.498 10.782 -2.63% 6
7 REA REA GROUP LIMITED 56.041 56.953 -1.60% 7
8 CAR CARSALES.COM LIMITED 11.923 12.087 -1.36% 7
9 WBC WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION 31.900 32.338 -1.35% 8
10 BSL BLUESCOPE STEEL LIMITED 9.204 9.297 -1.00% 7

Earning Forecast

Positive Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company New EF Previous EF Change Recs
1 ANZ AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND BANKING GROUP 229.013 199.338 14.89% 8
2 AWE AWE LIMITED -2.667 -3.000 11.10% 7
3 IPL INCITEC PIVOT LIMITED 16.938 15.550 8.93% 8
4 WEB WEBJET LIMITED 42.428 39.352 7.82% 5
5 DLX DULUX GROUP LIMITED 34.703 33.598 3.29% 8
7 RMD RESMED INC 36.733 36.056 1.88% 7
10 WBC WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION 235.075 232.125 1.27% 8

Negative Change Covered by > 2 Brokers

Order Symbol Company New EF Previous EF Change Recs
1 XRO XERO LIMITED -52.290 -47.935 -9.09% 5
3 EVN EVOLUTION MINING LIMITED 19.814 20.529 -3.48% 7
4 GBT GBST HOLDINGS LIMITED 20.500 21.167 -3.15% 3
5 NWS NEWS CORPORATION 64.028 65.940 -2.90% 5
6 BLD BORAL LIMITED 37.746 38.833 -2.80% 6
7 REA REA GROUP LIMITED 190.425 195.800 -2.75% 7
8 CVO COVER-MORE GROUP LIMITED 8.600 8.733 -1.52% 3
9 SUN SUNCORP GROUP LIMITED 93.988 94.763 -0.82% 8
10 HGG HENDERSON GROUP PLC. 29.588 29.777 -0.63% 5

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