
SMSFundamentals is an ongoing feature series dedicated to providing SMSF trustees with valuable news, investment ideas and services, in line with SMSF requirements and obligations. Apart from specific SMSF-oriented insights and articles that can assist SMSF investment strategy, this section also includes practical tips and insights from registered experts.

Latest Stories

A mean reversion strategy can yield favourable returns but it’s not by default as easy as it looks like in hindsight

Jun 12 2024

Hedge funds have long been shrouded in secrecy, their billion-dollar bets whispered only in hushed tones within mahogany-lined conference rooms. These whispers can be harnessed for the astute retail investor. A succinct guide

May 02 2024

Australians have become less comfortable with their plans for retirement, and inflation is to blame

Nov 29 2023

A-REITs have emerged as a compelling avenue for investors seeking regular streams of income with exposure to the real estate market without the complexities of physical property ownership. FNArena’s guide to investing in the sector

Nov 08 2023

Previous Stories

SMSFundamentals: Older People Are Life Insurers’ Future Challenge

Oct 26 2023

The over-50 population will reach 3.2bn people by 2050, or 33% of the world’s population. By 2040 life insurance policyholders will transfer most of their assets to beneficiaries

SMSFundamentals: ETFs Killing It In Tough Times

Jul 24 2023

ETF markets hit new records globally and domestically in the June half, as investors, pressured by rising interest rates, flocked to low fees, hedged exposures, rate exposures and outperforming equity ETFs. Re-published to correct market share in BetaShare report

SMSFundamentals: Dual Momentum Investing

Jul 11 2023

Dual momentum investing can be a potent tool that combines historical performance analysis and benchmark comparisons to identify investments with strong potential

SMSFundamentals: Factor Investing Explained

May 01 2023

Identifying and leveraging key factors can help investors generate competitive returns, reduce risk, and improve diversification. An introduction to Factor Investing

SMSFundamentals: Women Do It Better

Apr 21 2023

Research shows women are continuing to close the superannuation gap with men and it may just be good for the economy

SMSFundamentals: Hedge Fund Strategies For Investors’ Advantage

Apr 04 2023

Hedge funds employ a combination of pooled funds and strategic investment techniques tailored to their investors’ risk tolerance and investment principles to generate alpha returns. Individual investors can take a page from their playbook to craft their portfolios and take greater ownership over their investment returns

SMSFundamentals: Reality Tough For Super Disruptors

Feb 15 2023

The superannuation disruptor segment has shrunk to half its peak size, with funds exiting the market in recent years having failed to resonate with the target audience

SMSFundamentals: Tax-Loss Harvesting For Australian Investors

Jan 30 2023

Anuj Sharma explains how investors can exploit tax-loss harvesting among investments to reduce tax obligation

SMSFundamentals: Transfer Balance Cap Set To Increase

Jan 27 2023

The SMSF Association has prepared a detailed analysis about the increase in the General Transfer Balance Cap announced this week, and benefits for non-concessional contributions

SMSFundamentals: ETF Investment Drags On SMAs

Dec 15 2022

Increasing investment in ETFs comes at the expense of managed funds, as investors seek out safer options in a volatile market