article 3 months old

Buy Shares Now, Says Clifford Bennett

FYI | Aug 26 2010

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

Equities are now as cheap as they were in early March 2009 and investors should thus start piling up because a rally of similar magnitude is in the making. In Australia, resources stocks in particular stand out as ab-so-lu-te bargains.

The above words are not mine, but Clifford Bennett's at Herston Economics. Bennett has been among the ultra-bulls when it comes to global economic growth perspectives. No wonder thus, he is also bullish on the prospects for equities.

Early this morning, Bennett sent around an email suggesting this is the time investors should buy into the share market. In the early afternoon, Bennett sent out a follow-up email, stating price charts are suggesting the US dollar has peaked and this further supports his view that a share market rally is in the making.

Reports Bennett: “We are bullish the global economy to the tune of 5.2% GDP, but it is not a perfect world. While the bears greatly exaggerate the threats of sovereign risk and high US unemployment, these are nonetheless problems to be addressed. The silver bullet if there is one for all global imbalances, and would be a further boon for the US economy, is a lower US dollar.”

And also: “Our forecast for the USD is reflected in our Euro and Australian dollar forecasts of 1.3600 and .9600 respectively by year end, as well as 1.4500 and 1.0300 in 2011. We foresee the Euro and Australian dollar attaining 1.6400 and 1.0800, perhaps even 1.1200 for the Australian dollar, in 2012.”

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