article 3 months old

The Inspiration For A Poem

FYI | Oct 25 2011

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

My final presentation for this year, on Monday last week (Oct 17) at the Sydney congregation of the Australian Technical Analysts' Association, has inspired one of the members in the audience to write a poem. I am honoured and can report from first hand knowledge the accuracy of the information in between the rhymes is simply stunning.

The presentation titled "The Share Market: Nobody Knows, Everybody Speculates" has been registered on video and I have been promised a copy, which will be made available via the FNArena website as soon as we receive it.

In the meantime, here's the poem, for all to enjoy.

My Speculation

by Gregory North

While riding on my super cycle – most unstable bike –
I ran into a bloke named Rudi Filapek-Vandyck.
He didn't seem to mind that I had pushed him to the wall
and rather than abusing me, he saved me from a fall.

He'd set out all these graphs and charts on market speculation,
de-rating, rallies, pull-backs, assets and depreciation,
on equities, commodities and dividends unseen,
low valuations, capex and reversion to the mean.

He padded in between them with supporting anecdotes,
historical analysis, experience and quotes.
I'm grateful that he did, or else I might have hit the deck
affecting P/E ratios that must be kept in check!

He dropped some names and "Fleetwood" seemed to give him quite a thrill,
along with Monadelphous, Coca-Cola Amatil,
then GUD, the Campbell Brothers, Ramsay, ARB,
plus David Jones and Woolworths, CSL and BHP.

It's lucky that the AT double A had Rudi there,
'cause if I'd missed him, my net worth would be in disrepair.
He said I should look out for pick and shovel service folk
and houses without roofs (although I think that was a joke).

Then Rudi said he'd have to rush, he really couldn't stay.
Attempting an apology, my words went all astray.
He didn't seem too worried by my cycling misdemeanour;
said something 'bout presenting in an eff'n' big arena!

Gregory North is an outstanding performer in line with Australia's tradition for Bush poetry. His personal website is


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