Feature Stories | Dec 02 2011
2011 has been a wild year in financial markets, but then we've become rather accustomed to wild years since 2007. From about May on, the world became seriously worried that "Another Lehman" was around the corner with its source in Europe.
On Thursday, Greg and Rudi wrapped the Market Insight series for 2011 with a look back at the year that was with a comparison of how different markets have performed and why. Things are looking a little more rosy this week but with the European situation still on a knife edge, can one consider any realistic outlook for 2012 at this stage?
To tune into Market Insight just click on the "FNArena Talks" box on the website, the one featuring the photo of the handsome guy and Rudi. An archived recording is available in both video and audio formats.
Here's the direct link: http://www.brr.com.au/company/5fna
Today's broadcast is sponsored by www.vectorvest.com