article 3 months old

FNArena Launches Unique Research Tool: The Icarus Signal

FYI | May 19 2011

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena

One of FNArena's long-time subscribers, Hubert W, posted a message this week, after I had announced we would soon launch a new service on the website based on FNArena's consensus price targets.

Stated Hubert: I already use consensus price targets and with success. He cited the example of Alacer Gold ((AQG)) of which the share price tried to rally past consensus target in April. Hubert sold his shares and subsequently observed the share price suffering in "spectacular" fashion (his term, not mine).

I have included the price chart for Alacer Gold and it is clear Hubert is not exaggerating.

I have long advocated investors should pay attention to these targets. From now on paying subscribers to FNArena can follow consensus targets and share prices on a daily basis via our newly launched "Icarus Signal" (available on the website now). A daily news flash on the website and in the daily emails will complement the web service.

To celebrate the newest addition to the FNArena service (another unique research tool) we offer ex-trialists the opportunity to have another in-depth look at our service, including the Icarus Signal. If you are interested in another trial, send us an email at for another obligation free, two week trial to our service.

If you haven't trialed our service as yet, simply sign up for a trial via the website.

FNArena believes that price targets, consensus price targets in particular, can be a valuable tool for investors who conduct their own research. Whether the research focus is for longer term opportunities, or for shorter term trades, consensus price targets should have investors' attention. This is why we built this unique service. Available at FNArena only.

(A special thanks to Hubert for the feedback provided). – Once you get used to us, you'll never again look at the share market in the same way.

Today we also pre-launched another future new addition to our website, "SMSFundamentals" – see story published earlier today. More about this soon.

Find out why FNArena subscribers like the service so much: "Your Feedback (Thank You)" – Warning this story contains unashamedly positive feedback on the service provided.

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