article 3 months old

Icarus Signal New Entries For Today

FYI | Jun 10 2011

Daily update on share prices and consensus price targets.

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

For those who missed it: yesterday, while on live television on Sky Business, one caller asked me about Transfield Services ((TSE)) and I spotted… a classic example of Icarus Signal. A few weeks ago the shares bounced off consensus price target level and they have been in correction mode since. Wonderful development for those investors looking to get on board and who agree with me that timing can make a BIG difference. And that's exactly what I said while on television yesterday.

FNArena has received questions about why we don't show more stocks in relation to their targets on the website or in this daily update. The answer is we have 400 stocks in our database. We already had some doubts about the current set up, because sometimes more does become less. Bottom line is: the website highlights the stand-outs. Everything not mentioned is in between the Bottom 50 and the stocks approaching target. All charts can be accessed and checked via Stock Analysis. This daily news update is meant to provide instant background, ongoing education and some fresh highlights.

Yesterday I highlighted the coming to prominence of several Real Estate Investment Trusts in the past weeks/months. Today, the daily Broker Call Report contains one recommendation downgrade for DUET ((DUE)), not one of the REITs, but outperforming on yield support nevertheless. And DUE has been listed among the more expensive stocks via FNArena's Icarus Signal.

The standout today is property owner Thakral ((THG)) whose outperformance this week has been no less than stunning. But now consensus target is looming… Admittedly, a consensus target on the basis of one stockbroker's view carries a lot less weight than in the examples of Transfield and DUET, but still… Thakral running into headwinds from now onwards? Or is there something brewing we are as yet unaware of?

Also, watch QR National ((QRN)) bouncing back after having been pulled back closer to earth during the recent share market correction.

20 stocks are now trading in the vicinity of targets, 24 stock are trading above. Also note DuluxGroup ((DLX)) shares had been rejected at consensus target and pulled back, but it appears the shares might be readying for another go. On the other side of the ledger we find Medusa Mining ((MML)) whose shares equally ran into target rejection recently, but weakness seems to persist since.

Investors should consider the information and data are provided for research purposes only.

Stocks <3% Below Consensus

Order Symbol Current Price($) Consensus Price($) Difference(%)
1 CAH $ 1.72 $ 1.75 2.04%
2 CEU $ 0.47 $ 0.48 2.55%
3 CIL $ 1.98 $ 2.03 2.53%
4 LNC $ 3.19 $ 3.25 1.88%
5 LYL $ 5.95 $ 5.98 0.50%
6 NUF $ 4.94 $ 5.04 2.02%
7 RIV $ 16.51 $ 17.00 2.97%
8 SKI $ 1.29 $ 1.30 1.09%
9 THG $ 0.62 $ 0.62 0.00%

Stocks Above Consensus

Order Symbol Current Price($) Consensus Price($) Difference(%)
1 QRN $ 3.24 $ 3.21 – 1.08%

Top 50 Stocks Furthest from Consensus

Order Symbol Current Price($) Consensus Price($) Difference(%)
1 ERA $ 4.36 $ 7.01 60.87%
2 GBG $ 0.89 $ 1.41 58.76%
3 IAU $ 1.71 $ 2.70 57.89%
4 MCR $ 0.89 $ 1.41 59.32%
5 PDN $ 2.68 $ 4.34 61.83%

To see the full Icarus Signal, please go to this link

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