article 3 months old

Looking For Clues

FYI | Aug 25 2011

FNArena has added another video to its Investors Education section on the website. In this broadcast, ATW's Jerry Simmons explains how AUD/USD and copper often function as leading indicators for equity markets. As such, recent moves by both seem to bode well, suggesting equities are looking towards another move upwards. This prediction seems to come at a time when US equities have put a so-called "Cross of Death" on price charts, which happens when the 50 moving average crosses below the 200 M/A.

In addition, Simmons seems convinced gold has landed in a bubble. He provides some technical clues to keep an eye on, plus an analysis of crude oil.

To view the ATW Strategic Prep Video click HERE or visit the FNArena Investors Education section of the website.

Here's the direct link:

All views expressed are Jerry Simmons's, not FNArena's (see our disclaimer).

Jerry Simmons has over 25 years of full-time trading experience. He is the senior partner and head mentor for the “Masters” Programme within the education system at New York based Advanced Trading Workshop (ATW). ATW recently set up shop in Australia through the establishment of ATW Australia (since mid-2010).

FNArena is pleased to have Jerry Simmons as a highly valued contributor to its service which aims at both educating investors and assisting them with their own market analyses.

The above mentioned videos can be accessed via the FNArena Investor Education section at

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