article 3 months old

Your Editor On Twitter

FYI | Oct 07 2011

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena

I joined Twitter. Not because I am curious what this celebrity has to say about her kids, or to read that another one is waiting for a connecting flight, impatiently. Twitter allows me to follow news and commentary sources such as Dow Jones' Marketwatch, Bloomberg News and the Wall Street Journal. It assists me in keeping up with what is happening across the globe, while I am observing and analysing financial markets myself.

While I am on Twitter, reading a quote here and a news flash there, I offer my own succinct insights and commentary. Those amongst you who have already discovered the virtues of a Twitter account can add my Tweets to their daily news via @filapek.

For those who have no intention to join Twitter, but would like to stay up to date, below are my Tweets from the week past:

– Oz Brokers: Upgrade for COF post capital raising, Cii thinks FLT is 'compelling value', RBS says now is the time to Buy SEK

– Oz Brokers: BA-ML cuts targets for resources stocks, RIO to $90, BHP $42.50, Fortescue $7.25, raises Newcrest to $48, UBS raises BTU to Buy

– Goldman Sachs has removed News Corp from its Conviction List

– Citi reports euphoria/panic indicator is now firmly in "panic" mode – read indicates 97% chance of market gains in the following year

– Concludes Barclays: in case of recession, gold no safe haven with price high, large spec long positionings and little supply-side support

– Says BTIG: this is not 1982-2000 but more like 1965-1982, meaning markets are going through shorter cycles and a US Recession in 2012?

– Oz stockbrokers:upgrade for BHP, Alumina, downgrade for QBE plus doubts about div, BA-ML initiates CPB with Buy, Citi cuts MMX target to 14c

– Goldman Sachs (again) lowers targets for ASX200: 4075 year-end, 4400 by June 2012 and 4725 by end 2012. Implication: no return to 5000 soon

– Citi still sees a few candidates in Oz for foreign M&A: Mirabela (MBN), Whitehaven (WHC), Atlas Iron (AGO), Perseus (PRU) and Regis (RRL)

– Says Macquarie: investors should be on full alert for lower rates from the November Board meeting onwards

– JP Morgan economists catch the current context perfectly: downgraded Oz growth forecasts twice in past weeks, will likely do it again soon

– Says GaveKal: China will NOT stimulate growth this time, but will accept lower growth instead to tame inflation, 8% GDP growth 'sustainable'

– CBA now predicts AUD/USD might temporarily revisit sub 0.90 in the next month or so, still expects bounce back towards parity by year-end

– …And the Beauties are platinum, cotton, lead, carbon and cocoa (already fallen a lot and with less exposure to global economic growth)

– Barclays' Beauty Contest for commodities: feeder cattle, lean hogs, gasoil, live cattle and KBOT wheat all look ugly (more weakness ?)

– FX experts at NAB report 0.9575 was key support for AUD/USD. Support now at 0.9410, resistance at 0.9680

– Report on the dark side of China: a slow down regardless of global exports?

– For those who love a bit of (bearish) technical analysis, this blog doesn't disappoint

You can add my regular Tweets on Twitter via @filapek


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