article 3 months old

Your Editor On Twitter

FYI | Dec 09 2011

Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena

I joined Twitter. Not because I am curious what this celebrity has to say about her kids, or to read that another one is waiting for a connecting flight, impatiently. Twitter allows me to follow news and commentary sources such as Dow Jones' Marketwatch, Bloomberg News and the Wall Street Journal. It assists me in keeping up with what is happening across the globe, while I am observing and analysing financial markets myself.

While I am on Twitter, reading a quote here and a news flash there, I offer my own succinct insights and commentary. Those amongst you who have already discovered the virtues of a Twitter account can add my Tweets to their daily news via @filapek.

For those who have no intention to join Twitter, but would like to stay up to date, below are my Tweets from the week past:
– Oz Stockbrokers: downgrade for Adelaide Brighton, Hills Holding and Programmed, upgrade for Fletcher Building, Peet, another Buy for Centro

– GS's Coppelson believes Oz market is shifting up in trading range, from 4300-3900 to 4600-4300 – maybe the real test will come in Q1 2012?

– Reports CS in Australia: if leading indicators are correct and global growth weakens from here on, commodities/AUD can correct by 20-30%

– Predicts ANZ: this is it for AUD, 1.03 is the peak against USD and AUD now doomed for underperformance against about every other currency

– Do NOT read if you have a weak heart – GMO's Jeremy Grantham's long term outlook for US equities

– UBS Analysis: during de-levering from 1929 to 1945 Oz equities delivered average annual return of 9.3% per annum of which 6.1% was income

– Monday morning: risk appetite receives support from E30bn austerity package by Italian government, both euro and AUD on the rise

– Interview with Marc Faber: Forget Europe, China is the Big Short

– Comments Citi: despite solid technicals, high cash levels, defensive positioning, lack of risk appetite likely to prevent a lasting rally

– While nobody was paying attention: China's non-manuf PMI fell off a cliff into contraction in November:

You can add my regular Tweets on Twitter via @filapek


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