article 3 months old

China The Key To Copper

Commodities | Mar 22 2012

By Jonathan Barratt

After last weeks bullish call the copper market continues to track sideways. It’s a little frustrating with our long position, as nothing special in terms of price action has occurred. The market has practically been stuck in a US10 range. Over the course of the week we have seen the market absorb a lot of negative news, from a decrease in building permits in the US, weakness in the housing sector in China and negative China growth stories from BHP and RIO. The metal continues to hold up well, which is surprising. We suspect that this has more to do with the tightness in supply we have been forecasting for some time.

Inventories on the LME continue to shrink; so far these have dropped by close to 30% this year. We do acknowledge that a lot of this shrinkage is as a result of an arbitrage opportunity that is seeing metal end up in Shanghai. However, the fact that it is ending up in China tells us another story that one day the tides will turn and China will have sufficient copper to feed its economic growth when the economy turns.

As we mentioned we continue to feel that a supply deficit will eventuate. Even though there is potential that the global economy will stall and thus increase supply. One fact that we feel the market has not looked at is that China continues to hold the trigger for an expansion if chosen and can just switch the liquidity on if it so chooses to do so. For every 0.5% reduction in the reserve ratio in China it equates to a $63 billion injection, which is unlike western economies where interest rates are at deaths door and will remain so for some time.

We continue to hold onto our long position. 

Chart Point

The range looks to be a well-trodden path. Support is at US385 and resistance is at US395. We can identify a holding pattern, which usually breaks out to the topside, however momentum indictors are telling us that it is just not ready for the break out. Our bullish view will be compromised if US 370 is traded through on a daily basis.

Produced by Jonathan Barratt direct from the trading desks of Commodity Broking Services, Barratt's Bulletin provides expert analysis of commodity markets, global indices and foreign exchange movements. Click here to take a no obligation 21-day trial to Barratt's or to learn more visit Content included in this article is not by association necessarily the view of FNArena (see our disclaimer).

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