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Material Matters: Gold & Mining Disruptions

Jul 21 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. A look at the relationship between the price and supply of gold; resurging covid-19 cases pose a risk to global mining; post-lockdown recovery leading to rising freight rates

Material Matters: Iron Ore, Copper & Urea

Jul 15 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. China’s steel output expected to increase in 2021; Impact on scrap markets if China decides to re-import high-quality ferrous scrap; Global fertiliser prices are at 10-year lows

Material Matters: Q2 Production Previews

Jul 14 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Strong production rebound expected for diversified miners; E&P companies with strong fundamentals to lead the way; shifting dynamics led by the impending scrap imports ban in China

Material Matters: Gold & Dividend Outlook For Metals

Jul 13 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. The current gold price rally is expected to continue into FY22; Subdued demand growth outlook for metals; Dividends forecasted for Metal stocks

Material Matters: Gold, Thermal And Met Coal

Jul 08 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Downside risks for Aussie gold producers in FY21 on account of higher costs; no takers for thermal and met coal; Iron ore demand to see a material boost from rising steel output in China

Iron Ore: Easing Constraints, Moderating Demand

Jul 07 2020

Increasing downside risks to iron ore prices; headwinds in the form of easing supply-side constraints and moderating demand from China.

Material Matters: Silver, Lithium And Copper

Jul 03 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. A rebound in silver price led by investment demand; Electric vehicle battery demand to push up lithium prices; Copper markets to be in deficit by 2021

Material Matters: Lithium, Copper And Oil

Jul 01 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Lithium supply expected to increase by 2025; Copper mines in Latin America resuming operations; future uncertain for the North West Shelf.

Robust Outlook For Lithium Despite Obstacles

Jun 29 2020

As the global economy contracts over 2020 lithium, already suffering surpluses, is now affected by a hiatus in demand. How low will prices go?

Material Matters: Copper Concerns And Iron Ore

Jun 29 2020

A glance through the latest expert views and predictions about commodities. Copper price not reflecting economic conditions; iron ore supply constraints easing up as shipping volumes rise for Australian miners; steel output for most geographies continues to contract.

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