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Uranium Week: Stalled

Sep 22 2015

As utilities continue to consider tenders for term supply contracts, the spot market has slowed ahead of pricing indicators being revealed.

Material Matters: Strategy, Coal, Manganese, Steel And Aluminium Scrap

Sep 16 2015

Miner strategies; coking coal’s future; manganese surplus; Goldman Sachs more constructive on Oz steel; strong growth likely in aluminium scrap.

Uranium Week: China Pushes Forward

Sep 15 2015

Despite its economic slowdown, China is speeding up nuclear energy development.

Material Matters: Strategy, Oil, Iron Ore, Zinc And Gold

Sep 08 2015

Picking well funded explorers; oil price strain apparent; reviewing iron ore break-even prices; zinc deficit continues; gold doldrums.

Uranium Week: Mid-Term Prices On The Rise

Sep 08 2015

To reflect current market conditions, TradeTech last week increased its spot and mid-term weekly price indicators while reducing its long-term indicator.

Uranium Week: Term Interest Building

Sep 01 2015

The spot uranium price continues to tick higher as a reflection of an increasing number of utilities seeking term supply contracts.

The Real Message From Oil

Aug 28 2015

GavekalDragonomics’ Anatole Kaletsky explains why cheap oil is the best contrarian indicator around.

Uranium Week: Summer Slowdown Ending?

Aug 25 2015

There are early signs the traditional summer slowdown in the uranium market may be coming to an end.

Uranium Week: Up And Running

Aug 18 2015

Last week Japan restarted the first of its idled nuclear reactors.

Material Matters: Alumina, Nickel, Iron Ore, And Oil & Gas Equities

Aug 18 2015

Subdued outlook for alumina and nickel prices; China’s devaluation and the impact on iron ore; likely messages from oil & gas earnings reports.

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