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ESG Focus: Europe’s Getting ‘Fit for 55’

Aug 18 2021

In a post-pandemic Europe, climate change is front and centre of political agendas across the continent. The EC has proposed necessary changes to enact in the next decade to reach previously agreed to climate change goals

ESG Focus: Covid Heralds Advent Of ‘Crisis’ Bonds

Aug 11 2021

Governments have been slow to adopt sovereign crisis bonds, but covid has proven a shot in the arm, if not without controversy

ESG Focus: Social Sovereigns; Aid Or Privatisation?

Aug 02 2021

Big capital is encouraging sovereign social bond issuance as a means to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, but everyone’s a critic

ESG Focus: The Sovereign Bond Dilemma

Jul 29 2021

As financialisation of the globe gathers pace, sovereign nations are being pressed to issue GSS bonds, and they may have to take the bad with the good

ESG Focus: Surviving & Thriving In The CDR Era

Jul 26 2021

The beginning of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) will be recalled as the commencement of a very beneficial new chapter for Australian businesses and consumers alike

ESG Focus: Transition Bonds – The Great Controversy

Jul 23 2021

The anaemic transition-bond market has suddenly become one of the hottest topics in the bond market today – and the stakes are high

ESG Focus: Green Finance Offers Reprieve For Banks

Jul 22 2021

As big capital extends green financial nets into the retail, SME and corporate markets, banks are likely to be sheltered from the worst ravages of competition behind anti-trust legislation

ESG Focus: The Dark Side Of Tech

Jul 19 2021

Technology firms are often favoured by ESG funds because of their ostensibly clean, asset-light business models. But investors need to look deeper and challenge unethical and unsustainable practices across the industry

ESG Focus: It’s Easy Being Green – For Now (Part 3)

Jul 15 2021

This is a heavily edited version of the Bank for International Settlements complimentary discussion on a proposed green-bond rating system for global markets based on carbon intensity

ESG Focus: A Green Revolution Made In Germany

Jul 14 2021

Widespread vaccine rollouts are seeing European markets open up and pathways to the global recovery become clearer. Saxo Markets predicts a transition to a greener economy in a post-covid world is set to be the defining feature of the upcoming third quarter

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