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ESG Focus: Plastic – Not So Fantastic But Pretty Elastic (Part 2)

Jun 20 2019

Completion of story number one in a three-part series examining the global plastics context, the regulatory and tax landscape, the consumer and the ESG situation.

ESG Focus: Plastic – Not So Fantastic But Pretty Elastic

Jun 13 2019

Part 1 in a three-part series examines the global plastics context, the regulatory and tax landscape, the consumer and the ESG situation.

ESG Focus: Global Shipping, Disrupted Disruptor

Jun 06 2019

The global shipping industry is about to be disrupted, with implications for global exports, and prices.

ESG Focus: Helping Pengana To Sell The ESG Message

May 20 2019

ESG fund manager Pengana Capital is struggling to attract investment.

ESG Focus: Central Banks Take On Climate Risk

May 08 2019

A majority of the world’s central banks have signaled their intent to ensure climate risk is properly accounted for in the financial sector.

ESG Focus: Impact investors Eyeing Off Forestry

May 03 2019

Forestry is considered a key factor in dealing with carbon emissions and, as a result, impact investors are eyeing off sustainable forestry as a key opportunity.

ESG Focus: Thermal Coal’s Tipping Point; How Fast, How Soon?

May 01 2019

The crucial tipping point for thermal coal use in the USA could come as early as 2025, new data suggest.

ESG Focus: Coal Showdown At The ESG Corral – Part Two

Apr 24 2019

Consensus is that it’s not a matter of ‘if’ for coal’s decline but ‘when’. In this second part, FNArena reviews direct impacts from regulators, court cases, new taxes and changing public opinion.

ESG Focus: Coal Showdown At The ESG Corral – Part One

Apr 15 2019

Consensus is that it’s not a matter of ‘if’ for coal’s decline but ‘when’. FNArena reviews a number of factors affecting the pace of the global transition. This is Part One.

ESG Focus: Impact Investing Emerges From The Shadows

Apr 04 2019

Two new reports aim to pull impact investing into mainstream finance acceptance.

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