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Snakes In The Grass ā€“ Are The Global Risks Scary?

Feb 15 2013

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report looks at what should keep optimistic investors cautious in the months ahead.

We May Have Avoided The Cliffs, But We Still Face High Mountains

Feb 14 2013

Leading economist Olivier Blanchard argues important progress has been made in putting the crisis behind us, but recovery continues to be hampered by the need for fiscal consolidation and a weak financial system.

The Short Report

Feb 13 2013

FNArena’s weekly update on short positions in the Australian share market.

Is This The Death Knell For The Bull Market?

Feb 11 2013

As money floods back into equities marlkets some analysts worry this almost four year old bull market may soon be at an end.

Your Editor On Twitter

Feb 08 2013

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

To Pull Back Or Not To Pull Back

Feb 08 2013

Equity markets show little sign as yet of running out of short term steam, yet the most common discussion in markets today is as to whether, when, and by how much stock indices will correct.

Australian Investorsā€™ Cash Holdings Lowest Since H1 2011

Feb 07 2013

Investors in Australia are moving cash off the sidelines, the latest Australian Investor Sentiment Survey suggests.

The Short Report

Feb 06 2013

FNArena’s weekly update on short positions in the Australian share market.

Your Editor On Twitter

Feb 01 2013

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Stocks Are Up. Great! Whatā€™s Next?

Feb 01 2013

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report debates whether Australian stocks can continue to rise in the shorter and longer terms.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle