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How To Make Money In The Stock Market Weighing Machine

Jun 13 2012

Investment U’s Alexander Green reminds investors in the share market the ultimate driver for share prices is corporate profit growth.

The Short Report

Jun 13 2012

FNArena’s weekly update on short positions in the Australian share market.

Are We Flight Animals?

Jun 13 2012

PFP Wealth Management’s Tim Price reminds us that managing risks, rather than running away, is how investors can win in tough markets.

Why Is The ASX Outperforming The Rest Of The Asian Region?

Jun 12 2012

Forex.com’s Chris Tedder asks whether Asian equities have over-reacted to the latest developments in Europe?

Top Ten Weekly Recommendation, Target Price, Earnings Forecast Changes

Jun 12 2012

Weekly update on recommendation, target price, and earnings forecast changes.

US Stocks Could Be Nearing A Big Bounce

Jun 12 2012

ATW’s Jerry Simmons looks at US stock future indices, Apple, light crude and natural gas and sees possible positive signs emerging.

Will Italy Be The Next Domino To Fall?

Jun 12 2012

FOREX.com’s Kathleen Brooks updates on the Eurozone crisis questioning whether Italy could be the next to fall in the region.

Your Editor On Twitter

Jun 08 2012

This week’s Tweets on Twitter from Your Editor.

Russell Calls New Primary Bear Trend For US Equities

Jun 06 2012

Richard Russell, of Dow Theory Letters fame, believes this is the start of a new primary bear market for US equities.

RBA Cuts Official Cash Rate By 25bp In June

Jun 05 2012

At its June meeting today, the RBA decided to lower the official cash rate by 25bp to 3.50%.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle