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The Case For Closing Down The Stock Market

Mar 24 2020

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Report advocates, in light of the forced economic shutdown, for the stock market to also be shut down.

When Will It Be Time To Buy Stocks?

Mar 17 2020

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Report debates the obvious question.

RESEARCH: Domacom Recapitalised For Growth

Mar 13 2020

Pitt Street Research suggests growth should pick up for Domacom after the arrival of cornerstone investor HALO Technologies.

SPONSORED: Creso Pharma Hires Former Canopy Growth Executives

Mar 11 2020

Creso Pharma has appointed two former Canopy Growth Corp executives to the senior management team of its wholly-owned Mernova Medical in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Stocks For The Next Ten Years

Mar 10 2020

In the context of a plunging market, Peter Switzer of the Switzer Report asks the experts which stocks are worth buying to hold for ten years.

RESEARCH: Credit Intelligence Earnings Quadrupled

Mar 06 2020

Pitt Street Research explains why Credit Intelligence stands to benefit from the coronavirus economic impact

SPONSORED: Galileo, Next Fraser Range Nickel Success Story?

Mar 04 2020

In December 2019, Legend Mining catapulted to a $200m market capitalisation after exploration drilling revealed a nickel-sulphide discovery at its Rockford Project’s Mawson Prospect in the Fraser Range nickel belt in Western Australia.

SPONSORED: Creso Pharma Brings Cannabis Products To Scandinavia

Mar 03 2020

Cannabis has a place in global economies, but it seems the companies that will survive will be the ones who have a solid product offering that benefits consumers and therefore has a positive impact for investors.

SPONSORED: MMJ Group’s Growing Portfolio Of Cannabis Assets

Mar 03 2020

There’s little doubt the cannabis sector is primed for massive growth: legalisation continues across the globe, the benefits of cannabis and hemp are receiving greater recognition, and market acceptance is improving

Two Ways To Play This Current Market Threat

Mar 03 2020

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Report outlines how he is responding to the coronavirus correction.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle