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A Peak For Gold

May 03 2011

Technical analysis by ATW’s Jerry Simmons suggests the price of gold is peaking.

Your Editor On BoardRoomRadio

Apr 30 2011

Your editor joined four other guests in Friday’s Afternoon Round Table on BRR to discuss why the share market is doing it tough, among other subjects.

QE2 Is Damaging The Economy And Reducing GDP Growth

Apr 29 2011

Dian Chu of EconMatters suggests QE2 will go down as one of the Federal Reserve’s worst monetary policy initiatives.

Silver, Copper, EUR/USD and US Equities

Apr 27 2011

ATW’s Jerry Simmons explores potential scenarios for silver, copper, EUR/USD and US equities.

The Effects Of Chinese Wage Inflation On Consumers

Apr 27 2011

Investment U’s Tony D’Altorio believes import inflation is endangering the prospects for US consumers.

A Harsh Reality – The Challenge Of Feeding A Growing Global Population

Apr 21 2011

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills suggests while the Green Revolution lifted agricultural production a growing global population continues to present challenges for feeding the world.

A Watershed Event For US

Apr 20 2011

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills suggests the US Government budget deficit and the fact it is buying its own debt will prove to be more inflationary in the future, which is a positive for gold and silver.

Waking Up In A Cold Debt

Apr 20 2011

PFP’s Tim Price discusses how investors could preserve capital in an environment of growing debt levels for both the US and the global banking sector.

Stocks Look Heavy

Apr 18 2011

Jeremy Wagner, Trading Instructor at FXCM, believes US equities have started to “look heavy”.

REPEAT Rudi’s View: A Change In Trend

Apr 18 2011

Some key developments have not gained much attention elsewhere. Investors better take note because the landscape for commodities is changing.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle