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Bernanke: 60 Minutes, 2 Big Lies

Dec 08 2010

Euro Pacific’s Michael Pento believes Ben Bernanke wasn’t fully honest when he addressed the world via CBS’s 60 Minutes program.

Ireland Is No Island

Dec 07 2010

PFP Wealth’s Tim Price and Killian Connolly point out the silly anomalies in today’s bond markets, and why Europe will remain troubled.

Europe The Unknown Factor

Dec 07 2010

As European leaders meet in Brussels to argue over what to do next, global markets watch on in trepidation.

New Timing Tools From ATW

Dec 06 2010

ATW’s Jerry Simmons will be presenting new timing tools in a live webinar on Tuesday.

REPEAT Rudi’s View: More Upside For Equities In 2011

Dec 06 2010

Market strategists have started to look into prospects for 2011 and some are predicting one Big surprise.

Gartman On US Stocks

Dec 03 2010

Dennis Gartman has joined the chorus of commentators pointing to underweight US equity funds as a positive catalyst for December.

What Does December Bring?

Dec 02 2010

Barclays Capital looks at historical trends for financial markets in December.

Mortgage Choice Survey Shows Property Is Still Popular

Dec 01 2010

A consumer survey by Mortgage Choice shows property remains a popular investment in Australia, though affordability is an issue and household spending is being more closely watched.

All This And QE2

Nov 23 2010

Opinion pages and financial blogs have been going wild with visceral criticism of Ben Bernanke, the Fed, and its latest policy ploy. Is it justified?

‘No Problem’

Nov 23 2010

Tim Price’s latest story is a must-read for investors worldwide. It most likely explains why QE2 is in place today.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle