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REPEAT Rudi’s View: Lack Of Value Hurts

Nov 01 2010

By popular request: my take on the QR National float. Plus some other stocks that suffer from similar characteristics.

Risk Markets Poised For A Correction?

Oct 28 2010

A growing number of market observers is turning uncomfortable with the one-directional trend for risk assets, but not Clifford Bennett.

Maddison’s Forecasts Revisited: What Will The World Look Like In 2030?

Oct 28 2010

On current projections, the worlds’ poor countries will account for nearly 70% of global GDP in 2030. Now that’s a different world.

Australian Investor Sentiment Improving

Oct 26 2010

ING Investment Management’s latest survey shows Australian investor sentiment is improving, though investors are yet to actually invest more in equities.

Your Editor On BoardRoomRadio

Oct 22 2010

Your editor participated in BoardRoomRadio’s Friday Afternoon Round Table today.


Oct 20 2010

PFP wealth’s Tim Price has a bit of fun with those high brow journos who claim gold is in a bubble.

Infrastructure Spending Requirements Rising In Australia and Asia

Oct 18 2010

ANZ Bank estimates Australia needs invest $600 billion in infrastructure over the next six years, while in Asia the estimate is US$13 trillion over the next decade.

REPEAT Rudi’s View: Australia, (not) The Lucky Country?

Oct 18 2010

Australians are paying for the privilege of living in the Lucky Country. The same goes for ASX-listed stocks, so investors better pay attention.

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Oct 15 2010

A growing number of market experts is preaching caution. Maybe investors should take these warnings on board?

Diamonds Amidst Rubble

Oct 12 2010

PFP Wealth’s Tim price investigates why going contrarian does pay off, and handsomely so. But what to pick right now?

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle