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REPEAT Rudi’s View: Here’s The Secret: Buy Cheaply

Oct 11 2010

Some extra guidelines behind FNArena’s service for identifying cheap and undervalued stocks. I will be traveling the country from next week to explain it all in person.

Market Focus Shifting To US Earnings

Oct 08 2010

GFT’s market analyst David Morrison suggests US corporate earnings will be key for the share market’s outlook.

Just Buy Hazlitt

Oct 06 2010

PFP Wealth’s Tim Price think’s its better to read one book by Henry Hazlitt then it is to pay attention to modern economists.

Bank Of England Next?

Oct 06 2010

Following the Bank of Japan’s surprise jump into QE2, Danske Bank argues the Bank of England will follow suit tomorrow night. With the Fed also preparing, will it all work?

Old Mother Hubbard

Oct 05 2010

Ahead of the Herd’s Rick Mills argues agricultural commodities should be on every investor’s radar.

Historical Trends For The December Quarter

Oct 05 2010

Barclays Capital explores historical fourth quarter trends for stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities.

REPEAT Rudi’s View: Fed Has Decoupled Markets And Fundamentals

Oct 04 2010

Share markets have disconnected from underlying dynamics as investors anticipate more liquidity measures from the Fed. Ultimately, of course, market fundamentals will reinstate themselves.

To QE Or Not To QE, That Is The Question

Oct 04 2010

With the next Fed meeting not until November, Wall Street is looking at a month of ongoing QE2 speculation.

October And History

Oct 02 2010

Barclays Capital notes October tends to be a positive month for equity prices and bullish for fixed interest, while the US dollar finds the going much tougher.

When Two Tribes Go To War

Oct 01 2010

The US House of Reps has emphatically passed a bill to impose tariffs on its biggest creditor, China. What does this mean for the global economy in general and the Australian economy in particular?

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle