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REPEAT Rudi’s View: Watch The New Trend In Corporate Profits

May 10 2010

Behind today’s headlines lies the real reason for why the Australian share market is finding the going tough. Investors better pay attention.

A Time for Greed

May 07 2010

FNArena welcomes Michael McCarthy, Head of Dealing, Asia Pacific at City Index as a content contributor to our service.

May Usually Good For Equities, Energy And Precious Metals

May 03 2010

Barclays Capital’s review of seasonal trends shows May tends to be a positive month for equities, energy and precious metals.

The European Experience With Large Fiscal Adjustments

Apr 30 2010

The key question for European policymakers and financial markets alike is now whether “Greece can make it”. This column argues it has been done in the past.

Greece And What We’d Like Not To Contemplate

Apr 29 2010

There are three scenarios which could now play out in the eurozone – none of them good, but rather each bad to a greater degree.

Can China Save The World By Consuming More?

Apr 28 2010

This column argues that Chinese policy has a relatively small impact on developed economies’ macroeconomic circumstances, estimating major reduction in Chinese saving would improve US employment by less than 0.25%.

Your Editor On BoardRoomRadio

Apr 23 2010

Your editor was one of three guests at today’s Friday Round Table on BoardRoomRadio.

Is Greece Different? Adjustment Difficulties In Southern Europe

Apr 22 2010

Investors should not assume other countries in Europe are battling the same problems as Greece, argue Alcidi Cinzia and Daniel Gros.

REPEAT Rudi’s View: China Data Put Commodities In Sweet Spot

Apr 19 2010

In what might be another case of the majority view is often wrong, China might not respond to this week’s data as media and experts predict.

REPEAT Rudi’s View: Up, Up, Up… Until We Drop

Apr 12 2010

Ultimately, too much of a good thing turns into a negative for financial markets. Time for a correction?

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle