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FNArena Experiencing Data Problems

Nov 03 2017

The FNArena website is experiencing problems with share prices and other data. Our apologies.

The Euphoria Phase

Nov 01 2017

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report considers the suggestion Wall Street has now entered a euphoric phase, signalling a crash is nigh.

Five Warnings About The Most Hated Bull Market In History

Oct 31 2017

Cuffelinks Graham Hand summarises research which suggests equity investors should not be complacent.

Which Shorted Stocks Might Be Good Value?

Oct 25 2017

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report looks at the list of most shorted stocks to decide which might be set for rallies now the ASX200 has broken up.

New Website: Rudi’s Public Appearances

Oct 20 2017

One of the additions we've made to the website is incorporating Rudi on TV and Rudi On Tour into the…

Power Your Portfolio: Be Contrarian

Oct 18 2017

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report argues against the recent mantra of “home for income, offshore for growth” with regard stock selection.

These Stocks Look Good

Oct 11 2017

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report lists stocks considered good value by analysts, assuming tax reform eventuates in the US.

Keep Believing

Sep 27 2017

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report suggests why we can keep believing in this bull market.

New Website: Set Dedicated Email Alerts

Sep 22 2017

Subscribers can set pre-defined email alerts for popular stories such as Rudi’s Views and All-Weather Stocks via My Alerts on the website.

Next Move Up?

Sep 19 2017

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report discusses whether it is wise to expect the next move for Australian stocks is up.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle