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Contrarian With Big Name Companies

Sep 28 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report argues the case for buying when others are selling.

What If Donald Trump Wins?

Sep 27 2016

Analysts sift through Donald Trump’s economic policies to suggest how the financial markets will react if he wins the US presidency.

Participate In FNArena’s September Investor Sentiment Survey (Final Day!)

Sep 23 2016

You are hereby invited to participate in the September Investor Sentiment Survey. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Survey closes midnight tonight.

Your Editor On Twitter

Sep 23 2016

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

The Calculations Behind Why You Have These Dividend Stocks

Sep 21 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report crunches the numbers to support his reason for owning a selection of stocks.

Your Editor On Twitter

Sep 16 2016

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Here’s What To Buy

Sep 14 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report offers portfolio advice if dividend stocks cop a beating.

Investment Sanity, Shot Through The Heart

Sep 09 2016

What if the best performing portfolio was a set-and-forget? PFP Wealth Management’s Tim Price looks at history.

Your Editor On Twitter

Sep 09 2016

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

I Don’t Care When There’s A Fed Rate Increase

Sep 07 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report argues why a Fed rate increase would provide opportunity rather than anguish.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle