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The Truth Behind Morrison’s Super Reforms

May 11 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report has extensively assessed the proposed changes to superannuation in the Budget and their impact on superannuants.

Small Is Beautiful In The Investment World

May 10 2016

PFP Wealth Management’s Tim Price argues why the bigger the fund manager, the less likely the benefits to investors.

Your Editor On Twitter

May 06 2016

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Should You Sell Or Buy?

May 04 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report highlights a week full of potential drivers as we enter the traditional selling month.

Your Editor On Twitter

Apr 22 2016

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Are Blue Chip Stocks Right For Everyone?

Apr 20 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report tackles the argument that Australia’s “blue chip” stocks have been poor investments of late.

Your Editor On Twitter

Apr 15 2016

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

What Do Driverless Cars And Investing Have In Common?

Apr 14 2016

Wealth management adviser Cuffelinks looks at why those who view investment as a science do so at the risk of ignoring unscientific human behaviour.

The Market Is Not A Problem, It’s You!

Apr 13 2016

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report espouses the benefits of sensible portfolio management.

S&P500: Bull Flag Ahead Of US Earnings Kick-Off

Apr 12 2016

Market analysts at FXCM discuss the fundamental and technical picture heading into US earnings season.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle