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Experts Are Talking A Black Swan Event – Tell Me It Ain’t So!

Oct 20 2015

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report discusses the history of October and its market implications.

Your Editor On Twitter

Oct 16 2015

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Trust The Rally – Here’s What You Should Know

Oct 15 2015

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report argues the case for the ASX200 ending the year higher.

Your Editor On Twitter

Oct 09 2015

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Confused About The Stock Market? This Is What I’m Doing

Oct 07 2015

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report explains how he is ignoring short term volatility to concentrate on a longer term strategy.

Your Editor On Twitter

Oct 02 2015

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Investor Mood Hit By Falling Prices, High Volatility

Oct 02 2015

Results from the September Australian Investors’ Sentiment Survey show sentiment has taken a blow.

I’m Not Afraid And This Is How I’m Investing

Sep 30 2015

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report makes the case for seeking value in the the share market.

Your Editor On Twitter

Sep 25 2015

This week’s Tweets on Twitter by Your Editor.

Can 2015 Still End As A Positive Year For Stocks?

Sep 23 2015

Peter Switzer of the Switzer Super Report explains why he is still playing the long game.

Analyse The Market From A Different Angle